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Clyde Season 23/24

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1 hour ago, Scott-Replay said:

McKee signs for Peterhead. Can’t help but feel they’ll be happier with him than we will be with Forbes.

It's pretty hard to compare the 2 as they are very different players, even though they are both essentially strong from dead ball situations. They play in a different way, in different positions and there's 4 years between them (can't believe Forbes is only 34!!). But yeah, I reckon McKee would offer a fair bit more than Forbes. But only if you can keep him fit and put the right players around him. Both could completely flop and it wouldn't be a huge surprise.

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Neil Parry


Ross Lyon

Darren Hynes

Peter Grant

Logan Dunachie

Stuart Carswell


Ross Forbes

Barry Cuddihy


Martin Rennie

Kyle Docherty

Offered terms

Erik Sula, Liam Scullion, Euan Cameron

Ray Grant working with the medical dept.


So we have 10 signed up for the coming season. Still waiting to hear confirmation on the other 4. So far, the squad is looking extremely grim. Parry being released and then re-signed makes me think that we must have had a goalie lined up who turned coat at the last minute.

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Our board come in for some deserved criticism but managing to get a fee for Kyle Doherty is a masterstroke. 

Would maybe benefit playing FT football but if I was a Queens fan and we're trying to get out L1 then this isn't a signing that would get me excited whatsoever. 

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3 minutes ago, the_bully_wee said:

I'd be pleased with that if I had an iota of faith that we will now sign someone better. I do not.

The Club are delighted to announce the signing of Isaac Layne until the end of the 2023/24 season!

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18 minutes ago, the_bully_wee said:

I'd be pleased with that if I had an iota of faith that we will now sign someone better. I do not.

This is it for me. Always a hard position to fill, even worse in the middle of June.

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42 minutes ago, QoS99 said:

Good or shite?

Terrible. I am honestly equal parts flabbergasted and delighted by this one.

The drop off in quality between Jordan Allan and Doherty was stark. Jordan Allan wasn't even that good, he just 'done stuff'. Admittedly Doherty didn't look fit for a second during his time at Clyde, but I don't know if that's because of an injury or because his style of play is laboured. Some fans on here liked him because he seemed 'up for it' but even that was a stretch. I certainly don't think he can play up front on his own. He can't run, so you need bodies close to him. He also can't turn, which means he was garbage with his back to goal and I don't think I seen him win one header.

I am nervous though. I suspect whatever meagre fee we received from him will be swallowed up elsewhere. Just like the Allan money, I doubt there will be an increase in the quality of new player. There's not much overlap in the venn diagram of good strikers and free strikers so signing someone up at this point will be tough.

Edited by Brian Carrigan
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1 hour ago, QoS99 said:

Good or shite?


Nae pace, poor movement, doesn’t run into channels, doesn’t hold the ball up, doesnt win headers, can’t take a man on, rarely scores and doesn’t looked arsed to top all those attributes off.

How we’ve got a fee for him I’ll never know!

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10 minutes ago, Bully Wee Clyde FC said:

What Doherty needs is a playmaker beside him.  I can heartily recommend his partner, Martin Rennie.  

I'm sure our board would be open to offers.


I have heard Rennie could be away aswell but in all honesty, as limited as he is, I'd rather hold on to him or we're looking at having to bring in at least 3 new strikers. He at least gets into poachers positions to finish as we've seen with his goals for us. Feel he would be useful to an extent in L2, wouldn't be starting him every week though.

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