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Middle class Scottish things

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2 hours ago, throbber said:

I think you just outgrow certain people and find your own level in the passage of life. If you want to call it a promotion from working class to middle class then you are looking at life as if it’s some sort of box ticking exercise rather than just accepting you’ve moved upwards and people you grew up with have stayed the same. Also comparing yourself to others is never a good thing in any walk of life.

I wish we knew a bit less about your passage.

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15 hours ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Bairns toys in the front garden is peak adult ned behaviour, having everycunt sit in the front garden for a bbq and scoop is proper scumbag stuff. Don’t tell me am wrong

Would agreed had I not seen the following by the polling station:

Smoking on the front doorstep whilst wearing dressing gown (bonus point for post-11am)

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22 hours ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

It's a good point you make and one that needs reminding when people get carried away.  My mrs is one of those foreign types and where she comes from there is no such thing as wealthy lower class people, besides a handful of successful sportspeople and entertainers.  It took a long long time for her to tell the difference between those with expensive things,  essentially ned's with disposable income and actual posh people. 

BIB, you are spot on,  they may have a nice car and possible an expensive watch in some cases but other than their house you generally don't see them going for flashy or expensive things,  they tend not to wear branded clothes, very few will have sky tv for instance ( that's for the working class) the thing that will most likely give them away is that they can often have hobbies that the likes of you or I wouln't be able to afford



Helensburgh is down the road from me and there's a fair number of what I would call the elderly genuine middle class around.  Far from ostentation they are often defined by frugality, and if there is another town in Scotland with more jackets with elbow patches and ginger-coloured cords with shiny arses then I'll be surprised.

And another thing.  Quite a few would rather rattle about freezing in the ancestral family home than suffer the indignity of downsizing to a more suitably modest place.

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On 29/06/2024 at 16:52, The Golden God said:

Using working class/older Scottish slang that even working class people don’t use much any more. “Swally/bevvy/tatties”. Always seems to be the Glasgow uni accent types that do it 

Having the words with their definitions on a mug - Working class

Having the words framed and up in the hall - Middle class

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2 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

Would agreed had I not seen the following by the polling station:

Smoking on the front doorstep whilst wearing dressing gown (bonus point for post-11am)

yeah, I still smoked when I bought my house 11 year ago and decided that I wouldn't smoke inside the house.  Never ever sat by the front door, always the back, I've honestly no idea what these c***s are all about

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Keep reading about golf being a sign of ‘middle class’ as a huge sweeping statement. I can assure you, there was nothing middle class about playing golf at Paisley Barshaw public course in the 1970s. Now, I’ll grant you that there are many, many golf clubs where the clientele will be mostly white, male, of a mature age, and more interested in what car you roll up to the club in than you as a a person, but I’m simply not buying a sweeping ‘golf’ statement as a sign of anything - that covers absolutely everyone in Scotland who plays it. I’ve been playing golf since I was ten, turned out to be decent at it, enjoy it, just as I enjoyed playing five a sides back in the day. These days, if I tried to play fives, I’d be blowing out my arse after two minutes and would instantly suffer a double cruciate ligament failure in both knees - but I can still enjoy my golf with my mates, and still play it reasonably well. Keeps me fit, gets me out in the fresh air, don’t see it being anything to do with ‘class’. I just like playing golf. 

Rant over. If anyone simply doesn’t like golf and thinks it’s shite, fair enough. I think rugby union is utter shite. Each to their own. Now all you anti-golfers can fcuk off. My Pringle cashmere jumper needs a hand wash. 😁

Edited by pozbaird
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4 hours ago, Leith Green said:

I dunno, I have bumped into people I was at school with and have walked away with a warm glow.........

I don’t think the school you went to and the people you were once stuck with through no choice of your own should have any bearing on how you view yourself later on in life though. This is the sort of thinking that leads to huge insecurities and anxieties that do nobody any favours in the long term.

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53 minutes ago, throbber said:

I don’t think the school you went to and the people you were once stuck with through no choice of your own should have any bearing on how you view yourself later on in life though. This is the sort of thinking that leads to huge insecurities and anxieties that do nobody any favours in the long term.

^^ wants to climb the social ladder.

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2 hours ago, throbber said:

I don’t think the school you went to and the people you were once stuck with through no choice of your own should have any bearing on how you view yourself later on in life though. This is the sort of thinking that leads to huge insecurities and anxieties that do nobody any favours in the long term.

It takes a village to raise a child. If the village is a scheme this person will be a schemie, always, because we are products of our environment.

If the child is raised in Bruntsfield/Morningside/Stockbridge/Marchmont/Murrayfield/dozens of other places in Edinburgh then the child will be middle class. Even if this person ends up in poverty they will always be middle class. It is not just about money.


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