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The Queen of the South thread

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They'll be safe enough provided many posters to this site are on the jury. Calum Antell will get the blame even if he wasn't involved.

If McIntyre was judge McGuffie and Lyle would get compensation for wrongful arrest. I`d worry for Russell though, would probably be sent to jail 60 minutes into the trial.

Edited by Distant Doonhamer
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They'll be safe enough provided many posters to this site are on the jury. Calum Antell will get the blame even if he wasn't involved.

You're being silly here mate. Of course other players have been at fault. The fact is though that Antell has been directly at fault for several goals when his sole responsibility is to prevent them. It culminated in yesterday's absolutely astonishing blunder.

I've said already that I feel badly for the guy, but to pretend that his performances have been anything other than awful, or that he's emerging unfairly as a scapegoat is simply to deny reality.

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Looks like the manager blamed Kev dz for the goal v Falkirk he dropped him yesterday!

I think thats a pretty big conclusion to jump to. Far more likely, he thought Young and McShane were a better pairing, one of the three had to miss out to play 4-4-2

They'll be safe enough provided many posters to this site are on the jury. Calum Antell will get the blame even if he wasn't involved.

Really? So what, exactly, has Antell been blamed for that wasnt his fault?

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You're being silly here mate. Of course other players have been at fault. The fact is though that Antell has been directly at fault for several goals when his sole responsibility is to prevent them. It culminated in yesterday's absolutely astonishing blunder.

I've said already that I feel badly for the guy, but to pretend that his performances have been anything other than awful, or that he's emerging unfairly as a scapegoat is simply to deny reality.

I don't want to be accused of trying to defend the indefensible and can work out for myself that he has lost some very poor goals which has cost us points, or cup games. It could be argued however that he has saved us points on some occasions or made saves that have helped us progress in earlier cup rounds. Against Cowdenbeath yesterday he lost probably the worst kind of goal any keeper can give away, no excuses, but in the dying minutes of the game , in my view, he made a couple of good blocks to deny goals when the defence was dithering about.

Give criticism where it is deserved but don't forget the positives, however few of them you may think there are. One player alone is not responsible for the current league position of the club .

Just read "Broony 88'"s latest post. A very constructive and articulate contribution. The club must be proud to have you as a supporter. (Sarcasm, don't you just love it)

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I don't want to be accused of trying to defend the indefensible and can work out for myself that he has lost some very poor goals which has cost us points, or cup games. It could be argued however that he has saved us points on some occasions or made saves that have helped us progress in earlier cup rounds. Against Cowdenbeath yesterday he lost probably the worst kind of goal any keeper can give away, no excuses, but in the dying minutes of the game , in my view, he made a couple of good blocks to deny goals when the defence was dithering about.

Give criticism where it is deserved but don't forget the positives, however few of them you may think there are. One player alone is not responsible for the current league position of the club .

Just read "Broony 88'"s latest post. A very constructive and articulate contribution. The club must be proud to have you as a supporter. (Sarcasm, don't you just love it)

I don't think anyone is saying that Antell alone is responsible for our current league position. And yes, he's made some good saves. As you concede however, he's made lots of bad mistakes, none worse than his latest one.

Your earlier post alluding to alleged events in town last night, was designed entirely to suggest that Antell is being unfairly scapegoated and blamed for things he's not guilty of.

In my view, such a suggestion is nonsensical.

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I don't want to be accused of trying to defend the indefensible and can work out for myself that he has lost some very poor goals which has cost us points, or cup games. It could be argued however that he has saved us points on some occasions or made saves that have helped us progress in earlier cup rounds. Against Cowdenbeath yesterday he lost probably the worst kind of goal any keeper can give away, no excuses, but in the dying minutes of the game , in my view, he made a couple of good blocks to deny goals when the defence was dithering about.

Give criticism where it is deserved but don't forget the positives, however few of them you may think there are. One player alone is not responsible for the current league position of the club .

Just read "Broony 88'"s latest post. A very constructive and articulate contribution. The club must be proud to have you as a supporter. (Sarcasm, don't you just love it)

It was a joke ya tool lighten up a bit. Who's to say he wasn't involved in the incident by the looks of things more than three were involved but released. Ok so on to the positives in Callum's display yesterday, he managed a whole 80 minutes without throwing the ball into our own net.

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for your delectation, Uppers top link Mids bottom link , thansk to malcolm at QOS TV for his efforts.

Thanks Topfitter. My nephew was playing in Orange boots and bib. He hit the post (1:00), scored (2:55) and missed an open goal (4:00).

By all accounts he had a terrific day, apart from the performance and result of the senior game! Well done to all involved.

Edit for pish spelling

Edited by Swarley
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Thanks Topfitter. My nephew was playing in Orange boots and bib. He hit the post (1:00), scored (2:55) and missed an open goal (4:00).

By all accounts he had a terrific day, apart from the performance and result of the senior game! Well done to all involved.

Edit for pish spelling

I'm glad you and he enjoyed the Half-Time Entertainment Experience. It is further enhanced by Malcolm at QOS TV recording the young ones doing their stuff and the kids and Clubs have it for posterity. Thanks has to go also to the players who come over to get pics taken.

The only down-side if it were to be called that is that more organizations are wanting to be involved, and so our early stalwarts are having less opportunities but they should not be forgotten.

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The alledged incident did happen. I heard that in the Fleshers Arms, someone roared at the three mentioned that they had fucked up his football coupon and things went on from there.

Was it McIntyre?

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The alledged incident did happen. I heard that in the Fleshers Arms, someone roared at the three mentioned that they had fucked up his football coupon and things went on from there.

I am assuming that after a full and frank exchange of opinions his coupon was fucked for a second time that day.

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The atmosphere at games is really unsavoury at the moment, the last game I went to at Falkirk some old boy that was sitting a couple seats next to me and have sat near to him at the football for years with no issues, completely lost it after the penalty, calling Lyle a w****r amongst other things. It's just not a nice place to be at times, under Mcpherson it was more a sense of resignation now it seems to be anger.

I haven't got a problem with players going out after a game as I've seen a few of them on the town, but you have to behave yourself as it looks badly on yourself and the club and at a pretty low profile level you can get away with a fair bit. (imagine if Jack Wishere did what the Fleshers Three, as they will be now known, had done instead of having a fag) People who ask you the score after a game on the walk home for their coupon are cretins and I enjoy telling them the wrong scores but you can't punch them. At the players age this could be it for their career if they get sent down.

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