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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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13 minutes ago, Father Ted said:

I heard on radio this morning, that we aren't as exposed as other European nations if this goes ahead, as UK gets most of its gas and oil from North Sea and Norway.


Not as directly exposed but presumably Germany will be after this gas now? 

It will be mostly on long term contracts but they'll be rolling and there will be agreements expiring all the time. 

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12 minutes ago, beefybake said:

Perhaps not.

Lots of the security people are however multi millionnaires. Just another part of the kleptocracy.

When the gas and oil money taps are turned off, that's when people who have nothing, and are hurting the most

at a most basic level..., start looking at who's still floating around in the big BM's. 

None of that has worked in Syria, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua. It didn't work in China or the USSR when it was tried. 

Elites in all nations have cohesive ideology beyond their bank balances. And being one of the most powerful and richest men in Russia is winning the life lottery regardless of what sanctions are in place. 

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2 minutes ago, ICTChris said:


Several of these hoaxes (obvious ones as well) were shared by the Iranian / Lebanese journalist a few people had mentioned in here a few days ago. Worth bearing in mind when considering how seriously to take people.

Joe Rogan believing that Steven Seagal is fighting just sums the c**t right up. 

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You have to question the state of UK politics when the likes of Johnson, Patel and Truss are the PM, Home Secretary and Foreign Secretary. It’s embarrassing that these people are representing us on the world stage.
There's no doubt that the bluster, bullshit and sophistry that pours out of WM isn't lost on the leaders of other states, they aren't fools.
Unfortunately, Johnson & Co know that a serious % of UK electorate are.
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3 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Not as directly exposed but presumably Germany will be after this gas now? 

It will be mostly on long term contracts but they'll be rolling and there will be agreements expiring all the time. 

Price controls have to come up for discussion. 

We are basically at war without the fighting at the moment. Profiteering should not be allowed. 

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18 minutes ago, Father Ted said:

I heard on radio this morning, that we aren't as exposed as other European nations if this goes ahead, as UK gets most of its gas and oil from North Sea and Norway.

That's about the size of it. We are first in line on the North Sea and last in line where Russian gas is concerned. Worst place to be right now is in the middle but LNG terminals have changed the dynamic considerably from what it would have been like 20 years ago and the Dutch have the capacity to be a game changer with the huge Groningen gas field that they basically mothballed.

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12 minutes ago, ICTChris said:


Several of these hoaxes (obvious ones as well) were shared by the Iranian / Lebanese journalist a few people had mentioned in here a few days ago. Worth bearing in mind when considering how seriously to take people.

I'm sure Steve will be along soon with another ten fresh ones.

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How does everyone feel about playing Ukraine in the middle of the war? Strikes me we have a chance to actually show the world Scotland stands with Ukraine when Westminster is degrading the whole nation with its refugee policy 

we’ve started a crowd funder to try and get tartan army fans to contribute to ukraine’s defence… anyone up for trying to spread the word? 



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1 minute ago, Detournement said:

Price controls have to come up for discussion. 

We are basically at war without the fighting at the moment. Profiteering should not be allowed. 

I'm confident that our current government has the unimpeachable moral fibre and sense of ethics required to look out for our interests here and not take the opportunity to enrich themselves and their mates. 

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5 minutes ago, Michael Catania said:

How does everyone feel about playing Ukraine in the middle of the war? Strikes me we have a chance to actually show the world Scotland stands with Ukraine when Westminster is degrading the whole nation with its refugee policy 

we’ve started a crowd funder to try and get tartan army fans to contribute to ukraine’s defence… anyone up for trying to spread the word? 



I'm not sure I want to send ammunition and artillery range finding software into a warzone myself. Ain't no Ivan ever called me a Jock.

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14 minutes ago, coprolite said:

I'm confident that our current government has the unimpeachable moral fibre and sense of ethics required to look out for our interests here and not take the opportunity to enrich themselves and their mates. 

it would not surprise me in the slightest if every Russian oligarch currently resident in London has an SAS detail protecting them and their retinue around the clock at the UK taxpayer's expense.

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46 minutes ago, Father Ted said:

I heard on radio this morning, that we aren't as exposed as other European nations if this goes ahead, as UK gets most of its gas and oil from North Sea and Norway.

Can this guy still get the deal he mentioned on Question Time?





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29 minutes ago, Michael Catania said:

How does everyone feel about playing Ukraine in the middle of the war? Strikes me we have a chance to actually show the world Scotland stands with Ukraine when Westminster is degrading the whole nation with its refugee policy 

we’ve started a crowd funder to try and get tartan army fans to contribute to ukraine’s defence… anyone up for trying to spread the word? 



With our strikers I’m sure their defence doesn’t need any help…

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9 minutes ago, tarapoa said:

Can this guy still get the deal he mentioned on Question Time?





I nearly gave you a dislike for reminding me of the existence of this c*nt and others like him.

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"At the time it was reported that Poland had taken 800,000 refugees, the UK had accepted a mere 50. Which, to put things into perspective, is half the number of people you’d invite to a Downing Street bring-your-own-bottle party in the middle of a lockdown. Outraged by this dated inaccuracy, the Home Office yesterday corrected the record to show that a whole 300 visas had now been granted to fleeing Ukrainians. Which is three BYOB guestlists, and a mere 2.7% of the number of refugees who arrived in Berlin last Friday alone."


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There is a right wing feeling that refugees don't need to come here; they just need to get to the nearest safe place from where they were. So, if they get to Poland, say, then that's it. Job done. Made it to safety. 

And if they are in Poland and want to keep going, there are loads of countries between there and the UK they can stay.

This is the thinking that this government is appeasing and supporting. 

300 visas, FFS. 

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