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The Lockdown Years

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16 minutes ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:

A smarmy police officer sent me home once when I tried to go for a hike. ‘You know there’s a pandemic on and you’re trying to go HIKING you monster’.

What were the restrictions at the outset? A single 20minute walk a day? 🤦‍♂️ 

Fresh air and exercise probably the best things to do for your health. Physical and mental. 


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3 minutes ago, Molotov said:

What were the restrictions at the outset? A single 20minute walk a day? 🤦‍♂️ 

Fresh air and exercise probably the best things to do for your health. Physical and mental. 


The feeling of you doing something almost wrong or insulting by going outside in the fresh air was one of the wildest things about it all.

The one upmanship of being seen to be more caring, more concerned, more active in what was essentially just an exercise in kicking the can down the road. In a country that is 98% fields and wide open space, keeping people from going there when everything else was also closed was a massive error.

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It worked out OK for me, I'd been in a long distance relationship for 4 and a half years at the point of lockdown, travelling to see each other most weekends but I'd been having no luck applying for jobs near where my other half lived and was considering going back to uni or completely starting a new career. When lockdown happened I was originally walking in and out of Glasgow city centre each day to work as was classed as a key worker. This was about 5km each way so I was probably one of the few who lost weight around then and as said the weather those weeks was excellent.

After around 3 months the company decided my job could be done from home - although it took another 6 weeks to source enough laptops for us- which is something that would 100% not have happened if not for covid, so once the lockdowns eased I was able to move in with her later that year (we're now getting married later this year) and while I've changed job role since I've stayed with the same company.

Trivial bugbear is that for the Euros, not only did I miss out on a ticket for the Scotland games by one loyalty point due to the reduced capacity, but another poster on here I know got tickets for the Croatia game through both the UEFA ballot and SSC and transferred me the UEFA ticket. Of course I then caught covid 4 days before the game and was absolutely fucked with it, so still haven't seen Scotland play live at a major finals; this would of course have been more of an annoyance had we not got pumped.

I won't miss queuing outside tesco metro for ten minutes to go and get my lunch either.


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Upsides: Furlough was the best hing ever, going for clandestine cans with my pal in the park and just playing video games for a living while my then girlfriend still had to work.  Getting a bonus month of furlough my colleagues did not when they finally got us permanently back to the office (we didn't have any work they just wanted us in). 



Work kept trying to get me back in (3 failed efforts before it was finally over). Nae pub. Zoom. The fitba was absolutely hoachin.  


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Just now, Mr. Brightside said:


Nah. Nothing further from the truth.

I just know from personal experience it was one of the worst times of my life. The impact it had on my kids has been devastating and continues to this day. 

The governments used fear tactics to control. I expect they will do so again. 

I’m just glad we didn’t have extreme measures deployed elsewhere in the world. 

This pandemic and the lockdowns were very devastating to many people both in terms of physical and mental health. 


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3 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Someone who might know this sort of thing told me that when the Scottish Government introduced the different Zones for local authorities they initially went to the police and asked them to plan for enforcing travel bans between local authority areas - ie having cops standing guard, pulling people over etc.  They were quickly told that you'd need to recruit several thousand officers to do this and that even if you could, should you?  You drive across a couple of council areas if you go all the way round the Edinburgh bypass.

Me and my now ex-girlfriend live in different areas. I "illegally" drove to her house loads of times during the pandemic (I know, a real Romeo & Juliet story) and never once saw anyone even remotely attempting to enforce travel restrictions. 

Surely they would have better things to do than guard county lines?

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4 hours ago, jimbaxters said:

I remember Neil Kinnock's son getting pelters for sitting at the end of his faither's front path talking to the auld yin, who was in his doorway. It was Neil's 80th birthday and people were ready to kill him for going to see his dad.

Also, Wee Nicola on the telly towards the end of the first lockdown saying, "I'm not going to tell you who in your family you can hug...". Too right you're no, Mrs. Who did they think they were? Honestly, none of them have fully answered for what they did to us.

I agreed with the SNP’s restrictions for the first 12 months but they lost the plot after that. 

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Streaming all the football games for an age and having to suffer the dreadful Pixellot coverage which got off to a fine start by following the bald napper of the stand side linesman around for most of the game instead of the ball.


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I posted earlier about the former dug.

The new dug was coming from North Yorkshire (coincidentally about 5 miles from Barnard Castle) and the runs up and down the M74/M6/A66 in January and February 2021 were just surreal. Normally an absolute racetrack, the road was plain empty and there was me creeping along at 69mph doing my best not to attract the attention of the local fuzz, get a ticket for my trouble and promptly sent home with a flea in my ear and a wasted trip.

Entirely reasonably (as you now see it with 20:20 hindsight), that never happened. The icing on the cake in the whole covert mission was arriving at the dog breeder's farmhouse, she always greeted me with big hug and invited me in for lunch each time. 

