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God Save The Queen


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34 minutes ago, Scott Steiner said:

Aye man, buying the tops and flags must have taken years.

Hell of an effort to make a bigoted, scummy support look, well, bigoted and scummy.

Probably those pesky Chelsea fans again eh?

Eta - "no one knows them or has seen them at games before, lol, come on man, that's some mental gymnastics right there 😂

Edited by HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows
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13 minutes ago, HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows said:

Hell of an effort to make a bigoted, scummy support look, well, bigoted and scummy.

Probably those pesky Chelsea fans again eh?

Eta - "no one knows them or has seen them at games before, lol, come on man, that's some mental gymnastics right there 😂

Think you need a lie down mate.  You seem rather angry.

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3 hours ago, throbber said:

I quite like the Queen particularly given how long she’s been in her position for and how much the world has changed in her time on the throne. Feel very little fondness for any other royal and would love to see Andrew jailed for being a nonce and I loved the seethe created by Harry and Meghan for leaving their royal duties. Don’t really like the idea of having a royal family but don’t see the point in getting rid of them either and don’t think scrapping them would achieve anything positive, I don’t even think the British public would be close to voting them out if a referendum were to take place anyway.

I’m a bigger fence sitter than bairnardo.

The only one I'd want to have a pint with is Princess Anne, think she'd be a laugh, full of filthy jokes and bitchy gossip.

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ah the old raging/seething response beloved of many on here when someone has the audacity to simply respond to a post. The tone of the post is largely the same as mine but the position is contrary and therefore the poster must be angry. 


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As a conservative unionist I’m not particularly keen on royalty but I do have some affection for the current encumbant, if only for the fact she’s been around for so long.

I would be quite happy for the role to be downgraded which I think is in line with most peoples feelings.

Nothing revolutionary but just slowly and evolutionary 

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5 hours ago, HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows said:

Hell of a long game buying rangers tops, England tops, and massive fuckoff flags just to make rangers fans look thick as fucking mince.

They manage to do it quite easily all by themselves. 

They even managed to get the Saltcoats Loyal flag into a picture illustrating a news story 5 years later. That's dedication.


Yousaf vows 'serious measures' to tackle football shame - BBC News

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9 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Well done, Queenie, and of course the lovely Priti Patel for now looking to examine the law on crossbow ownership.


Shame previous intruders killing people in their own house didn't push along  the supposed reviews into crossbows. 


Edited by Soapy FFC
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3 minutes ago, Soapy FFC said:

Shame previous intruders killing people in their own house didn't push along  the supposed reviews into crossbows. 


Don't be silly, Soapy..

Who cares about them? They're about as important as all those who get drowned trying to cross the channel.

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10 minutes ago, Soapy FFC said:

Shame previous intruders killing people in their own house didn't push along  the supposed reviews into crossbows. 



That pretty well sums it up.


The Home Office responded saying it had no plans to legislate further.


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On 25/12/2021 at 22:15, Lex said:


What a woman, she truly transcends politics and time. What a speech today. I would have hoped that brought a wee tear to even the most joyless of the hard nosed republicans.

We will lose her soon, and what a loss she will be. Let’s celebrate her twilight years.

Post your messages of tribute to our head of state on here.

Long to reign over us.



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9 hours ago, HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows said:

Oh aye, I'm seething.

Ask yourself this, why did none of the other few thousand rangers fans that walked past these mutants pull them up for their actions? 

Think you need a lie down, or maybe a wee break from this site, it's clearly getting to you pal.

Because it would be weird to interrupt an interview.  It's not the done thing.  Plus, hardly any of them would have even noticed.. certainly not thousands :D

Did you have a lie down as I suggested?

Edited by Scott Steiner
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11 hours ago, throbber said:

I quite like the Queen particularly given how long she’s been in her position for and how much the world has changed in her time on the throne. Feel very little fondness for any other royal and would love to see Andrew jailed for being a nonce and I loved the seethe created by Harry and Meghan for leaving their royal duties. Don’t really like the idea of having a royal family but don’t see the point in getting rid of them either and don’t think scrapping them would achieve anything positive, I don’t even think the British public would be close to voting them out if a referendum were to take place anyway.

I’m a bigger fence sitter than bairnardo.

A sensible post in amongst all the madness.

Agreed 100% about Andrew.

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7 hours ago, KingRocketman II said:

ah the old raging/seething response beloved of many on here when someone has the audacity to simply respond to a post. The tone of the post is largely the same as mine but the position is contrary and therefore the poster must be angry. 


It'll be interesting to see how @HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows responds to this one.

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