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Completed your census form?

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2 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I read on the Beeb that about 700,000 households have not completed their census forms, about 25% of the total.  The deadline is 1 May. 

Any P&B-ers not done it yet? Is there some sort of "anti-state" boycott going on, is it lethargy, or will it be a last minute thing? 

(Or were folk so off their tits that they have no idea who was in their gaff at midnight on 20 March? 🤔

I filled mine in. I’m a divorced, transgender, Buddhist from the travelling community with mental issues. I served in the forces but now run my own business selling gimp suits. Hopefully they sort me out with appropriate facilities.

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1 hour ago, Leith Green said:

Its pretty simple, but I imagine its just lethargy.

Seems unlikely the govt will be sending the boys round to collect the £1000 from refusniks.

It’s definitely an exercise that will cost them £2000 to collect every £1000. 

Maybe people are ignoring it as they don’t wish to engage with the government.

Maybe it should be setting alarm bells off, as it’s an indicator of how many people in Scotland are living chaotic lives (drugs, drink, mental health, poverty, other issues) where they can’t engage with stuff like this.

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I haven’t done it. I was going to do it but then lost the letter that has your unique code thing. Tried to do it online but couldn’t manage. Apparently you can be fined £1k for not doing it?
You can get a code sent to your email for your address, no verification required so you could fill in everyone else's as well if you so desired. Seems very insecure to me.
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Think this Scottish one just comes across as a 'nice-to-have' tinpot addition to the main UK one, with nothing on TV about it (other than the recent few days).

Perhaps it's because it coincides with the local council elections which most folk don't seem to ever bother with.

Did mine online, but only after a postal reminder when I was at a loose end.  I know somebody who just threw his straight in the bin when I was around at his at the time.  "F**k 'em", I think he said.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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1 hour ago, deegee said:

I haven’t returned mine.
Received a reminder letter which was promptly binned. I’m at personal liberty to decide the government doesn’t need to know my (fairly mundane) personal business and certainly the last two years of seeing all governments get drunk on the opportunity to be authoritarian has left me cold on the notion of offering anything willingly to the bureaucrats. 


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2 hours ago, Albus Bulbasaur said:

Any memes within the past 3 decades that I might understand? 

Last form I remember my dad being an utter da filled out that our religion was "jedis" so perhaps I've been conditioned to not treat it very seriously. 

Your da was onto something:

Jedis never really die and come back as "Force Ghosts". 

You're a Rangers supporter..... 

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Would atheists putting the likes of Jedi on their form lead to the government over-counting the number of religious folk around the country, therefore underestimating those who genuinely have 'no religion'.

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16 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

All the folk who don’t fill in their forms should be sent to Rwanda or Greenock.

Don't really mind where they're sent as long as they don't want to use public services, given that one of the purposes of the census is to help plan them. 

One theory I heard was that some folk might be reluctant to fill in the form because they are claiming single person discount on their Council Tax and don't want to get caught out. As I understand it, to use the data for that purpose would be against the law. 

Anyway, I'm sure that none of our fine, upstanding P&B-ers would be claiming things they shouldn't. 

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46 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Don't really mind where they're sent as long as they don't want to use public services, given that one of the purposes of the census is to help plan them. 

One theory I heard was that some folk might be reluctant to fill in the form because they are claiming single person discount on their Council Tax and don't want to get caught out. As I understand it, to use the data for that purpose would be against the law. 

Anyway, I'm sure that none of our fine, upstanding P&B-ers would be claiming things they shouldn't. 

Are you thinking that without a census form the government can’t provide decent public services? Is that their current excuse?

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2 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

Are you thinking that without a census form the government can’t provide decent public services? Is that their current excuse?

I think any fair-minded look at what I said would not support your opinion of it. 

Basic things like population numbers by area and associated data is a fair thing to collect.  Suspicious opposition to the census seems a bit weird to me, especially since one has been carried out roughly every 10 years since 1801.

Some folk would start a fight in an empty house. 

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4 minutes ago, paranoid android said:

Did mine online during the 2nd half of last week's semi final.

The sent me 3 letters, and I'd forgotten about the first 2. 

Is there not the threat of a fine for folk that don't do it? Have I made that up?

I'm not sure how determined they might be in enforcing it, but a fine of up to £1000 is possible.

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31 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

Are you thinking that without a census form the government can’t provide decent public services? Is that their current excuse?

They help to understand age demographics and indeed populations in certain areas which can determine things like investment in schools.

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