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34 minutes ago, stevieKTID said:

Krijg de means "get the" I think you can work out the rest.

It's a broad church when it comes to insults over here.

On the flip side I've been called pannenkoek which means pancake.

I remember a mate who had worked abroad telling me Dutch hate being misidentified as German.

He demonstrated this by hanging over the barrier at old Broomfield screaming obscenities prefixed by "Dirty German" at Luc Nijholt. To be fair to him Nijholt did seem annoyed.

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10 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I remember a mate who had worked abroad telling me Dutch hate being misidentified as German.

He demonstrated this by hanging over the barrier at old Broomfield screaming obscenities prefixed by "Dirty German" at Luc Nijholt. To be fair to him Nijholt did seem annoyed.

Screaming obscenities at Old Broomfield? I'm shocked at this revelation

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2 hours ago, velo army said:

Aye Faither Army isn't a swearer at all, and as such I almost never swear around him. I dont enjoy going to the football with him for this reason 😊

Paw Connolly isn't a big swearer, but had the ability when necessary.

The first time I hear him swear in front of my mum was when McFadden scored in Paris, and he screamed "Oh ya fucking beauty!" at the top of his voice. That was also the last time I heard him swear in front of her, to date anyway.

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The Poles are great swearers in terms of quantity, but they've got a pretty limited repertoire which basically consists of the word kurwa used almost obsessively - it literally means "whore" but does multiple duty as an equivalent for f**k, c**t, arsehole and probably a few others.

I remember making a kurwa of myself one night in Warsaw...my friends had decided to do something cultural during the day while I'd plumped for going to watch Legia v Gornik Zabrze in the league. We'd gone to a fairly upmarket restaurant that night and I was asked what the game had been like:

"Standard was pretty shite...the taxi driver had warned me against going into the nutty end, but the bit I was in was still quite intense....10,000 punters shouting "KURWA!" every five seconds..."

Place went silent. I imagine it would be the same in the Ubiquitous Chip though if a foreigner randomly shouted "c**t!" at the top of their voice while conversing in their own language...



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thread reminded me - i mind years ago having sportscene on for scottish cup highlights on bbc one, and it got to Queen of the South vs. a junior side (cant mind who, might've been Deveronvale). QotS had a corner shown on the highlights and I vividly mind you could hear what I assume was the Deveronvale manager at the corner, clear as day, shouting along the lines of


burst out laughing, always assumed whoever did the highlights barely paid any attention to the audio mix and phoned it in hoping no-one would care enough to complain by that point in the programme.

Also a St Mirren - Rangers game years ago that tickled me on TV; near enough every single goal kick for Rangers you could hear a fan screaming full throated at Allan McGregor "BEAST. SEX OFFENDER. YOU DIRTY FUCKIN' BEAST." "STAY AWAY FROM THE FUCKIN' ROHYPNOL, YA DICK". and generally calling him a deviant in various entertainingly sweary ways.

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8 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

Parents shouting obscenities at their 13 year old son playing football riles me somewhat.

I used to referee kids football, and shit like that was a big reason why I stopped. Some of the behaviour from parents was absolutely horrendous.

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I used to referee kids football, and shit like that was a big reason why I stopped. Some of the behaviour from parents was absolutely horrendous.
And the mothers are by far the worst, absolute savages.
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I used to referee kids football, and shit like that was a big reason why I stopped. Some of the behaviour from parents was absolutely horrendous.
The weather was absolutely horrendous today for their game at 10, they were already soaked through before kick off but gave it 100% whilst the parents had the benefit of covered terracing, this guy thinks its fine to name and shame his kid with an obscenity or two at full on volume.

I'm told someone in the opposition parents last week came up to him and told him to stop it. Hopefully the club will have a word as well as its not for me to tell him what he can and can't say but hopefully the club can and I'm sure the parents have to sign up to some policy to stop this kind of thing.
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19 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

The weather was absolutely horrendous today for their game at 10, they were already soaked through before kick off but gave it 100% whilst the parents had the benefit of covered terracing, this guy thinks its fine to name and shame his kid with an obscenity or two at full on volume.

I'm told someone in the opposition parents last week came up to him and told him to stop it. Hopefully the club will have a word as well as its not for me to tell him what he can and can't say but hopefully the club can and I'm sure the parents have to sign up to some policy to stop this kind of thing.

 Get him tell't. 

It is up to you. This is why we still have homophobes and racists giving it large today. Because nobody challenges them. 

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