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19 minutes ago, forkboy said:

He wasn't exactly prolific last season, was he? Hope he can rediscover his goalscoring form.

To be fair to him he was playing in one of the worst ICT sides in memory and under a manager who had one tactic - blooter the ball forward. He never got anything like the service he had in his first spell at ICT when he was so prolific and at the time of his signing, whilst it was a good boost for morale, unless we changed how we were playing under Foran he was never going to bag the same number of goals as he did in his first spell which is unfortunately how it panned out. He cut such an isolated figure in games it was quite sad to see him chasing so many aimless balls over his head for almost no reward.

Still, this goal was pretty good...


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To be fair to him he was playing in one of the worst ICT sides in memory and under a manager who had one tactic - blooter the ball forward. He never got anything like the service he had in his first spell at ICT when he was so prolific and at the time of his signing, whilst it was a good boost for morale, unless we changed how we were playing under Foran he was never going to bag the same number of goals as he did in his first spell which is unfortunately how it panned out. He cut such an isolated figure in games it was quite sad to see him chasing so many aimless balls over his head for almost no reward.

Still, this goal was pretty good...

His confidence was shot to pieces when I saw him play last year. I think most of the damage was done at Dundee United, where he looked frankly hopeless.

When ICT were good, he was pretty much unplayable.

Basically - if he's confident, this will be a great signing. If he's not... well, he's going to be a last ten minutes 1-2 down kind of a player.
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He scored 4 in 14 for Caley Thistle last season.
He scored 12 in 28 starts for Dundee United.

Even in bad teams he's still contributed something.  His link-up play is under-rated. 

He scored 54 in 110 starts for Caley Thistle in his first spell. He could be a very good signing.

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I'd think Schalk/McKay/Mikkelsen will be the main three, with Curran used carefully with his ongoing injury problems. Morrison might get farmed out on loan- I'd like to see if he can cut it in the second tier for a season.

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1 hour ago, bunglebonce said:

Morrison isn't 20 years old until February, so he has a full season of being eligible for the u20s.

Aye, but I'm not sure u20 football and being 5th choice for the first team is great for his development.
Id like to see him out on loan at a decent level, ideally with an option to come home if something bad happens to our first choice 4.
Not holding my breath, and if he goes on loan and doesn't get a game then he'd have been better staying, but I'd imagine its something we're considering?

Quite excited for MacKay, could be a good signing, could really do with another JOB-standard midfielder/winger to help ensure that.
(I thought Woods finished the season well, and if he cant get a move elsewhere given his contract situation, Id like to see us start playing him in a system that suits him.)

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23 hours ago, bunglebonce said:


I cant believe I said it either :lol:
But given the (dearth of) creativity in our team at present, and as he is on an expensive contract and doing nothing, I think there could be a role for him.  
As long as its in a midfield 3.


Edited by dingdong1929
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2 hours ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

Well done county on securing last place with that signing emoji4.png

Difference is, County might give him some service and they've got Schalk, Curran & Mikkelsen up front as well as McKay.

So don't worry, Hamilton will still be the favourties for last place (and it has to happen sometime, don't it).

Edited by s_dog
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Don't get the hysteria regarding McKay. He's scored goals with injury issues in two frankly atrocious teams past few seasons. He`s quite a proven striker in this league and would be a decent addition to the majority of squads in this league I would imagine.



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9 minutes ago, gannonball said:

Don't get the hysteria regarding McKay. He's scored goals with injury issues in two frankly atrocious teams past few seasons. He`s quite a proven striker in this league and would be a decent addition to the majority of squads in this league I would imagine.



What do you think of Martin Woods?


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Quite happy with the signing particularly after witnessing the Hibs game. As much as I like Schalk I am not sure if he has progressed all that much. The Mikkelsen addition gives the team a different dimension and requires a switched on partner up front, someone who anticipates delivery and makes smart runs - McKay has made a career of doing that. Those dissing his goal scoring record should have a look at comparable forwards in the Premiership. Always had the hebbies when he played against us and that is good enough for me. It is probably just me (it usually is!) , but I am not entirely sure where Schalk can be used most effectively although I sincerely hope he finds a position that matches his enthusiasm and talent.

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County are a far better side than either of the 2 relegated teams, McKay was brought into both these teams to save them from relegation, something a magician couldn't have done!

Think we might see Schalk play in a wider role, he's not a natural finisher but has pace to burn and could play off either wing. McKay coming in creates a lot of options going forward.

Now can we just get the Draper saga done and dusted and we are ready to go

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7 hours ago, gannonball said:

Don't get the hysteria regarding McKay. He's scored goals with injury issues in two frankly atrocious teams past few seasons. He`s quite a proven striker in this league and would be a decent addition to the majority of squads in this league I would imagine.



He's certainly proven something for his last two teams.

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