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VAR in Scottish Football

VAR in Scottish Football  

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4 hours ago, Busta Nut said:

It's the poundland version we're getting for games not on telly (not v Celtic or Rangers basically) that concerns me.

It isn't like the English or Italian versions are any better. Both have missed offsides because a player was out of shot of a VAR camera. I thought the EPL at least used 5 fixed camera for offside but apparently not.

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1 hour ago, HibsFan said:

So my experience of watching Hibs vs St Johnstone is going to be fundamentally altered* because some sad, divorced f**k from Ayrshire can't accept that the beloved Rangers/Celtic he watches from his sofa don't win 100% of the time? :lol:

*"There might not even be a VAR check". Doesn't matter, now that I know a Hibs goal can be chalked out for anything up to (potentially) five minutes after the ball has hit the net, the enthusiasm has gone.


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4 hours ago, 10menwent2mow said:

Using Utd's pen they got against us on Saturday. Ok I'm biased but I think most would agree that it was very soft and almost certainly not a pen. Now if it's an inexperienced Ref in the VAR room are they really going to suggest that one of our most experienced refs has fucked it? And even if they do make that call, is Collum going to be able to turn round, put up his hands and say that he himself fucked it. 

Whereas, if Collum is the VAR then he will 100% want to be involved as often as he can and will end up reffing the game himself, particularly if it's on the Tele. 

Going by what has happened down south, that particular incident would never get overturned by VAR, because even though we all know it was soft as shite, the VAR would see there was contact and declare it 'not an obvious error'.

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1 hour ago, Frank Grimes said:

Open All Mics is going to be fucking chaos and I for one, can’t wait 


55 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

The pundits continuing ignorance of the rules should be fun


You just know that sooner rather than later an OAM pundit will fail to notice that a goal has been chopped off by VAR and will carry on as if it counted until it's pointed out by someone in the studio.

Smart money's on it being Chick Young.

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27 minutes ago, ArabFC said:

Going by what has happened down south, that particular incident would never get overturned by VAR, because even though we all know it was soft as shite, the VAR would see there was contact and declare it 'not an obvious error'.

Agreed and therein lies the problem with the whole fucking stupid thing. We get VAR and still end up with that potentially being a pen. Absolute nonsense. 

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2 hours ago, NorthBank said:

VAR will make no difference. It will still be a penalty to Rangers.

Given not all clubs have scoreboards to show that there is a VAR check in progress, can clubs show whatever graphics they want? For example, could Hibs show a shocked gif when they flash up Penalty to Rangers?

Scottish football has been too vanilla this season compared to normal, so I for one welcome this granade to bring in the chaos! 

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5 hours ago, 10menwent2mow said:

It's the pig headed nature of some of our refs that will be the issue and also the make up of the ref/var combo.

Using Utd's pen they got against us on Saturday. Ok I'm biased but I think most would agree that it was very soft and almost certainly not a pen. Now if it's an inexperienced Ref in the VAR room are they really going to suggest that one of our most experienced refs has fucked it? And even if they do make that call, is Collum going to be able to turn round, put up his hands and say that he himself fucked it. 

Whereas, if Collum is the VAR then he will 100% want to be involved as often as he can and will end up reffing the game himself, particularly if it's on the Tele. 

Pretty sure Collum or any other ref would want to know if they've fucked up no matter who the VAR is, as it'll affect their marks if they get key match incidents wrong. Especially if the VAR correctly recommends a review but the ref ignores them and gets the decision wrong, that's not going to look good.

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1 minute ago, kingjoey said:

I can't understand when the Hibs manager says that Hibs have been training with a type of VAR system. VAR being there or not doesn't impact on how a team play football. 

Not quite sure myself, but he says they used a version down south and it helped.



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If ever there was a game fraught with bad decisions it would be a Hibs vs Saints game so they’ve picked a good one to start with at least. Not that I’m looking forward to it in the slightest. 

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Im looking forward to the amount of people raging theres still wrong decisions, as theyve somehow not realised its the same officials making decisions as before.

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I can't understand when the Hibs manager says that Hibs have been training with a type of VAR system. VAR being there or not doesn't impact on how a team play football. 

I'm not sure that's really true, particularly in terms of offside. You can probably take more risks from an attacking point of view knowing that the flag isn't going to go up and if the defence get it wrong then you're not going to be victim to a bad decision. Similarly it makes it much harder to hold a high line, because you're going to have to constantly chase back and defend even when you get the offside trap right (see Scotland away to Ukraine for an obvious example).

You're also no longer going to get away with being really hands-on in the box, since attackers will be cute and will make sure any tugs or pushes are seen by the VAR officials. That might mean players having to defend a bit differently.
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Ironically, VAR breaking down for Arsenal's opener on Sunday is the way it should be implemented for offside.


The implication in that article is that if Saka had been flagged offside, the goal would have been ruled out. In other words, they deferred to the on-field decision.

If VAR can't eyeball it, go with the assistant. Or at worst, add a single line on the defender to help overcome parallax.

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