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New sayings that us old duffers won't understand

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1 hour ago, Alert Mongoose said:

In the interests of fairness and being educated can all the millenials keep us up to date?*


*I like the PlayStation so that one's covered


The Youth is now actually Gen Z or, much more hilariously, zoomers.

7 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

This is literally so random.


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2 hours ago, Alert Mongoose said:

Has 'ask' been changed to 'axe'?

This is straight out of the subculture that begat grime rap. I do enjoy grime tbh.

I had a young lad behind me on the bus yesterday using the word "bro" every third word and also used "sick" a few times.

Utterly, utterly appalling.

Anyway, back on topic. The other day I was saying how I listened to a particular Scotland game on my tranny (it was a Euro96 qualifier) much to the absolute horror of my 20 something colleagues.

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