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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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You and Mozza should form a support group.


I see Mozza more like this handsome bloke, pictured here giving Bobby Skidmarks his bi-monthly tanning treatment.




Tell said little shit they get their looks from daddy


He kens he takes after his mother   <_<


Apparently I have a baby face now. Work's going to be fun tomorrow.

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Spit-roasting you know, but not pearl necklaces?


I knew a lad whose screen name was Jizzy Pearl, if that's any help.


He had a Love/Hate relationship with the name, I hear :)


Actually - one I remember about him was when they supported Skid Row at the Playhouse. Some TV show was interviewing people going in and one lassie we vaguely knew - nice enough girl, but not the brightest (or smallest) - was claiming the bold Jizzy had given her the message on a previous tour. A few weeks later, he spent half an interview in Kerrang denying all knowledge.

Edited by Hillonearth
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He had a Love/Hate relationship with the name, I hear :)


f**k's sake, I'd forgotten all about that band. Zen's post makes sense now too. Slightly less concerned about his obsession with semen now.


Not Zen - his obsession is still cause for concern. As is Grimbo's interest in Throbber's inevitable Family Circle.

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f**k's sake, I'd forgotten all about that band. Zen's post makes sense now too. Slightly less concerned about his obsession with semen now.


Not Zen - his obsession is still cause for concern. As is Grimbo's interest in Throbber's inevitable Family Circle.


No obsession, Mozza and your good self have both been rebuked by your offspring of late, mind you, having a face like shit is nothing compared to the state of those breeks.

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Mine's far too logical for a "face made of shite" insult, alas. I done brung him up wrong.


Still, sounds like our weans know well enough to avoid being like their fathers, which is half the battle.

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People who don't stand in a proper queue at the chip shop. The usual procedure at the chippy I use is for the front end of the queue to be at the wrapping point of the counter and people lining back along the counter and round the corner (depending on how busy it is). Lately however I have noticed that some people are coming in, placing their order when asked, and then standing away from the counter against the opposite wall.(nothing to do with my personal hygiene I'm sure), other customers then come in and don't know if these people are actually in the queue or just standing back waiting on someone being served, result they either stand at the end of the fragmented queue or go to the end of the queue at the counter, which can cause ill-feeling. I've seen some people almost standing outside when there is plenty of room in the shop because people are not closing up the space in the queue. If we don't queue properly the result is pandemonium.

     Also, people who don't give the full list of what they want at the one time. The couple in front of me had ordered their fish suppers or whatever and paid for them, which is how it is done in this chippy. When the fish suppers were ready and wrapped they then decided that they wanted bottles of red kola, some pickled onions, various packets of different flavour crisps (which involved them having a discussion as to what flavours) and a carrier bag. They then had to pay for these additional items. They had stood about for five minutes or so waiting on their fish suppers getting cooked and they had ample opportunity to ask for these additional items during that time but that would have been too sensible.      

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The fly whizzing around my living room, but more annoyingly when it lands on my TV. Ordinarily I'd just be annoyed but I'm watching Ice Hockey so not only am I annoyed I'm also getting confused differentiating between the puck and the fly :wacko:

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