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Ingrained in your head.

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3 hours ago, pozbaird said:

The old advert (1970s?) about train travel where a kid features, and when asked where they travelled to, answered ‘Glasgow’, then after being asked if they had anything to eat on the train, replied ‘a wee biscuit’. To this day, if Mrs P says ‘I’m sticking the kettle on, you want anything with your tea?’ I’ll reply ‘a wee biscuit’.

Please tell me someone else remembers this advert!

Until I read this today, I'd always thought he said, 'a wee bit o' skit/skate'. Fish and chips.

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2 hours ago, pozbaird said:

Sticking to the old adverts theme, another one just came to mind that between us, me & Mrs P still use… ‘I can’t take my exams blocked up like this’… ‘Course’ you can Malcolm’.

The ‘course you can Malcolm’ is embedded in our brains, and from time to time, if one of us claims we can’t or usually won’t do something - like weed the garden as promised…. 😜

"Well, how did it go?"
<Deep sniff> "The Sinex? Didn't need it once."
"The exam!"
"Oh...that smells good Mum"

Anyway, for me it's the registration number of my Dad's car when I was 7. Ask me the registration number of the car I've been driving almost every day for the last 8 years and I'd have to look it up. I can also remember my first bank account number from 46 years ago.


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Erm, well, err, get into trouble swimming, simply whip off your pyjama bottoms, tie a knot in each leg, briskly throw them over your shoulder to fill them with air before using them as a life-saving floatation device.… before scrambling to the bank… and you can be sure my parents taught me to swim after that.

Cough, ahem… can you tell what it is yet?

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3 hours ago, tinkerbelle said:

Pea and ham, from a chicken?

Reading the first couple of posts on this thread, that's exactly what I was going to mention. 

I can just about recite the whole ad word for word despite, I'm guessing, it was from late 70s/early 80s. 

Yet ask me to remember stuff for work and I'm clueless. 

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Have one from the old Killie Club bus. One of the boys, sadly no longer with us would always say as we passed the Malletsheugh Toby Grill into Newton Mearns:

"You can sheugh ma mallet but you're no grilling ma Toby"  

Even on the new motorway I still recite as I head in to the city.

Miss you Mr Wells 🥲💙

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4 hours ago, tinkerbelle said:

Pea and ham, from a chicken?

Used this just the other week.

My auld man had a Morris traveller that was the same green as the car in the advert.

Car was called the P&H.

It had a bit of bracket fungus on the internal wood strapping that doubled up as a cup holder.

Also was "able" to carry a whole eleven a side team of under 9's to games.

Happy days.

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6 hours ago, &#x27;WellDel said:

I'm a bit like this with codes and stuff. I used to help the wife with her accounting and can still reel off her 16 digit alphanumeric HMRC login even 5 years or more after last using it.

At work I visit various areas daily, the doors and gates to which are all keypad entry and the combinations are all committed to memory. Likewise, I also know my full bank card number and security codes off by heart, as well as the mobile numbers of several friends and family members (a useless trait considering they're all stored in the phone anyway). I am also capable, however, of walking from the kitchen to the living room and being unable to recall whether or not I actually switched the kettle on..

Hiya Rainman!

6 hours ago, pozbaird said:

Sticking to the old adverts theme, another one just came to mind that between us, me & Mrs P still use… ‘I can’t take my exams blocked up like this’… ‘Course’ you can Malcolm’.

The ‘course you can Malcolm’ is embedded in our brains, and from time to time, if one of us claims we can’t or usually won’t do something - like weed the garden as promised…. 😜

"A decong class deturn to Dottingham, please"

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Fleming's Right Hand rule (calling Kenneth...)

The jingle to an advert for Dulux paint

Meth, Eth, Prop, But, Pent (the names of the Kardashian offspring.. well, perhaps not. It's organic chemistry)

A 6 line war poem by Siegfried Sassoon

That crop rotation in the 14th Century was considerable improved by the introduction of the seed drill 


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7 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

Won't post either on here obviously, harr harr, but my mobile number and national insurance number are burned into my memory now and I don't think I ever sat and memorised either, it blows my mind sometimes that folk don't know their NI number off by heart in particular. Mobile numbers maybe can change or it's that whole thing that you never really need to call yourself unless you've misplaced your phone and are hunting for it (handy to know off by heart but arguably not essential, especially as you can just look at your phone contacts to find out your own number if you need to) but your NI number never changes.

I recently had the same conversation with my son that my mum and I had thirty years ago.

"What's your National Insurance Number?"
*repeats from memory*
"How do you remember that? I can never remember mine"
"You will"

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Doooooooooooooo the Shake 'n' Vac and put the freshness back,
Do the Shake 'n' Vac and put the freshness back!
When your carpet smells fresh, your room does too,
Any time you vacuum, remember what you do,
You do the Shake 'n' Vac and put the freshness back,
Do the Shake 'n' Vac and put the freshness back!

We know,
The mea-ning,
Of clea-ning!

It's too orangey for crows! It's just for me and my dog.

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