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The folk that are the real grasses are the curtain twitching weirdos desperate to catch anyone doing anything so they can shout about it on social media.

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5 minutes ago, Empty It said:

The folk that are the real grasses are the curtain twitching weirdos desperate to catch anyone doing anything so they can shout about it on social media.

There was someone on "Fife Jammers" videoing a gentleman getting some fellatio, I'm hoping they get done for revenge porn. Anyone who's first instinct to start videoing something they have no business being a part of is a wrongun.

If they had been upset by it they could have called the polis to sort it out.

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There was someone on "Fife Jammers" videoing a gentleman getting some fellatio, I'm hoping they get done for revenge porn. Anyone who's first instinct to start videoing something they have no business being a part of is a wrongun.
If they had been upset by it they could have called the polis to sort it out.
Imagine your first response being to film that instead of a harmless wolf whistle and laughing at the inevitable embarrassment from both.
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1 hour ago, 101 said:

There was someone on "Fife Jammers" videoing a gentleman getting some fellatio, I'm hoping they get done for revenge porn. Anyone who's first instinct to start videoing something they have no business being a part of is a wrongun.

If they had been upset by it they could have called the polis to sort it out.

Quite right. What two people do in their own house while I'm in their wardrobe is nobody else's business.

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Going back about 15 years I was in Campus on Sauchiehall Street. Place was packed, and some daft arse on the dance floor does a “Begbie” with a half drunk plastic pint glass, just throws it over his head, thinking he was funny. Skelped some boy not far from where we were square on the napper and soaked him in the process, along with his missus. I had no qualms in pointing to the tosser, and took immense delight in watching his smiling, laughing puss turn into a picture of perfect fear when the boy who got hit walked over to him. c**t realised immediately he had been caught in the act and absolutely fucking shat himself.

And no c**t slashed me.

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49 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

Domestic abusers and drink drivers get grassed. 

Anybody else you either pull up yourself or STFU. 

If I overheard people talking about blowing something up I'd probably follow the cowardly route and phone it in. Or if I heard who had burgled a mate's house I'd tell him first, then corroborate it with the police. Come to think of it there's loads of things I'd grass on. 

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There are a whole host of things which could, and should be grassed - drink driving, thieving, and noncery being just a few. Depending on the type and severity of the crime it's entirely personal choice which level of grassing you go to, whether it's straight to the polis, or telling the wronged party what you know and leaving the retribution up to them.

Like @Ross. above, there was a begbie style incident years ago in which we'd went for a drink after the football and this clown who had latched onto our group launched an actual glass pint tumbler. I don't think it had even landed on the other side before one of the boys had cracked him for his w**k behaviour. Pointed him out and got him launched straight out the door. Completely merited.

Telling tales and snitching on folk for daft shit at work and such, however, isn't cool. As others have said, deal with that nonsense yourself and just the threat of grassing these sorts if they do it again is usually more than enough to knock it on the head.

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Am I likely to be on the receiving end of a good shoeing as a result, if the answer is yes then I’m keeping my mouth shut.
That said, it would probably have to be something very serious for me to ever make a statement to the police.  There might be the odd decent one nowadays, but the majority are jumped up arseholes who I wouldn’t trust an inch. 

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22 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:

Am I likely to be on the receiving end of a good shoeing as a result, if the answer is yes then I’m keeping my mouth shut.
That said, it would probably have to be something very serious for me to ever make a statement to the police.  There might be the odd decent one nowadays, but the majority are jumped up arseholes who I wouldn’t trust an inch. 

Yeah, theres a hold point there to consider what trouble (not just a shoeing) you might be inviting to your own door 

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Someone in Scotland (not me) had something nicked that was then used in a serious crime. Some police came and took a statement. Then some more police came and took another statement and told the person they were concerned for their welfare as they essentially suspected their colleagues to be feeding witness information back to the very stabby/shooty criminals.  

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I dont understand this ‘Am no a grass stuff’. Ive been at houses where someone’s had their loved one stabbed, looking like they’ll die etc and the people know exactly what’s happened but somehow think ‘bein a grass’ is the worst thing about it. Its beyond comprehension. I get that people cant be bothered being a witness to a petty crime, f**k even i’d struggle to see the trade off with some things. But there’s a few that I dont think people see the bigger picture of. 

Domestic abuse is a b*****d, there’s absolutely no shame in phoning the police if you think your neighbour is doing stuff to their partner etc. 

If you see someone carrying a knife and think ‘im no a grass im no phoning the polis’ then think if that person goes and stabs someone you care about because they hadn’t been caught then I hope ‘im no a grass’ is good enough to get you through. 

I cant abide racism and homophobia etc, so forgive me if i’d challenge that. 

Drink drivers, ive chapped peoples doors to tell them that a loved one has been killed by a drink driver, absolutely screw anyone who ignores this or does it, scum of the earth, happily report that. 

The guy grassing the fly tippers, fly tipping costs a fortune to clean up, which is paid up at tax payers expense, meaning it contributes to council tax increases, so again I suppose if you’re happy to pay for other people to commit crimes and again make yer local area look shit then fair enough. 

Drug dealing, i get that there are people who are liberal in their approach to drugs on here, in fact my own opinion is for regulation and proper control of drugs with some being legalised. But in the interim, someone’s neighbour starts punting, why shouldnt they want rid of them? Got the fact street valium is causing record numbers of deaths, cannabis cultivations are usually wired terribly causing pretty bad fire risks, consider that these are often in flats then it has the potential to cause harm. 

I’ll just not get my head around why letting arseholes away with serious crime is somehow ok because standing up to it is apparently worse. 

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