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Looking forward to the next inevitable 8 hour version of Apocalypse Now, where Kurtz removes his Brando mask to reveal he was a Sasquatch all along.

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10 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

"on mass"

I didn't realise Bigfoot was being covered up by the Vatican.

Flick back a few pages; it's bound to be on here somewhere.

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7 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Big laugh and a joke, just like with the little green men and the flying saucers.

Thank you.

Are they related to the Bigfeets?

I thought the aliens were supposed to be tall and grey these days?

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50 minutes ago, coprolite said:

If you're going to repost stuff of the twitter can you please point out if the poster has just made stuff up? 

Much appreciated 

Considering how many times he's reposted stuff that's been thoroughly debunked, sometimes many years ago, I think we've established that Steve just copypastes whatever turns up on his rabbit hole Twitter timeline without any thought or scrutiny whatsoever.

That's surprisingly common with the "do your own research" crowd.

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I've no problem whatsoever with cannibalism, so long as we don't start specifically killing people to eat them. Our constituent parts are all going to end up passing back through the food chain anyway. I'd imagine we probably taste like pork, which most people like.

On the other hand, I'm OFTW and nobody should pay attention to my opinions on any subject, so I wouldn't go breaking out this book yet:


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33 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

So human overpopulation just means we need to cut farmed meat from our diet and eat plants & bugs instead. At least it can't get any wor-


That's why I advocate people becoming vegetarians and vegans 

I'm protecting a possible future food source... 

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3 hours ago, coprolite said:

If you're going to repost stuff of the twitter can you please point out if the poster has just made stuff up? 

Much appreciated 

I was just quoting someone in THEIR OWN WORDS.

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RAF rainmaking experiment blamed for Devon's worst ever flood disaster

On the anniversary of the Lynmouth tragedy that claimed 34 lives, we look at compelling evidence that scientists were carrying out cloud seeding experiments






Thirty-five deaths in the infamous Lynmouth flood disaster came only days after RAF rain-making experiments over southern England, it has emerged.

Ninety million tonnes of water swept down the narrow valley into Lynmouth on 15 August, 1952, destroying whole buildings.

Now, a BBC investigation has confirmed that secret experiments were causing heavy rainfall.

Classified documents on the trials have gone missing, but people involved have told their story for the BBC Radio Four's Document programme.




I am just waiting for some of the goat dancers on here to say 'they cant make it rain'

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