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The Gender Debate


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On 30/07/2022 at 14:25, oaksoft said:

Honestly, I don't know why you guys don't just say "you know what Oaky? I have no idea what a woman or a man is, now that we're not allowed to take biology into account".

All this wittering pish about transphobia is just as ridiculous a distraction from your own total ignorance as @welshbairn's suggestions that we "don't ask awkward questions" and that "a woman is a woman".

Outside the politics forum it's rare and fascinating to see people tie themselves up in so many knots of their own making. 😂

Please, if you change gender, will you take the name Annie?

just so we can all ask…. Annie are you Oaky are you Oaky Annie, Annie are you Oaky are you Oaky Annie!


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Just worth mentioning, for those unaware of the nuances of the FK postcode but, Dawson Park was a school in the Falkirk area for handicapped children and ones with special needs, it was often used as a (poor taste) jibe to people growing up who 'weren't the brightest/not the full shilling' back in the day, in retrospect symptomatic of humour in the 80's and 90's where stuff like that was deemed acceptable banter.

Reading this guys posts on here one can understand his username choice and how he must think it's hilarious. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
Whatever the topic or industry, it's a depressing reflection of where we have allowed public discourse to get to, and who we have allowed to become meaningful voices, that when it comes to any kind of appointment to any role, the issue of who or what that person is takes precedence over their competence.
This is completely stupid and we are going backwards. Anyone who thinks it is necessary for the holder of that role to be a woman needs to stop and have a long think about where they get their ideas from. It is ridiculous. It's quite worrying how many seemingly-sensible people are up in arms about this.
We had a similar fuss a while back in my office. We have a 'Coordinator' for the issue of ease of working here for disabled people. There are several people with disabilities who work here, but the guy who holds the role, and has done for some time, has no disability that anyone knows about. However, he is qualified, knowledgeable, and cares deeply about the role being done well. It was raised by a couple of staff that it would be 'more appropriate' if one of the disabled staff had his role. Fucking ludicrous, and happily the management went out of their way to point out that this role, like all roles in the company, would be awarded based on competence.
Personally, I blame social media in the main for situations like this. Bad or overly simplistic ideas can be made to sound sensible and then spread like wildfire, with accompanying baying mobs to shout down anyone who tries to object.
It's extremely frustrating to see situations like this. If a job is important, then you want the best person to do that job. Regardless of whether they are old or young or a man or a woman or whatever.

It would appear the bad guys have won.

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30 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Thank God, common sense has prevailed.

The job itself was complete nonsense, but the appointment of a man was even loonier.

This is the sort of crap that a NS government dreams up.

Why shouldn't he have had this post? If he was the best person, what does it matter?

As has been said elsewhere, there are women in positions of leadership in roles relating to male cancers, for example. Should they all be sacked too?

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2 hours ago, scottsdad said:

Why shouldn't he have had this post? If he was the best person, what does it matter?

As has been said elsewhere, there are women in positions of leadership in roles relating to male cancers, for example. Should they all be sacked too?

My main point was that the post itself was nonsense.


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3 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Thank God, common sense has prevailed.

The job itself was complete nonsense, but the appointment of a man was even loonier.

This is the sort of crap that a NS government dreams up.

Except the position was funded by Dundee and Angus College, Perth College, Angus Council and Dundee City Council and hee haw to do with the Scottish Government. 

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1 hour ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Do you know anything about the post to come to this conclusion?

He's already posted that women, or anyone, shouldn't be getting period products, or anything, subsidised by the state.

Although, as ever, the answer is "ME ME ME LOOK AT ME THIS WILL TRIGGER THE LIBS TEE HEE!"

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5 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Thank God, common sense has prevailed.

The job itself was complete nonsense, but the appointment of a man was even loonier.

This is the sort of crap that a NS government dreams up.

With you on appointing a man who presumably was expected to go into schools and talk about menstruation issues with female teenagers. Daft.

1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

My main point was that the post itself was nonsense.


Back to normal, you're daft, though no doubt your wife agrees with you 100%.

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4 hours ago, welshbairn said:

With you on appointing a man who presumably was expected to go into schools and talk about menstruation issues with female teenagers. Daft.

Back to normal, you're daft, though no doubt your wife agrees with you 100%.

That's the thing, there has been a lot of presuming going on.

As I understand the post was one of a team leader.

The mob, as seems to be the wretched norm, the mob has won.


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