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US Presidential Election 2024


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Just now, pozbaird said:

Err’ the hats, scarves and the Trump bandages…



Future generations are going to look at things like this and just be stunned.

When you are a toddler, your parents say, 'if x jumped off a cliff, would you do it? No, so don't...' these are fully grown adults putting bandages on their ears in a non ironic way.  Genuinely, people should be doing welfare checks on these people. 

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4 minutes ago, Theyellowbox said:

You could argue that McCain and his generation in Vietnam were soldiers of war in a conflict that they and frankly most of the USA had no idea of why they were really there, but was sold under the banner of defeating communism. Whereas in a Gaza, not only do the IDF know exactly why they are there, they are also totally aware that they are committing crimes.

How on earth could you argue this claim? Were American military personnel illiterate and incapable of knowing about the situation? Were they kept in the dark about their combat missions? 

The IDF in fact have a stronger* justification for action - in response to a terrorist attack on Israeli citizens - than anything the US air force had for carpet-bombing North Vietnam. Did the Viet Cong launch hostage taking attacks on Woodstock? How many US civilians were killed by the Hanoi government? 

US combatants knew fine well what their job was by 1967-68. They were happy to exercise that power at the expense of tens if not hundreds of thousands of civilian lives. You can't magic up a false cover for American or indeed British or other atrocities while condemning Israeli atrocities. 




*But still not legitimate for committing indiscriminate violence in retaliation, i.e. war crimes. 

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Safe to say Mitt Romney's not a fan of Vance. He was mistaken about Vance selling himself cheaply - turning full bampot not only bought him the good graces of the billionaires, it may have bought him the VP job and his party's nomination for President 4 years from now.




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10 minutes ago, Theyellowbox said:

Future generations are going to look at things like this and just be stunned.

When you are a toddler, your parents say, 'if x jumped off a cliff, would you do it? No, so don't...' these are fully grown adults putting bandages on their ears in a non ironic way.  Genuinely, people should be doing welfare checks on these people. 

Imagine if this sort of behaviour was prevalent in America in the past. The Democratic convention of 1964 would have been fun.

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16 minutes ago, Theyellowbox said:

You could argue that McCain and his generation in Vietnam were soldiers of war in a conflict that they and frankly most of the USA had no idea of why they were really there, but was sold under the banner of defeating communism. Whereas in a Gaza, not only do the IDF know exactly why they are there, they are also totally aware that they are committing crimes.

If say the UK government sent troops to Shetland to essentially ethnically clense the islands of Shetlanders, each any every soldier would know it is wrong. We send the same soldiers to south Sudan say, would they have the same level of understanding of why they were these? Especially in the initial phase and in the absence of social media?

Extreme example I know, but highlights the difference on the boots on the ground example. 

Especially true of those in the air force like McCain, who didn't see the realities of how the war was being fought until later. After the war, during his time in Congress McCain did a lot of work to build relationships with Vietnam and visited regularly. News of death was met with sympathies from Vietnam rather than criticism.

Also worth saying that McCain was one of the few Republican voices arguing against the US's terrible treatment of prisoners in the "war on terror". 

If we were to start prosecuting people for war crimes in Vietnam - which I'm not against - then there would be an awful lot of Vietnamese going to jail too, some for things they did to McCain.

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3 minutes ago, virginton said:

How on earth could you argue this claim? Were American military personnel illiterate and incapable of knowing about the situation? Were they kept in the dark about their combat missions? 

The IDF in fact have a stronger* justification for action - in response to a terrorist attack on Israeli citizens - than anything the US air force had for carpet-bombing North Vietnam. Did the Viet Cong launch hostage taking attacks on Woodstock? How many US civilians were killed by the Hanoi government? 

US combatants knew fine well what their job was by 1967-68. They were happy to exercise that power at the expense of tens if not hundreds of thousands of civilian lives. You can't magic up a false cover for American or indeed British or other atrocities while condemning Israeli atrocities. 




*But still not legitimate for committing indiscriminate violence in retaliation, i.e. war crimes. 

Not saying that the top brass didn't know, but the boots on the ground solders, mostly teens didn't fully understand why they were there. Given the lack of knowledge of that part of the world or its history coupled with the void of levels of information we all now have.... The IDF on the other hand, each and every one of them knows and know the history. They can see what is right and wrong in a way previous generations didn't.

Not to say Vietnam was right in any way, but soldiers did what they were told by a generation who had fought bigger wars (and more morally correct wars) before them.

The neo republicans are disruptors vs the very norms and ideals they themselves praised and fought for only a few years ago. McCain was their presidential candidate for christ sake, yet now he and that republican party are the enemy. You need to ask why that is and the uncomfortable answer is that not only are they weakly being led into dark places by leaders who have no real interest in them, but they are willingly forgetting history and the lessons learnt. The world around them hasn't changed, not really (politically speaking), but what they think is right and normal has. 


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18 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

Err’ the hats, scarves and the Trump bandages…



Is it really that different from going around wearing a depiction or symbol of a murder around your neck, as many Christians do? 

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2 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Is it really that different from going around wearing a depiction or symbol of a murder around your neck, as many Christians do? 

It was an execution, not murder. Let's not start with Celtic levels of victimhood. The lad should have kept his head down (the carpenter, not Trump).

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8 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Is it really that different from going around wearing a depiction or symbol of a murder around your neck, as many Christians do? 

Yes.  Yes it is.

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10 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Is it really that different from going around wearing a depiction or symbol of a murder around your neck, as many Christians do? 

No idea. All I know is that I’m praying for the American Simon Weston fan club.

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46 minutes ago, Musketeer Gripweed said:

Let us, like Him, wear a bandage on our age and let the other be free of bandage, for this is His sign, that all who follow Him shall do likewise.

Just imagine if Trump had been more seriously hurt.

These mutants would be all wandering around sporting stookies or wearing oxygen masks like fighter pilots.

(By the way, what kind of autocorrect changes stookies to "stories"? GTF.)

Edited by Salt n Vinegar
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2 hours ago, Black_and_White_Stripes said:

Was he being serious about that? I understood it was actually a joke at the expense of the Labour Party about a hypothetical future UK after their governance.

 Do we really still have another month to find out whether Biden will be running? I might have a look at the odds for other candidates, as I think momentum is likely to build against him running. A new candidate actually gives the Dems a fresh start, IMHO.

I dont think it was a joke, he is pretty thick imo - but he is undoubtedly a grifter (like Farage) - watch this stuff, he is basically 180 degrees round from his previously held views.

In short, a kunt.


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1 hour ago, pozbaird said:

Err’ the hats, scarves and the Trump bandages…



When I was at school in around 3rd year I think, there was a 'popular' lad who got his nose broken in a fight and had a pretty nasty scar which he covered with a similar bandage. All his little disciples copied it, some even going as far as cutting themselves so they had a similar scar. There were multiple scraps between said disciples and those who tried to copy them but were deemed not worthy or popular enough. Absolutely wild behaviour, but at least they had the excuse of being daft teenage boys.

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