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I'll be keeping an eye on this one.

Three young guys part of a burglary gang were being chased by gardai and died in a fireball driving into a truck on the wrong side of a dual carriageway.

Apparently the chase is meant to be called off if this happens but the garda kept going. 

Their funerals were arranged by a directors who specialise in scumbag sendoffs. The videos are something else.


The memorials that their families had left at the site have been vandalised multiple times.
































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5 hours ago, jimbaxters said:

Any update? This was utterly intriguing.

Aye. Tools still missing. Battery been 'scarred' and needed replaced and wheels slashed.

Police were contacted and they have no record of any of it being reported - I went to my Dr and got the notes sent from psych ward. 

It's now no longer a police matter.

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2 hours ago, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:


I'll be keeping an eye on this one.

Three young guys part of a burglary gang were being chased by gardai and died in a fireball driving into a truck on the wrong side of a dual carriageway.

Apparently the chase is meant to be called off if this happens but the garda kept going. 

Their funerals were arranged by a directors who specialise in scumbag sendoffs. The videos are something else.


The memorials that their families had left at the site have been vandalised multiple times.

































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Sentencing remarks in the MacLeod double murder.

Comment from one of his step daughters after his conviction for assaulting more than a decade ago


The judge should lock him up and throw away the key. He’s a psychotic person and I know he will hurt someone again when he gets out of prison.


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1 minute ago, Lofarl said:

Did these two family members just torture and kill two random blokes for the sheer hell of it?

I can't see any mention for a reason, drug debt etc.

Various places have speculated about motive. I read somewhere that the father and son would exploit vulnerable people, steal their possessions and benefit money, both victims were described as vulnerable in court. However, that doesn’t explain why they would go from doing that (if they did it) to doing something like this. There are other rumours as well, that probably can’t and shouldn’t be repeated. I think if there was a motive it would have been said in court, from the look of it the father and son just decided to brutally torture two guys to death, planned it out and did it.

The Sun quotes the note they left in the flat, written by Dean Macleod it said



What we done was evil and sadistic but I have pleaded for help for decades.

Na f--- you'z, pitty I wasn't the same man as back in the day as the targets would've been a better selection and a lot more of them for sure, they 2 were done for petty reasons really.

"I am sorry to let anyone down for being so evil but I was just tiered (sic) of being a laughing stock and door mat from pure T pots.




He claimed that he adored his father who he described as "a pure warrior of a man".

The court heard that following the murders MacLeod junior told a psychiatrist: "I've not always been a bad person. I've got closer to my dad the last few days but he is a narcissist and a sociopath." 



Father and son both tried to commit suicide after the murders with methadone but failed, obviously. 

I’m sure I posted this before but Bronco MacLeod is mentioned here, in this salacious article about Edinburgh street gangs. 


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8 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

"They also burned the letters 'YLT', 'VT' and 'YT' into their bodies with a blowtorch"

That's a bit much.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, SH Panda said:

Panorama, The Crime Bosses who Terrorised a City: www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001ysrj via @bbciplayer

Follow up to the above, an all time great Panorama on the investigation.

A lot to unpack, but as much as TV shows glamorise these individuals - agreed with the post above, they came across as total fannies in these messages. More jumped up neds than Don Carleone.

Thomas Cashman gets a brief mention, and some rival gangsters so terrified they offer to sell their house to pay back for a robbery they apparently didn't even commit - much bigger story on that one the documentary didn't go into.

Thomas Cashman even gets a mention.

Shame the brother got away, some props that no one can even get a picture of him though.

The stash house seemed to cover the wall in random nautical pictures whilst a guy chills on the couch after being attacked by a machete and an axe.

Is Thomas Cashman mentioned?

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55 minutes ago, greendot said:


Scot Buist on the left, his life's taken a turn for the worst since retiring.



Cant see the vid, but he was punting drugs round Falkirk whilst he was still playing 




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  • 2 months later...


Remember the guy who had his legs chopped off?  Hadn't realised they'd convicted the guy who did it.

Also, found the enforcers Twitter account.



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  • 1 month later...

Scotland's Tony Soprano convicted of cocaine smuggling plot.


James "The Iceman" Stevenson convicted of smuggling a tonne of cocaine in bananas shipped from Ecuador.  He was also convicted of production of Etizolam, one of the main 'street valium' drugs fuelling the drug death rise in Scotland.

Stevenson has been convicted several times for organised crime.  Got to assume that he's going to get a very long sentence for this.

In other gangster news, convicted hitman Christopher Hughes has been stabbed in prison.  The Scottish Sun suggests it was part of a prison feud - Hughes is in jail for murdering Dutch crime reporter Martin Kok and was part of a major drugs trafficking group lead by now missing Gillespie brother.

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