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Reform UK going from strength to strength.

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22 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I keep posting this. 38% of those who voted in the EU referendum here voted Leave, again the Leave side basically didn’t campaign here, no Scottish MPs backed Leave, I think one MSP did (others admitted afterwards that they voted Leave). Over a million votes cast for Leave. In 2019 the Brexit Party came second in the European elections, 230k votes, 14.8% of the vote. In 2014 EU elections UKIP came fourth, 10% of the vote 140,000 votes and an MEP elected. They got 5% of the vote in 2009.

If I was a strategist in Reform UK HQ I’d look at Scotland as a potential place for them to grow. If (and it’s a very big if) Reform don’t implode in Parliament I’d expect them to get two MSPs in 2026.

What is remarkable is that 33% in Jan 23 would still vote to leave given, like you say, there is no proponent of brexit here. Whilst Labour and the Tories have frustrating positions on Brexit neither want to fully exploit leaving the EU nor want to rejoin. 

I would except the 33% to have fallen now and probably dip again when folk have to start paying to visit the EU and get their biometric data checked before they can go on their holiday. 

Reform however are entirely reliant on Farage, once he gets bored they are finished. Finding a replacement will be near impossible.

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"there's too much immigration, so I'm away to be an immigrant in another country"

Sounds about right.

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2 minutes ago, BFTD said:

"there's too much immigration, so I'm away to be an immigrant in another country"

Sounds about right.

It's right out the ex-pat playbook.  He'll be complaining about immigrants not integrating into society as well 

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21 minutes ago, BFTD said:

"there's too much immigration, so I'm away to be an immigrant in another country"

Sounds about right.

Doesn't count if you're white apparently.

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1 hour ago, JS_FFC said:


Didnt have Toni Kroos down as a reform voter

Bit of a quandary for Farage if England continue to progress in the Euros. Can he get all proud and patriotic about this team which seems heavily reliant on immigration whether Irish, Afro-Caribbean or African? Maybe he's too Patrician to comment on something as vulgar as football.

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It'll be interesting to see how the whole Reform project pans out.  The Tories haven't been conservative for quite some time, and that won't change without pressure from a party like Reform.

They didn't get my vote this time round, but I like their policies and wish them well.  Farage's ability to work the media is second to none.

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7 minutes ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

They didn't get my vote this time round, but I like their policies and wish them well.  Farage's ability to work the media is second to none.

Yes, his ability to work the media is indeed second to none. He manages to spout dangerous racist pish and nonsense in such a way as to make people like their policies.

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1 hour ago, Thane of Cawdor said:

Bit of a quandary for Farage if England continue to progress in the Euros. Can he get all proud and patriotic about this team which seems heavily reliant on immigration whether Irish, Afro-Caribbean or African? Maybe he's too Patrician to comment on something as vulgar as football.

Excluding goals by players that don't really count then they are already out and heading home.

Problem solved.

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"The Conservatives haven't been conservative for a while"

They look pretty bloody Tory from my end of the telescope. Similar to the sentiments that Keef's party are somehow a bunch of raving trots

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34 minutes ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

It'll be interesting to see how the whole Reform project pans out.  The Tories haven't been conservative for quite some time, and that won't change without pressure from a party like Reform.

They didn't get my vote this time round, but I like their policies and wish them well.  Farage's ability to work the media is second to none.

Come on to f**k mate.
Look at the multimillionaires backing Reform, look at their constant paid for media coverage, look at their nonsense policies wanting to deregulate everything.
They're not the everyman's party and they won't really stop immigration. They openly want Britain to be a haven for the 1%.

Capitalism has failed everyone outside these c***s. It's time to turn the page on it.

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2 hours ago, Fullerene said:

Excluding goals by players that don't really count then they are already out and heading home.

Problem solved.

The English can look two ways at once where football is involved whether it be the national team or their club teams; Farage will be no different.

Even the most ardent racists will declare the English Premier League to be the best in the world when the best managers and players are often foreign and foreign ownership is dominant.


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14 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The English can look two ways at once where football is involved whether it be the national team or their club teams; Farage will be no different.

Even the most ardent racists will declare the English Premier League to be the best in the world when the best managers and players are often foreign and foreign ownership is dominant.

The British Empire was mostly foreign (and mostly Muslim or Hindu too) but let's not get into the detail.

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On 05/07/2024 at 09:23, throbber said:

4 million votes and only 4 seats. More people voted reform than Lib Dem. Also reform got 60% as many as the conservatives. Are they crying that democracy doesn’t work yet?

That's not democracy, and no right minded individual can claim that it is, think the only other country that uses this 'first past the post' system is Belarus (could be wrong though) but my original point still stands. The British general election, an absolute dishonest farce.

Thank you.

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It's quite impressive to see the Tory party, who are probably as far to the conservative right currently as they have been since Thatcher - if not more - being described as "(not being) conservative for quite some time".

Genuinely frightening to think what kind of politics some folk are after in this country.

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4 hours ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

The Tories haven't been conservative for quite some time

They've verged towards the fascist end of the spectrum. Reform are already there. Labour are conservative. Not sure where that leaves folk who "quite like their policies". Keen on sinking boats full of brown people probably. 

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If there was proportional representation there would be a left wing party formed which would get loads of votes and cancel out the Faragists. When Labour voters are questioned on Brexit, Trident, Palestine and Nationalisation they all seem to be against the heid yins policies but vote for them as down south they don't really have a choice.

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Being conservative with a small "c" to my mind means the Oakshottian tradition which used to be the MO of the party of the same name, where the status quo is preferred to change,in particular of institutions. The thinking is that there's more knowledge and procesd embedded in institutions that have evolved over time than people can know or design from scratch. 

Thatcher wasn't particularly conservative on the economy. The last government wasn't particularly conservative in austerity, leaving the EU, shutting parliament in a huff and doing a budget without a budget. 

So there's some truth to @CarrbridgeSaintee's statement. Although I suspect he means it in terms of them being too WOKE, ecowarriors and soft on crime and immigrants. 

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2 hours ago, coprolite said:

Being conservative with a small "c" to my mind means the Oakshottian tradition which used to be the MO of the party of the same name, where the status quo is preferred to change,in particular of institutions. The thinking is that there's more knowledge and procesd embedded in institutions that have evolved over time than people can know or design from scratch. 

Thatcher wasn't particularly conservative on the economy. The last government wasn't particularly conservative in austerity, leaving the EU, shutting parliament in a huff and doing a budget without a budget. 

So there's some truth to @CarrbridgeSaintee's statement. Although I suspect he means it in terms of them being too WOKE, ecowarriors and soft on crime and immigrants. 

I read that as Oaksoftian 

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