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13 hours ago, throbber said:

Do you really think there is a lack of emphasis on cooking, good eating and healthy lifestyles in the U.K. in 2020 though? Someone else was banging the education drum earlier but I think the information is so readily available on social media with no shortage of people willing to help others out for free when it comes to easy meals or free work outs you can follow on your phone. I find it very difficult to want to blame society when you have fully grown adults in the country who don’t know how to boil rice for themselves and can’t follow simple recipes, people have to do better for themselves and are responsible for their own health. 

There's a huge difference between middle class folk in their thirties all now trying to bake their own artisan spelt loaf and the vast swathes of people who still drop out of school at 16 thinking that Greggs and Rustlers' burgers are two of the major food groups and view vegetables as some sort of disgusting punishment. No amount of recipes on social media will alter the lack of basic skills, understanding and desire of the latter to do anything different.

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My husband is type two diabetic but not from being overweight. He developed it when he was a toddler shortly after being very ill with an infection.

He was quite taken with the idea of a keto diet for a while but when he visited his diabetes clinic he was told it likely wouldn't be any more effective than calorie counting.

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2 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Generally shite weather?

Unsure why so many folk make stuff up about the weather. The weather here is absolutely fine. Folk make out that it rains all the time, and that rain is somehow terrible. Neither are true. 

The much reduced daylight in winter is definitely a factor though, especially when so many folk work inside and don't get the chance to be outside and enjoy the daylight. They get up and it's dark out and then go and work inside somewhere for 8 hours and when they finish it's dark.

Scotland's climate is the wettest, coolest and dullest in Europe other than Iceland and the other handful of rocks even further out in the Atlantic than ourselves. It is objectively terrible.

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Re depression and diet. About 3 or 4 years ago when I was being treated for depression, anxiety and PTSD as well as therapy and drugs the “internal medicine” doc recommended using full fat butter milk and cream instead of the low fat alternatives. Apparently the fat helps the brain deal with the negative stuff.

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31 minutes ago, Raidernation said:

Re depression and diet. About 3 or 4 years ago when I was being treated for depression, anxiety and PTSD as well as therapy and drugs the “internal medicine” doc recommended using full fat butter milk and cream instead of the low fat alternatives. Apparently the fat helps the brain deal with the negative stuff.

The American healthcare system everyone.


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4 hours ago, throbber said:

Again though do you think that the problem is that there’s not enough information that these individuals have access to?  This seems to boil down to awful parenting and incredibly stupid people who aren’t willing to help themselves. I don’t even blame the food chains either - if you have a busy day at a retail park and find yourself peckish then a McDonald’s drive through is ideal sometimes but if you’re having one of them a day then It’s not their fault you are a fat pig.

If the issue of obesity is going to be tackled properly then obese people need to address why they are that way and what factors are in/out of their control. I’d imagine most would claim it was down to long working hours and commutes to jobs they sit at a desk for, eating sugary food and drink to help them get through the day and not having the energy to cook fresh meals when they get in from work. Maybe then coronavirus will actually help this with more people working from home and having an extra couple hours a day for exercise and preparing fresh foods.

If i was having a busy day at a retail park i'd be wanting something faster acting than Mcdonalds, like hemlock. 



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Again though do you think that the problem is that there’s not enough information that these individuals have access to?  This seems to boil down to awful parenting and incredibly stupid people who aren’t willing to help themselves. I don’t even blame the food chains either - if you have a busy day at a retail park and find yourself peckish then a McDonald’s drive through is ideal sometimes but if you’re having one of them a day then It’s not their fault you are a fat pig.
If the issue of obesity is going to be tackled properly then obese people need to address why they are that way and what factors are in/out of their control. I’d imagine most would claim it was down to long working hours and commutes to jobs they sit at a desk for, eating sugary food and drink to help them get through the day and not having the energy to cook fresh meals when they get in from work. Maybe then coronavirus will actually help this with more people working from home and having an extra couple hours a day for exercise and preparing fresh foods.

We have unintentionally created a unique environment in human history, where it’s easy to consume excess calories and get fat. Evolution makes humans one of the fattest primates anyway and in these circumstances it’s inevitable that we will see an obesity rise.

When people talk about educating people about food, it really comes down to families and learning by example and having eating habits that allow people to eat properly. When I was a kid we often ate three meals a day as a family, but now I have my own family it can be a struggle to get one meal in together (pre lockdown).
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7 minutes ago, ICTChris said:


We have unintentionally created a unique environment in human history, where it’s easy to consume excess calories and get fat. Evolution makes humans one of the fattest primates anyway and in these circumstances it’s inevitable that we will see an obesity rise.

When people talk about educating people about food, it really comes down to families and learning by example and having eating habits that allow people to eat properly. When I was a kid we often ate three meals a day as a family, but now I have my own family it can be a struggle to get one meal in together (pre lockdown).


The evolutionary bit is spot on. We have evolved to be able to put on fat to get through lean times. 

The modern economy means that lean times are rarer than they were. 

When the nuclear accident/ superbug/ meteor/ supervolcano Apocalypse comes, i'll have about 2 months more than skinny people and that could make all the difference. 

So really, fat people are providing a service to the evolution of humanity.


That’s why we have evolved to find fat and sugar more delicious than fibre. 

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