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Incels, and their insane world view.


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5 minutes ago, Meldrew said:

of course it is, the internet is awash with free porn, the state of some of those OF subscribers or camwhore mods is just as pathetic as these incel fuds.

One could make the argument that paying the creator of pornographic content directly is a much more ethical and less exploitative way of consuming it than by watching free porn, where the majority of the profits will not go to the people actually producing it.

I say this as someone who doesn’t subscribe to any onlyfans accounts.

FWIW, I know of zero terrorist attacks carried out because the perpetrator subscribed to an onlyfans, so I’m not really sure it’s comparable to incels.

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15 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

You're a bit weird, mate.

It may be tasteless, but he was Dutch and disabled. Just saying... ;)

9 minutes ago, Meldrew said:

the paying of course, the internet is awash with free porn, the state of some of those OF subscribers or camwhore mods is just as pathetic as these incel fuds.

i'll say one thing for these creepy incel b*****ds, they've never wasted their money buying some big titted tramp something from her amazon wishlist.

You see I'd saying paying for it is at least allowing the models to earn some cash. The arguments regarding sex work are well known so I'll not rehash them here, but it's surely better than hidden off down some dirty side street? (edit: "down some dirty side street" is not a euphemism, but it should be!)

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12 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

One could make the argument that paying the creator of pornographic content directly is a much more ethical and less exploitative way of consuming it than by watching free porn, where the majority of the profits will not go to the people actually producing it.

I say this as someone who doesn’t subscribe to any onlyfans accounts.


all i know is, she wanted to go to the other side of London, and it didnt cost her a penny.


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I've not read much about OnlyFans but the issue they have is that credit card companies will cut them off as they've not been stringent on preventing underage girls using their service.  I think in some places under 21 is considered underage.  Something similar happened with PornHub, they removed the majority of content from their site because they weren't uploaded by verified users.  There are multiple instances of videos going on Pornhub featuring underage participants or videos uploaded without their consent or videos uploaded featuring rape that weren't taken down.

Clearly whoever owns OF has just decided that it's easier to ban porn than try and moderate it.  Seems strange that it's a load of US financial services companies effectively  cracking down on pornography. 

It's a bit off topic but I do think the saturation of hardcore pornography might have an impact on inceldom.  

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10 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

It's a bit off topic but I do think the saturation of hardcore pornography might have an impact on inceldom.  

It absolutely is. The guy in the BBC article I linked to mentioned porn addiction, and it's easy to see how/why that warps guys' view of how sexual relationships work. Impeccable man and woman meet. They take off their clothes and start fucking. Rinse and repeat as the only sexual outlet/knowledge these people have.

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49 minutes ago, Ric said:

It may be tasteless, but he was Dutch and disabled. Just saying... ;)

You see I'd saying paying for it is at least allowing the models to earn some cash. The arguments regarding sex work are well known so I'll not rehash them here, but it's surely better than hidden off down some dirty side street? (edit: "down some dirty side street" is not a euphemism, but it should be!)

What is it exactly you're "just saying" about someone who died tragically young leaving behind a wife and small children? 

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Just now, SANTAN said:

What is it exactly you're "just saying" about someone who died tragically young leaving behind a wife and small children? 

I'm saying he was Dutch and disabled. Am I wrong in that assumption?

Maybe stop acting like you are outraged by something far less grievous than some of the stuff you lot chant on the terracing.

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5 hours ago, Thorongil said:

Some of the more extreme trans activist views nowadays are a bit incel-like as well. Like the ones who say you are a bigot if you won’t date (or shag) a transgender person because if you are a straight man then transgender women are women and you better be ready to shag them and if you are a straight woman transgender men are men and you better be willing to shag them etc.

How on Earth do you manage to make everything about trans people?

Seriously, you even started off a thread about a fantasy book you like by doing a bit of unrelated trans fist-shaking.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Don't know what's worse to be honest, your joke or suggesting @Santan has ever been to Ibrox far less any terracing.

I never actually made the joke, just insinuated the joke was there to be made.

Although I absolutely take on board the latter point. My bad.. :(

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2 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Lots of people here with extremely sheltered internet experiences. 

