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13 hours ago, Ray Patterson said:

I think ALBA did the highlights for that game - hence why they had that weird 5th camera angle for the offside decision

Yes, Motherwell v Aberdeen was the Alba game, although it's still the Sportscene production team that edit the highlights and choose what should go in (Alba show the game in full).

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Think the summariser in the Celtic v Dundee match had a different way of saying Celtic's Greek striker's name each time he mentioned him.
I applaud the straight batting of your phrasing there, rather than risk a typo in his name and the certain ridicule you'd face.
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3 minutes ago, ropy said:

Stephen Thompson said Rangers conceded two poor goals, I thought they were great

Every goal Rangers concede is poor defending and not them getting ripped apart apparently. The first Motherwell goal was very pleasing on the eye.

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6 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

I like that Sportscene went back about 4 mins to find something wrong with Motherwell's equaliser

Arrived at Ibrox too early? 
Bus parked in wrong place?
Too much noise in dressing room before the game? 

Why can’t we just play fair at Ibrox and Parkhead? 

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9 hours ago, Lurkst said:

The booing in response to each Livi goal at Dens was magnificent 😁


At one point in the Sportscene highlights - there was a *really* loud one-man boo that had no relevance to what was happening in the game. It was as if the season had just caught up with one poor Dee and he couldn't take it any more :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know it’s been discussed on the Sportsound thread but Jane Lewis really isn’t a very good presenter 

If Wiki is to be believable she is apparently a freelancer, which makes me think if the BBC are hiring freelancers surely you can’t tell me there isn’t anyone better for the job

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Whether you think it was a red card or not, I'm not sure when the cut-off point would be for referees to start sending players off for red card offences. All right to boot f**k out of the opposition until the 20th minute but any time after that and you're off? 


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