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Ray Patterson

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1 hour ago, kingbob1875 said:


Coo d'etat?


Classic that's it.

It shall forever be known as 

 'Night of the Coo d'etat.'

Entries are now closed.


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Thanks to @Cowden Cowboy and @CowdenMiners1204 for answering.

See what happens when you ask a civil question?

Can't guarantee you still. wont get pelters but you at least have the balls to come on and interact.

As has been said the b teams is a problem not of Cowdens making, unfortunately for your club you are now front and centre in its solution.

There is a sense of frustration and anger that the LL has created this unilaterally without thought for the repercussions it has for all.

There is a general feeling that castration is what's required immediately.

I am not in the know so will not comment. But as a supporter across non lge feel I do have a vested interest.

Anyway that's enough verbal diarrhoea for one day from me.


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1 hour ago, Cowdenleith said:

Despite having a dim view of them, even I would give them credit for having the ability to bring a meeting forward, or invoking an emergency meeting if the B team/Lowland League vote had not gone the way they wanted.

Perhaps, perhaps not, but now everyone has had that few extra weeks, what's the plan?

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2 hours ago, lithgierose said:

Who gets to vote ? Is it all licensed clubs ?

No only clubs at tier 5 or above, plus clubs who were members before 2018, plus associations like SWPL, SJFA, EoSFA etc.

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1 hour ago, HorseyGhirl said:

I am not in the know so will not comment. But as a supporter across non lge feel I do have a vested interest.

Have you been here before under another name? for someone with a huge interest in non-league all over Scotland, you've only taken an interest on here relatively recently.

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28 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

Have you been here before under another name? for someone with a huge interest in non-league all over Scotland, you've only taken an interest on here relatively recently.

Nope first time in October I think it was. Was involved in youth football up till 2019. First came across P&B in 2017 when my boy played a few games at Junior level before moving to u21.

An avid reader from afar until October. Joined in as from August started attending South games and then after seeing Kilsyth Ath at Threave in CD got to a number of West Div 4 games along with SOS. And took it upon myself to promote Div 4 and the South game. Not involved with any club as family situation does not allow time to do this.

Never been shy to shout my mouth off. And as a freelancer as such try to put across a reasoned view as opposed to any pre condition.

Just love football. Type of guy when away working would stop at a playing field to watch a game and converse with anyone willing to listen to my shite.

Nothing to hide so please feel free to cross examine as you see fit your honour.


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12 minutes ago, HorseyGhirl said:

Nope first time in October I think it was. Was involved in youth football up till 2019. First came across P&B in 2017 when my boy played a few games at Junior level before moving to u21.

An avid reader from afar until October. Joined in as from August started attending South games and then after seeing Kilsyth Ath at Threave in CD got to a number of West Div 4 games along with SOS. And took it upon myself to promote Div 4 and the South game. Not involved with any club as family situation does not allow time to do this.

Never been shy to shout my mouth off. And as a freelancer as such try to put across a reasoned view as opposed to any pre condition.

Just love football. Type of guy when away working would stop at a playing field to watch a game and converse with anyone willing to listen to my shite.

Nothing to hide so please feel free to cross examine as you see fit your honour.


I must say I (usually!) enjoy your posts, often more tongue in cheek than some of the more turgid posters on here.

And not supporting a particular team gives you the envious position of being able to have a pop at everybody. 😉

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51 minutes ago, HorseyGhirl said:

Nope first time in October I think it was. Was involved in youth football up till 2019. First came across P&B in 2017 when my boy played a few games at Junior level before moving to u21.

An avid reader from afar until October. Joined in as from August started attending South games and then after seeing Kilsyth Ath at Threave in CD got to a number of West Div 4 games along with SOS. And took it upon myself to promote Div 4 and the South game. Not involved with any club as family situation does not allow time to do this.

Never been shy to shout my mouth off. And as a freelancer as such try to put across a reasoned view as opposed to any pre condition.

Just love football. Type of guy when away working would stop at a playing field to watch a game and converse with anyone willing to listen to my shite.

Nothing to hide so please feel free to cross examine as you see fit your honour.


Fair enough, just that there's a long and tiring history of troll(s) on here, and we don't get many who dive in so deep from scratch, just a few saddos like me.


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3 hours ago, Cowdenleith said:

Despite having a dim view of them, even I would give them credit for having the ability to bring a meeting forward, or invoking an emergency meeting if the B team/Lowland League vote had not gone the way they wanted.

An emergency meeting which would involve requiring the exact same number of votes from the exact same people who are going to vote on it in 4 weeks anyway.