While there are lots of differing individual circumstances, I'd say anyone who does or ever has identified as an incel initially suffered from mental illness(es) of some sort and through the internet found a self-perpetuating echo chamber filled with other people like them to support and justify the way they think about themselves and the way people in the world perceive them. 

Here's an article from someone who by the sounds of it wasn't that far down the rabbit hole, but who got involved enough to be aware of it: ‘I used to be an incel’ - BBC Three

I'd guess everyone on here knew somebody at school or in their twenties who was like this - a bit weird, a bit weird looking, someone who wasn't very social. It might even have been some people here. That sort of thing can build up for people, and in addition to whatever mental issues they have they add various feelings of loneliness, insecurity and hopelessness.

Incel forums really don't offer anything other than reassurance and blame-shifting, which is effectively the easy way out for people who feel like this and doesn't offer any meaningful solution. Even if it's someone who doesn't suffer from depression or anxiety or comes from a broken home like the guy quoted here, if you feel lonely and ignored by your peers and don't have a social life, what's going to be easier to hear from strangers on the internet? That you need to be pro-active and change something to improve yourself, or that it's everyone else's fault?

As with any sort of internet subculture the concept spiralled over the years and some years ago ended up in some post-ironic hell, where what might have been a flippant "oh yeah I can't get my hole because everyone else is so shallow and pointless, it's all their fault" eventually mutates and becomes things like Chads and Staceys and the sincere belief that if you aren't over six feet two that no woman at all will ever want to talk to you. If someone smarter and with a better attention span than me went through the forums and stories I think there would be valid comparisons between people who actively grow to identify as incels and people who are radicalised into terrorism and the like.

There used to be a subreddit on Reddit called r/incels which I believe that Canadian who went on a killing spree was formed from. It got deleted a few years ago for being too hateful, but there are references to it elsewhere: 

[Serious] Former Incels of Reddit. What brought you the ideology and what took you out? : AskReddit

Ex-Incels of Reddit, What caused you to go down that path, and what helped you change? : AskReddit

There are various stories here and if you google "former incel" or similar you'll find similar. If a person goes back far enough when they're telling the story you'll start to see patterns emerge. From what I've read about the guy in Plymouth, his mum knew he had problems (but probably didn't know/realise the full extent of them) and had continually did what she could to support him. I've not seen any mention of the guy's dad in the news though, I don't know if that played a part in his life.

In terms of what can be done to try and stop this... I don't know. Maybe the older posters here who remember a life before the internet was as ubiquitous as it is now can tell us what the lonely weirdos did to stave off murder sprees. I don't know how that will help people with these problems who live in an age of 24/7 echo chambers though.



Agree with the sentiment but can't agree that all incels must have or have had a mental illness. 

Clearly they're not in a great place but there's a whole spectrum of behavioural issues and unhealthy ways of thinking that wouldn't count as mental illness. 

At least some mental health issues probably for the majority but not necessarily mental illness. 


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1 minute ago, Ric said:


"Oh, step-trans, don't shake that fist at me, not while I'm stuck like this..."

Alright, you've whooshed me. I'll take my humiliation in exchange for an explanation.

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4 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Alright, you've whooshed me. I'll take my humiliation in exchange for an explanation.

Pornhub, or whatever your flavour of "adult entertainment portal" you deem suitable, notoriously(*) has a shedload of step sister/brother/mother/etc porn which is clearly not but that's the meme. It was the combination of talking about porn, trans and the word unrelated. I went for it, I don't think it worked, but you miss every shot you don't take! Which I'm sure brings us back to incels.



* I am reliably informed, I have not experienced such lewd displays over the Internet super highway.

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4 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Agree with the sentiment but can't agree that all incels must have or have had a mental illness. 

Clearly they're not in a great place but there's a whole spectrum of behavioural issues and unhealthy ways of thinking that wouldn't count as mental illness. 

At least some mental health issues probably for the majority but not necessarily mental illness. 


tbf when I said that I was being extremely broad and ignorant. I know there's going to be different layers/examples of how different people are affected and different reasons behind it.

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1 minute ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

tbf when I said that I was being extremely broad and ignorant. I know there's going to be different layers/examples of how different people are affected and different reasons behind it.

I thought your post was the polar opposite of ignorant. 

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