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There's something very Brit-Tory about these GB rowers.

About ten years ago Dame Katherine Granger rocked up at my then employment and delivered a very witty and interesting speech.  Great athlete, great family, great sporting career and great times.  And had obviously never had to do a day's work in her life.

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18 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

A real tough seat for the Tories, apart from the frightful dalliance with Communism in the early 1900's.


Standing in Colchester isn't he? Was a Lib Dem seat for years post 1997. Will be interesting to see how it fares - surely one of those random southern towns the Lib Dems will be going all guns blazing for in the next GE given their history there. Tremendous if he gets his arse handed to him, even if it means a Lib Dems gain.

Edited by southernrover
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Looks like Braverman about to suggest that refugees aren't actually refugees any more. She really is an evil, evil c**t of a woman. 

ETA - Just seen the front pages of the papers on the BBC website, the fact that both the Express and the Mail refer to her as 'Suella' on their front pages, as if they are some sort of cheerleaders for the evil cuntress just makes it all the worse. 

Edited by 10menwent2mow
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39 minutes ago, 10menwent2mow said:

Looks like Braverman about to suggest that refugees aren't actually refugees any more. She really is an evil, evil c**t of a woman. 

ETA - Just seen the front pages of the papers on the BBC website, the fact that both the Express and the Mail refer to her as 'Suella' on their front pages, as if they are some sort of cheerleaders for the evil cuntress just makes it all the worse. 

It wouldn’t surprise me if she’s the next leader of the Conservative Party.  If that happens her lack of ability will me more obvious than now.

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Just part of the gradual push to reclassify human life that's been going on in the UK for decades. The ordinary people applauding these moves are in for a fright when they realise that it's not just dirty furriners that are considered the new untermensch.

Sue-Ellen will be safely ensconced in some tax haven before she has anything to worry about.

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Fearing discrimination for being gay or a woman should not be enough to qualify for international refugee protection, the home secretary will say.

Addressing a US think tank, Suella Braverman will question whether the application of the UN's 1951 Refugee Convention is "fit for our modern age".

She is expected to argue laws have morphed from helping those fleeing persecution to those fearing bias.


A further extract of the speech says: "Let me be clear, there are vast swathes of the world where it is extremely difficult to be gay, or to be a woman. Where individuals are being persecuted, it is right that we offer sanctuary.

"But we will not be able to sustain an asylum system if in effect, simply being gay, or a woman, and fearful of discrimination in your country of origin is sufficient to qualify for protection.

"The status quo, where people are able to travel through multiple safe countries, and even reside in safe countries for years, while they pick their preferred destination to claim asylum, is absurd and unsustainable."

Given that much of the world is signed up to the existing convention it would be a tall order for Ms Braverman to manage to drive through reforms. But, by starting the debate, she is again trying to highlight the government's determination to take a tough approach on migration.

Interesting in this day and age to see the content of the story being even dumber than the headline. 

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11 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

It's all about the post-election leadership campaign. Braverman and Badenoch will spend the next year outdoing each other in the nastiness scale as this is the path to leadership. 

Priti Patel must be absolutely boiling over at being so easily replaced.

f**k knows what Sue-Ellen's replacement will need to bring to the table. Having their own parents deported?

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27 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

It's all about the post-election leadership campaign. Braverman and Badenoch will spend the next year outdoing each other in the nastiness scale as this is the path to leadership. 

The hilarious thing is, even if they take as big a tanning at the GE as some of the polling sources are suggesting, these arseholes are so wedded to their benefactors and their own venality, and so utterly devoid of humanity, that they will inevitably lurch even further to the right and drag the replacement government along with them.

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49 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Interesting in this day and age to see the content of the story being even dumber than the headline. 

She's right, people shouldn't be able to claim asylum simply because they're fearful of discrimination. 

They also shouldn't be able to claim asylum simply because they like HP sauce and you can't get proper sausages abroad. 

Or because forin telly is rubbish. 

Nobody's saying or has ever seriously said otherwise. 

File alongside Rishi withdrawing the rules requiring seven recycling bins and compulsory car sharing. 

Next up in the Tories' dog whistle strawman campaign, Michael Gove to withdraw the ban on mentioning Christmas. 

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One of the many problems with Braverman and her type is that it discourages people from having a rational debate on the issue.

Why do people want to leave their native countries and make the long, arduous and very dangerous journey to these shores?  Is there more we can do for the inhabitants of these countries that would offer them a realistic and rewarding alternative?

But I suppose that might be a bit harder and it’s easier to vilify them instead for possible political gain.

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17 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

There's something very Brit-Tory about these GB rowers.

About ten years ago Dame Katherine Granger rocked up at my then employment and delivered a very witty and interesting speech.  Great athlete, great family, great sporting career and great times.  And had obviously never had to do a day's work in her life.

Hemin, I'm nae hayin that!

Kath Granger is a fine quine, amongst other things, she helped teach me how to row (Mr upwardly mobile lardy-dah that I am)!

She also took the time out of her schedule (when there was a queue of people lined up to talk to her) to record a motivational speech from my daughters school rowing crew!

She always stops to chat when we meet on some river-bank, and she's a paid up member of Marlow Boat Club.

And of course she spent some of her life in Netherley (nae far fae far I come fae), which is in Gods own Aberdeenshire!

Yours, friends to the stars (Olympic version)


P.S.  I hope to hell she's not a Tory!

P.P.S. I've competed in a tri-athlon (row, bike, run) v Cracknell, he's a bit aloof, but feck me can he row (4,000m in just over 13 mins)!

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24 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

One of the many problems with Braverman and her type is that it discourages people from having a rational debate on the issue.

Why do people want to leave their native countries and make the long, arduous and very dangerous journey to these shores?  Is there more we can do for the inhabitants of these countries that would offer them a realistic and rewarding alternative?

But I suppose that might be a bit harder and it’s easier to vilify them instead for possible political gain.

Thats a good point, the numbers migrating potentially will become so huge even a country with the most sympathetic and funded migration policy will struggle to deal with it. Trying to stop people coming through unregulated ways and through proper channels is good but on its own wont make any difference in terms of the system being overwhelmed.

The answer is to really start to focus on creating stability, safety and work in the countries where people feel they have no other choice but to leave. That means directing money, resources and clear plans and policy with those countries. It needs to be done at a UN, EU,UK level. 

With so many green and sustainble projects required throughout the world and in every country, any idea theres not enough work available for people is a lie. 

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

One of the many problems with Braverman and her type is that it discourages people from having a rational debate on the issue.

Why do people want to leave their native countries and make the long, arduous and very dangerous journey to these shores?  Is there more we can do for the inhabitants of these countries that would offer them a realistic and rewarding alternative?

But I suppose that might be a bit harder and it’s easier to vilify them instead for possible political gain.

Perhaps she could ask her ancestors?

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