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I work outside mostly for a living. I was one of the only employees to refuse to keep doing so during the early days of lockdown, because weirdly we were given the choice to work even though we weren't key workers. Weird. Anyhow, after an initial month of WFH I was furloughed - and it was class. The weather was mostly excellent that month and because I barely had an outgoings as everything was shut, I treated myself to many gifts including an Apple Watch. I would spend most days going out on local walks with my camera or working out in the garden.

Another great memory was getting to watch Scotland vs Serbia in the pub up in Inverness where we were able to enjoy the luxury of being one of the only regions at Level 1 while the rest of the country was under tighter restrictions - if memory serves correct. Social distancing went out the window as the place went #barmy when Marshall saved and the celebrations continued out on the streets where hundreds of people gathered outside the city centre McDonalds.

Bad memories include Wee Nippy and the authorities collectively shitting themselves over the obviously harmless Omicron variant and enforcing restrictions over Christmas 2021. Christmas became a farce as everyone caved into the media fearmongering and decided to avoid socialising in case they had to self isolate. The worst thing of all was that the highly anticipated away day to Tynecastle was cancelled - that was the straw that broke this camels back and I furiously resigned as a member of the SNP.

One nice memory from that Christmas though was sitting round a firepit with the #lads drinking into the night. I brought along a bottle of Balvenie Caribbean Cask and it was sunk before another bottle of whisky was produced along with a cheeseboard. It started snowing and we remained outside absolutely hammered, getting blanketed with snow, staring into the inky night as the flakes fell down with the fire glowing bright. That was a good night.

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Unemployed and first lockdown was a scary nightmare. Can see 4 pubs and a restaurant from living room, and look down on busy junction in Aberdeen city centre (Union St/King St/Castlegate) and have a casino next door. Used to lights and noise and people and buses and taxis and delivery vans all time, and then it went quiet and nothing. Was genuinely like scenes from a disaster/horror movie. 

Got job, started WFH full time and had to do all training and work on own for 9months before I even met a single colleague that was weird.

Missed family totally, son in Edinburgh and parents and siblings in Ayrshire, painful long month living on own, usually ok with it but there were times of great depression.

New skill, taught myself backgammon online and now normality is returning I go to a club and play socially once a week and have even been to a tournament and not disgraced myself.

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I openly admitted on here at the time, much to the dismay of my fellow posters, that I didn't pay much attention to the rules due to the utter stupidity of them. 

At no point did I stop visiting my family or friends, and spent most weekends sitting boozing with our next door neighbours. 

Living 2 minutes from Glasgow green, I certainly wasn't restricted to the time and frequency of how often I went walking or running.

Managed to sneak off a couple of holidays depending on the restrictions at the time. 

Went hiking as often as we liked, although coming through Glencoe one winters day the police were randomly stopping and ID'ing cars going into the ski centre to ensure they were local.  We luckily got waved through.

When the ridiculous Tier system came into place, I just stopped giving any f**k.  Back down to Dumfries if we fancied a meal and a few drinks.  We even travelled to Aviemore for the weekend, where I used my old driving licence (dumfries address) as ID to check into the hotel. 

When things started opening up, we used restrictions as an excuse to have a small private wedding, even though we were always planning on doing it that way.

Managed to get to all 3 Euros games, but hated missing out on Queens games.

Lockdowns were actually a great excuse not to see people.

Hopefully in years to come, people will study just how obscenely moronic the whole situation was.


ETA... waiting anxiously for all the 'ooooh you're hard' replies.


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The limiting outdoor exercise thing was a lot of bollocks that probably near enough no c**t adhered to.  Sitting in the house/garden was cracking me up, so regular 5 mile walks took place. Got a new camera and got really into wildlife photography. Now most weekends I'm up early, hangover free and away out with the camera. Was only furloughed for a month which was long enough.  Was busy as f**k when I went back, as every c**t was doing decking or putting up new fences. Lowest point was having to "celebrate" my dad's 70th through a video call.

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My main memory from the Lockdown years has to be routinely going out to the doorstep every Thursday night for a month to clap for that boy from Irvine who got a month in the jail for jet-skiing 4.5 hours over the Irish Sea to the Isle of Man for his Nat King Cole.

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I’m still living the dream. Come March, I’ll have been working from home for 3 years. They’ll literally have to drag me kicking and screaming if they want me back in the office.

In terms of memories of the time, the weather when we went into the first lockdown was lovely so I recall sitting in the back garden a lot. A lot of the rest of it was a pain in the arse and I have no time for the current Scottish Government anymore. A shower of useless c***s who can’t get punted soon enough. 

Wearing masks becoming the norm, and watching football on your laptop will also linger in the memory.

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