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13 minutes ago, BFTD said:
  • there are plenty of servile wretches who'd be delighted with legislation that criminalised saying mean things about their betters
  • it was inevitable that some of the same folk would try to frame the UK finally not being hammered in a daft song contest as evidence of that Brexit Bonus we've been promised for so long
  • Rachel Riley is working towards reimagining Darren Aronofsky's Pi by giving herself a power-drill lobotomy after unravelling the numbers that make up the universe and realising that all of them hate the Jews. And are Nurembergwang, probably.

FTFY David.

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Olivia, who describes herself as a simple, peaceful country woman, said: "I was wandering through the house and I paused as a dark shadow fell across the French doors.

"Then I spotted it - it was a brown, bulbous wild rat. It's flanks were heaving, in other words pregnant.

"I didn't dig it, didn't like that vibe.

"I hate all vermin. I think it's a long established fact that rats are vermin."

I'd have a few G&Ts with Olivia.

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A charity single has been released ostensibly by (of course) a WW2 veteran, worshipping cult leader Lizzie Windsor (for apparently making the sky so blue) to the tune of “Go West” - the Village People’s ode to the hoped-for gay Utopia of San Fransisco. However, a little digging suggests that the brains behind this is a serial attention seeker who’s failed in the past to have Christmas charity singles take off (again starring his motley crew of ancient charges, who presumably have no idea what the f**k is going on).

I won’t give him the clicks by linking to the YouTube video of this … thing - but here’s the story with a clip of the song and … dance? Sway? Cry for help?


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7 hours ago, Clown Job said:


f**k me, the English are mental, eh?

All of the "isnt she amazing" "she is really strong for her age" shite - its not as if her and her family dont have the best of medical care on tap.

I dont have anything really against her personally, more the system that tells me she is "better than the rest of us" which is pish.

There is only one reason that I dont want her to die - and that is because of the fuckin ludicrous disruption to our tv and radio schedules and if it happens during the season the disruption to matches.............which, based on what happened when Phil the Greek dropped off his perch, will go on for weeks and weeks.

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Full-on America. Every business and home with multiple flags, lest ye forget. Although, oddly enough, last time I was back in the Southwest, they appeared to have calmed down with that shit by quite some distance, so there's room yet for England to become the world's flag-shagging capital.

Flegs can officially get into the sea along with statues.

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1 hour ago, BFTD said:

Full-on America. Every business and home with multiple flags, lest ye forget. Although, oddly enough, last time I was back in the Southwest, they appeared to have calmed down with that shit by quite some distance, so there's room yet for England to become the world's flag-shagging capital.

Flegs can officially get into the sea along with statues.

When was that D? I cycled through the southern states in 2014 and I was quite shocked at the amount of flags on display. It had dialled down a bit after I crossed the MD, but the southern flag shagging was intense. 

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9 minutes ago, velo army said:

When was that D? I cycled through the southern states in 2014 and I was quite shocked at the amount of flags on display. It had dialled down a bit after I crossed the MD, but the southern flag shagging was intense. 

That was about five years ago, not long after Trump took over. The indoctrination is still wild, obviously, but it had turned down a notch or two since I first visited in 2000 (even before it ramped up in 2001). With the MAGA/American First stuff, I was expecting virtually everyone to be wrapped in a fleg, but the nationalism seemed more muted, and not quite as many buildings had flegs (or maybe had one where they used to have five). Perhaps most people were either wary of, or sick of it already.

Arizona might be slightly more of an outlier due to the number of people with Latin/Native American roots there. Bit tougher to whip people up into an exceptionalist fervour when they have ties to other countries or cultures.

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19 minutes ago, BFTD said:

That was about five years ago, not long after Trump took over. The indoctrination is still wild, obviously, but it had turned down a notch or two since I first visited in 2000 (even before it ramped up in 2001). With the MAGA/American First stuff, I was expecting virtually everyone to be wrapped in a fleg, but the nationalism seemed more muted, and not quite as many buildings had flegs (or maybe had one where they used to have five). Perhaps most people were either wary of, or sick of it already.

Arizona might be slightly more of an outlier due to the number of people with Latin/Native American roots there. Bit tougher to whip people up into an exceptionalist fervour when they have ties to other countries or cultures.

Aye I guess I was thinking of the South East and you did say South West. Having visited the deep south (and it's northern chum, Montana) I wasn't remotely surprised by Trump's popularity or election. The patriotism is jarring there and it almost seemed like the south were overcompensating ("no secession to see here!!") with it. Every building, every house. All main streets. Mississippi was the weirdest, given its weight of flag shagging while having the confederate flag in their state flag. 

Southern England is heading that way too, but since 2014 it should be said that there are more saltires flying in gardens than there were before. It's perhaps a different flavour of patriotism, but we shouldn't get overly complacent and kid on that a'body is just a "civic" nationalist.

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13 minutes ago, velo army said:

Southern England is heading that way too, but since 2014 it should be said that there are more saltires flying in gardens than there were before. It's perhaps a different flavour of patriotism, but we shouldn't get overly complacent and kid on that a'body is just a "civic" nationalist.

Aye, same goes for union flegs. A flegpole in somebody's garden is a decent indicator that they're to be avoided.

Well, unless they're from abroad and it's just their way of carrying a little bit of home with them. Scottish/British flegs are only acceptable if you have a degenerative brain condition and need constant reminders of where you live.

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3 hours ago, BFTD said:

Full-on America. Every business and home with multiple flags, lest ye forget. Although, oddly enough, last time I was back in the Southwest, they appeared to have calmed down with that shit by quite some distance, so there's room yet for England to become the world's flag-shagging capital.

Flegs can officially get into the sea along with statues.

As long as they do it safely.


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