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Karens, are they to be pitied, scolded, ridiculed , or ignored?


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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Regarding a male Karen, this guy just shot several people who were blocking a road in Panama as part of a protest. 



Extreme Karen-ing.

Theres a video of the confrontation, the guy shoots a protester in cold blood, no threat to him whatsoever. He needs to be in jail a long time.

His name's Kenneth, maybe appropriate for a male Karen. He's an American lawyer.

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3 hours ago, Arch Stanton said:

So what name can be used to describe a male Karen?

I propose Brian.

Male "Karen" behaviour is invariably perpetrated by wee, fat, often baldy, puce-faced men with a massively over-inflated sense of self-importance. So whichever name is most synonymous with that picture.

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28 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

Male "Karen" behaviour is invariably perpetrated by wee, fat, often baldy, puce-faced men with a massively over-inflated sense of self-importance. So whichever name is most synonymous with that picture.

Its a different dynamic in men. Of course there are a number of just straight up bams out there but that doesn't define a "Karen" in females for me. Its otherwise sensible folk who unveil a nasty streak of entitlement every so often. In men theres generally another consideration when behaving like this.... Will i get myself jabbed in the mouth here.... This consideration, alongside general decency, keeps my behaviour in check like most people. But there seems to be a sizable section of the male population who have never been jabbed in the mouth and as such, will enter into any discourse thinking they can speak to people just however they like. I find it very very weird to see. 

By no means am I advocating violence in response to any provocation, I don't see violence as acceptable except (almost always) in self defence, but not everyone is me. 

I've mentioned on here before a wee guy who correctly pulled me up for turning in a junction which was in fact one way, so I was ok going in but I shouldn't have came back out. The way he did it though.... He was aggressive and clearly thought that because I was wrong, he could act the big man. Went right on the front foot and kept going on and on. At the start I was like yeah ok mate, never knew thanks for telling me... At the end I was like mate you want to get back in your fucking car now. The guy was precisely as you described. To the letter. I have no idea why he felt it was appropriate to talk to me the way he did, nor why he thought there wasn't a good possibility someone would take proper exception to it. 

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The reason I'm familiar with Male Karen is that I worked in retail many, many moons ago when I was a skint student and needed to make ends meet. The utter shite that you took from these arseholes, while being paid around £3 per hour...

Different story once I started managing the place, because being a small private business I had the full support of the owner to deal with these types as I saw fit, so the door getting flung open and a stream of invective directed at wholly innocent and pleasant counter staff never achieved whatever the goal of arsepiece was until I'd seen to it that they'd apologised.

The sense of sheer joy when pulling them up resulted in an even more incendiary tirade, a demand to see my superior, and the inability to grasp that insofar as Customer Relations went, there wasn't one...

Usual convo went along the lines of 

I would like to help you resolve whatever your complaint is, honestly I would, but I can't stand here and watch my staff be abused when they have done absolutely nothing wrong. Now, If you'd please calm down and explain to me what the issue is, preferably without shouting and swearing, I'll see what I can do to put it right so you can leave satisfied. Is that reasonable?

The bulk of them simmer right down, realise they've been acting like a c**t, and they walk away happy. The ones that don't simply got told to leave and not come back as their custom was not wanted or welcome, which always rendered the "I'll no come back/Customer is always right" ranting that invariably followed highly amusing.

It's usually some relatively minor mishap of their own doing, but being good natured in general, I'd go over and above to put whatever it was they weren't happy about right, but not while they were effing and b'ing at staff that had done nothing wrong, and not before they'd apologised for doing so. I'd give them a reminder that they were talking to a human being, and that although they only visit my outlet once a week or so, the staff have to deal with hundreds or thousands of customers in that time and really don't deserve to be spoken to that way. Again, most of them realise right away how unreasonable their behaviour is, but, they were invariably wee, fat, baldy, puce-faced men driving a huge company car that they evidently believe grants them the right to treat everyone else they consider beneath them like absolute shite. Nope pal, not on my watch.

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