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17 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

There's something very Brit-Tory about these GB rowers.

About ten years ago Dame Katherine Granger rocked up at my then employment and delivered a very witty and interesting speech.  Great athlete, great family, great sporting career and great times.  And had obviously never had to do a day's work in her life.

Hemin, I'm nae hayin that!

Kath Granger is a fine quine, amongst other things, she helped teach me how to row (Mr upwardly mobile lardy-dah that I am)!

She also took the time out of her schedule (when there was a queue of people lined up to talk to her) to record a motivational speech from my daughters school rowing crew!

She always stops to chat when we meet on some river-bank, and she's a paid up member of Marlow Boat Club.

And of course she spent some of her life in Netherley (nae far fae far I come fae), which is in Gods own Aberdeenshire!

Yours, friends to the stars (Olympic version)


P.S.  I hope to hell she's not a Tory!

P.P.S. I've competed in a tri-athlon (row, bike, run) v Cracknell, he's a bit aloof, but feck me can he row (4,000m in just over 13 mins)!

Edited by aDONisSheep
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24 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

One of the many problems with Braverman and her type is that it discourages people from having a rational debate on the issue.

Why do people want to leave their native countries and make the long, arduous and very dangerous journey to these shores?  Is there more we can do for the inhabitants of these countries that would offer them a realistic and rewarding alternative?

But I suppose that might be a bit harder and it’s easier to vilify them instead for possible political gain.

Thats a good point, the numbers migrating potentially will become so huge even a country with the most sympathetic and funded migration policy will struggle to deal with it. Trying to stop people coming through unregulated ways and through proper channels is good but on its own wont make any difference in terms of the system being overwhelmed.

The answer is to really start to focus on creating stability, safety and work in the countries where people feel they have no other choice but to leave. That means directing money, resources and clear plans and policy with those countries. It needs to be done at a UN, EU,UK level. 

With so many green and sustainble projects required throughout the world and in every country, any idea theres not enough work available for people is a lie. 

Edited by ScotiaNostra
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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

One of the many problems with Braverman and her type is that it discourages people from having a rational debate on the issue.

Why do people want to leave their native countries and make the long, arduous and very dangerous journey to these shores?  Is there more we can do for the inhabitants of these countries that would offer them a realistic and rewarding alternative?

But I suppose that might be a bit harder and it’s easier to vilify them instead for possible political gain.

Perhaps she could ask her ancestors?

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Dunno about you but If I was concerned about asylum seekers not fully integrating into society, I probably wouldn’t ban them from working or studying, and force them to live in a big barge (or disused army barracks or whatever) away from everyone else. Maybe that’s just me though. 

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The UK could take some decent hints from the youth of Ayr, the entire country needs set ablaze, it’s a fucking disgrace of a country. 

The further to the right, Braverman & her ilk move, the further to the right the entire political structure lurches. 

The eventual outcome will inevitably be her declaring herself unsuitable for Britishness & condemning herself to death. 

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6 hours ago, scottsdad said:

It's all about the post-election leadership campaign. Braverman and Badenoch will spend the next year outdoing each other in the nastiness scale as this is the path to leadership. 

Put money on one or both playing the "how can we be racist, look at the colour of our skin" card shortly.

Awful, awful people.

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Braverman saying that multiculturalism isn't working in Britain when she is in the cabinet, the daughter of immigrants from Mauritius and Kenya, from a household with Hindu and Christian patents (and she is a Buddhist herslef) and is married to a Jewish man all at the same time that a Hindu is Prime Minister is certainly up there in the "whatthefuck" standings.

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1 hour ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

Braverman saying that multiculturalism isn't working in Britain when she is in the cabinet, the daughter of immigrants from Mauritius and Kenya, from a household with Hindu and Christian patents (and she is a Buddhist herslef) and is married to a Jewish man all at the same time that a Hindu is Prime Minister is certainly up there in the "whatthefuck" standings.

You forgot that she is also a witch.

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2 hours ago, Leith Green said:


No surprise this has been issued just after Bravermans ludicrous speech.

The worrying thing is if a vote to exclude LGBT+ from the refugee convention is held in the UN General Assembly, it might well win. There's a reason why she announced it In Washington rather than London. 

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Sadly I see no resolution to the immigration issue, and like or not for many of the UK electorate it is an issue.

There are a number of different issues - legal migration, illegal migration including the small boats and asylum.  There is overlap but a coherent policy requires distinct issues to be addressed and IMO the politicisation is making that task more difficult.

I really don’t see an incoming Labour government having the will to break it down into its constituent parts and have a realistic yet compassionate solution.  

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"Call the US jaunt a win-win for Suella Braverman. Trying to get the rest of the world to ditch its obligations to the 1951 UN refugee convention was always a long shot, but there was the off chance that UK voters would be confused enough to imagine the home secretary was on top of the small boats chaos. More to the point, Braverman got to imitate a global player ahead of this weekend’s Conservative party conference.

No bad thing, when there might be a vacancy for a new leader within a year or so. There’s nothing the Tory right love more than someone who bounces around their own echo chamber. And here was Suella out-Kemiing Kemi. Imagining she was saying the things that cannot be said, when really all she was doing was cynically stoking a culture war. Not to mention blaming her own failures on international agreements. No matter. Braverman will say anything, do anything, to secure the Tory leadership. Though if Suella is the answer, the Tories should urgently ask themselves what exactly the question is."

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22 hours ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Dunno about you but If I was concerned about asylum seekers not fully integrating into society, I probably wouldn’t ban them from working or studying, and force them to live in a big barge (or disused army barracks or whatever) away from everyone else. Maybe that’s just me though. 

Exactly this. On the one had, bemoan the lack of integration and on the other but every possible barrier up to integration, while at the same time, attempt to make people fear them.

Interestingly, compared to England, Scotland has a far more integrated imigration population and completely correlated has a more positive attitude to imigration.

Yes, there are whole areas of say north west English towns that have little integration either way, but that is a massive failure of generations of policies.

The UK clusters various groups of peoples and then wonders why they don't integrate or others treat them with suspicion. For every Suella Braverman and Rishi Sunek who grew up in integrated societies and schooling, there are dozens/hundreds of 2nd/3rd generation immigrants who do not and whose interactions with others outside their own community is disproportionately negative.

The argument over small boat migrants isn't actually an argument over small boat migrants, it's over a very fragmented society of which, despite their ethnicities, the likes of Braverman and Sunek have absolutely no idea. To them, it might be boats, to those actually listening and agreeing with them, it is something else entirely and that is very dangerous. 

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8 minutes ago, Theyellowbox said:

Interestingly, compared to England, Scotland has a far more integrated imigration population and completely correlated has a more positive attitude the imigration.

This can't be right. Kelvin McKenzie insists that SNP Jockistan is full of no-go ghettos where white indigenous Brits dare to set foot.

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