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22 minutes ago, Mackie The Staggie said:

Well, that's me for the season....off to the Highland league section to follow Clach.


You do realise the Clach held an event for the local Orange Order a few years ago?

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10 minutes ago, CountyFan said:

I would be happy to support this appointment if the club explained the thought process and there was a serious show of public contrition from Mackay.

I'm of a similar view.

Whilst there's no defending the way he acted, the fact that he's never properly addressed it only enhances negative views of him. Him apparently going on a course or whatever is all well and good but it's still fairly meaningless, especially if you're wanting work in an industry that involves you being in the public eye.


If he'd perhaps taken time to do a proper sit down interview and face it head on, admit that he'd been a dickhead and used some very outdated terminology (even disregarding the intent) then whilst not liking the guy, people may have been more receptive to giving him another chance.


If folk saw that he was genuinely sorry (not just sorry he was caught) then there might not be the whole circus around him getting another gig in the game.




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46 minutes ago, TheJTS98 said:

Mackay is a white guy in a job where black managers, coaches, scouts, and directors are hugely under-represented when measured against black players and where punishments for racist offences are routinely risible.

The industry that gave us Ron Atkinson casually dropping the N-word in a tv studio. The England captain calling another player a 'black c**t' in a televised match. His club supported him and he's now Assistant Manager at a Premier League club. No problemo.  Suarez racially abusing an opponent and being supported by his club. Wayne Hennessy doing a Nazi salute in a night out picture.

Why is it a bizarre interpretation to suggest that there may be an acceptance of racist text messages/'bantz' in such an industry?

Sorry, you're extrapolating from a handful of incidents to suggest a widespread cultural acceptance of bigotry within football. Of course there is racism in football (and in banking, teaching, the building trades, the legal profession, the NHS, etc. etc. etc). Pointing out individual incidents tells you nothing about the overall culture or the behaviour of the majority within the industry. Terry and Suarez both faced censure for their actions. Atkinson was cancelled entirely. It's clearly not the case that there is an acceptance of such behaviour within the industry. The Hennessy thing was a nonsense.

Suggesting that Mackay is no worse than anyone else because everyone else must be like him because he sent some messages to a select group of associates is a big logical stretch. I don't think that everyone in football is a racist (or misogynist/ homophobic/ anti-semitic) arsehole. If I did, I wouldn't support the game.

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18 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:

No I wouldn’t want him.

However if it came out in the press that Callum Davidson had sent a few ‘inappropriate’ texts to friends then would I demand he got sacked?   I’m not sure if I would is my honest answer.

(As unbelievable as that is, as Davidson comes across as a really good person as well as the best manager in European football).


So you wouldn't accept Malky doing it but you would accept your incumbent doing it.

Bit hypocritical.

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I've also sent in my comments to the SLO@County and I'd encourage others to do likewise. It wasn't as if his was a history of just one message on one of his many "isms" to just one person. And leopards and spots spring readily to mind whatever mealy mouthed utterances may follow. He might fit ok into a big corporate behemoth club but there surely can't be room for such a creature in a Family club such as RCFC. So disappointing.

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Guest TheJTS98
40 minutes ago, Pull My Strings said:

Sorry, you're extrapolating from 1) a handful of incidents to suggest a widespread cultural acceptance of bigotry within football. Of course there is racism in football (and in banking, teaching, the building trades, the legal profession, the NHS, etc. etc. etc). Pointing out individual incidents tells you nothing about the overall culture or the behaviour of the majority within the industry. Terry and Suarez both faced censure for their actions. Atkinson was cancelled entirely.1(b) It's clearly not the case that there is an acceptance of such behaviour within the industry. The Hennessy thing was a nonsense.

2)Suggesting that Mackay is no worse than anyone else because everyone else must be like him because he sent some messages to a select group of associates is a big logical stretch. I don't think that everyone in football is a racist (or misogynist/ homophobic/ anti-semitic) arsehole. If I did, I wouldn't support the game.

1 and 1b - You are deluding yourself if you think widespread racist recruitment and the numerous public cases make up 'a handful' of incidents. Also, what links these things is their open nature. Ron Atkinson felt comfortable using the N-word in company in a tv studio. Are we, as adults, to believe he wasn't hitting out with similar chat in dressing rooms. Or that he wasn't regularly in an environment where people spoke like that? If not, why on earth did he say it in a tv studio? It's similar with Mackay's texts.

2) I've never suggested this, so I'm not sure what your point is. You're talking in absolutes that I never used. I do not think everyone in football is/was racist. But I think a culture existed where this kind of stuff was accepted as being ok to share in texts/joke about. You're painting it as either a) only Malky Mackay was racist or b) every single person in football is racist. Neither of those are my view.

I think you have a  very optimistic view of what football's culture is/was. It's definitely the case that racism is now culturally less acceptable. But there are plenty of incidents that show us that racism was well-embedded as part of football. As I mentioned, I even used to hear it a lot playing with SPFL clubs' youth teams. From coaches.

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The SLO can only do what he can with regards to this, and by no means has the deciding say on this appointment. I know for an absolute fact that he would be just as frustrated and disappointed by this appointment as the rest of us, however as we have seen and experience ourselves this club listens to nobody but themselves. We have a fantastic SLO who is doing all he can to relay our thoughts, however he will be under intense pressure just now himself.

I wonder if emailing the club directly will get any further to any answers, however I reckon the generic email or blocking will be more likely in response

Edited by stagdhu
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6 minutes ago, staggy1929 said:

Some of the takes on OverTheBridge are making my blood boil.

I liked the guy who said without his comments we probably wouldn't have got him. 

The club need a strong response from someone like the SLO. Even if it is a case of losing the position. Make it clear this decision isn't accepted.

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14 minutes ago, staggy1929 said:

Some of the takes on OverTheBridge are making my blood boil.

I honestly can’t believe that some have the mindset whereby they are comparing whether a drug dealer or a racist is worse.


Utterly unbelievable behaviour 

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2 minutes ago, Dundee-FC92 said:

...half of you still hunt Foxes on Horseback.

After legislation there are only a handful of hunts now, none of them with dogs. Personally there should be none, but then I am no expert in land conservation, however the ones that do take place, afaik none are in the Highlands. It's the other end of the country you need to look for that sort of behaviour.

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