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26 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

An emergency meeting which would involve requiring the exact same number of votes from the exact same people who are going to vote on it in 4 weeks anyway.

Or maybe taking a bit of immediate heat out of matters helps to clarify many things 

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1 hour ago, Burnieman said:

Fair enough, just that there's a long and tiring history of troll(s) on here, and we don't get many who dive in so deep from scratch, just a few saddos like me.


Paranoia is a terrible affliction my friend.

Like I said been following for a while so kind of know all you protagonists and who the troll accounts are.

I am extremely passionate about the pyramid and like y'all get very heated when some shites come in and try to ruin it. We all must defend it, it's oor feckin game naw these shysters at Hampden and the East and West of my beautiful Glasgow.

So in conclusion don't fret about me. I am a friend.

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2 hours ago, Cowdenleith said:

I must say I (usually!) enjoy your posts, often more tongue in cheek than some of the more turgid posters on here.

And not supporting a particular team gives you the envious position of being able to have a pop at everybody. 😉

What you mean usually. Aye sometimes I can get carried away with the bants. If you are ever around when the greater family get together outsiders think a war is about to start. 

For that read how @PossilYM and I are with each other. It's a Schemie thing.

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6 hours ago, HorseyGhirl said:

Classic that's it.

It shall forever be known as 

 'Night of the Coo d'etat.'

Entries are now closed.


Ok don't agree on many things, made me laugh out loud and reminded why PnB worth the effort 

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On 11/05/2023 at 11:04, Che Dail said:

Bit of a diatribe, but I'll respond to one particular bit I'm interested in, which is to borrow a league structure from another country and see what it looks like for Scotland.

Since you've mentioned Norway, I've run with that.  Norway's performance at Beijing Olympics burnished its reputation as having the best sports system in the world, both in elite performance and making a meaningful contribution to communities and its democracy (aspen Institute).  Football should be seen in that wider context.

Nonetheless, Molde and Bodo/Glimt appear at 42 and 46th in Europe, behind Celtic at 32.  Molde's average attendance is about 5500, Bodo/Glimt is 6000.  These are small clubs by comparison and punching well above their weight in Europe.  

Molde: 31 player squad includes 1 Dane and 1 Swede.  The rest are Norwegian.

Bodo/ Glimt : 31 squad, 25 are Norwegian.

Rosenburg: 26 squad, 18 Norwegian

It's an exporter of talent - its elite players are abroad, similar to Scotland.

There are 27 B teams in its league structure.  This is not universally popular, and is regularly questioned by clubs (and fans) that don't have one.  But the FA and participating clubs conclude, consistently, that there are more positives than negatives with the way it is organized now.

If Scotland was to adopt the Norwegian league structure (which, incidentally, is the same format as Spain, Czech Rep and Austria) it would promote just about every club,  allow free-movement between leagues, and a necessary departure from woeful 10-team leagues. 

There's a place for B-teams starting at the bottom of the 'semi-professional' game (licensed clubs).  Feeder leagues below would be streamlined regionally further down - avoiding scenarios like Hawick v St Andrews at tier 7, for example.

Importantly, it would provide a far more satisfactory outcome for Dundee and P&K clubs via the Midland League - and competitive local football for amateur / semi-pro players at grassroots level.

Apologies if I've omitted a club, or duplicated one:

scottish football pyramid NORWAY.jpg

Sounds shite. Not a fan of it. Why are the b teams jumping the 1/2/3 divisions of the wosl? 

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1 hour ago, ekok said:

Ok don't agree on many things, made me laugh out loud and reminded why PnB worth the effort 

Don't have to agree my friend but as I say we all care about our football and that's what's important. 👍

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5 hours ago, Brazilianlex said:

Just a thought but if the date and time of the AGM are known, why not organise a protest outside Hampden so the Club reps have to walk through it. Would get publicity I’m sure.

Football fans in this country don’t know how to protest sadly, it’s why the SFA can do what they want and get away with it.

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7 hours ago, Pyramid Watcher said:

Football fans in this country don’t know how to protest sadly, it’s why the SFA can do what they want and get away with it.

It's a wider society issue especially in newer generations.

Spent more time parading around the toon. Protesting against anti-apartheid and Maggie's Policies than at my ma's dinner table.

Up the workers.

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43 minutes ago, HorseyGhirl said:

It's a wider society issue especially in newer generations.

Spent more time parading around the toon. Protesting against anti-apartheid and Maggie's Policies than at my ma's dinner table.

Up the workers.

Protesting against anti-apartheid is an unusual stance to take!

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