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General Election 2024

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3 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:

I've been down to put my cock and balls into the ballot box.

Brings back horrible memories of my cystoscopy where they stuck my tadger in some doughnut shaped vice like thing to "hold it in place" before sending a full film and sound crew (well, thats what it felt like) up my japs-eye.

Thanks for the reminder !

Anesthesiologist GIF by Bonita Del Rey Dental Care

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Just voted (SNP) only to be accosted by a spotty tw@t with a Labour rosette at gate saying "only a vote for Labour would protect the NHS".When I pointed out Labour run Wales had worst performing NHS in UK said spotty Tw@t shuffled off .

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26 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:

I've been down to put my cock and balls into the ballot box.

Not sure this is the right forum for fetishes.

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10 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

Vote Rishi to get rid of THAT WOMAN!


Another Bingo box ticked off,

'The Silent Majority' just f**k off.

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2 minutes ago, MEADOWXI said:

Another Bingo box ticked off,

'The Silent Majority' just f**k off.

At least they should f**k off quietly.

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1 hour ago, Scary Bear said:

The Tories and Reform left it a bit late. Only got them yesterday. Obviously focussing on people who can only keep a good rage going for a short time before they forget what they were raging about.

Before that the only leaflets I had received were a few from Labour (this is obvs a target seat for them) and one from SNP with a woman with a hat on that looked like she was going fly fishing.


I got a leaflet from the communists and one from the scottish family party. Clearly a haven for fringe lunatics in this neck of the woods.

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43 minutes ago, I Clavdivs said:

Just voted (SNP) only to be accosted by a spotty tw@t with a Labour rosette at gate saying "only a vote for Labour would protect the NHS".When I pointed out Labour run Wales had worst performing NHS in UK said spotty Tw@t shuffled off .

Was this an actual Labour canvasser/activist outside a polling station?

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1 hour ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I can't really take seriously any newspaper that decides to back a political party once it's clear that they're going to win the election. 

This would be a much stronger argument if not articulated by an OF fan.

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1 hour ago, I Clavdivs said:

Just voted (SNP) only to be accosted by a spotty tw@t with a Labour rosette at gate saying "only a vote for Labour would protect the NHS".When I pointed out Labour run Wales had worst performing NHS in UK said spotty Tw@t shuffled off .

I’m a million miles away from being a Labour sympathiser but the SNP’s defence of anything to do with health up here is that they don’t get enough money from the Tories. Are Welsh Labour not allowed to use the same excuse?

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1 minute ago, eez-eh said:

I’m a million miles away from being a Labour sympathiser but the SNP’s defence of anything to do with health up here is that they don’t get enough money from the Tories. Are Welsh Labour not allowed to use the same excuse?

I think the point is that Labour up here have been campaigning on the idea "SNP bad / Labour will solve it" on the Scottish NHS (despite it being fucking devolved and nowt to do with the GE).

Labour wont give anyone more cash after the election, so Welsh Labour have been told to keep their traps shut about their NHS.

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3 minutes ago, eez-eh said:

I’m a million miles away from being a Labour sympathiser but the SNP’s defence of anything to do with health up here is that they don’t get enough money from the Tories. Are Welsh Labour not allowed to use the same excuse?

Both Governments can justifiably attack shrinking Westminster funding to block grants and the Tories mishandling of economy leading to soaring cost of living issues.However,within these confines the SNP run NHS is undeniably the best run,manned and financed NHS in a broken,corrupt and failed London centric UK .Only through Independence can we reach our full potential .

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3 hours ago, ICTChris said:

I mean the Sun backed Labour in 1997, which was a far bigger story than any newspaper endorsement today and was only eight years after Hillsborough, and Labour won every constituency bar one in the whole Merseyside region, including every seat in Liverpool itself, most of them with 70% of the vote.

By 1997, the whole of Merseyside had pretty much had enough of the Tories.  There are still Tory voters about, though.  The campaign against that rag had been pretty successful.  Loads of folk just wanted Labour in.  This time, I think folk realise the paper is pretty much an irrelevance, even if they aren't too thrilled about any involvement with it 

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3 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Well I suppose you can, but if you refuse to participate in the process then no one should pay attention to your whinging and complaining.

As a former colleague of mine used to say “if you’re not part of the solution then you’re part of the problem”.


You've kept your membership of the Black Panthers pretty quiet.

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