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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People who don't stand in a proper queue at the chip shop. The usual procedure at the chippy I use is for the front end of the queue to be at the wrapping point of the counter and people lining back along the counter and round the corner (depending on how busy it is). Lately however I have noticed that some people are coming in, placing their order when asked, and then standing away from the counter against the opposite wall.(nothing to do with my personal hygiene I'm sure), other customers then come in and don't know if these people are actually in the queue or just standing back waiting on someone being served, result they either stand at the end of the fragmented queue or go to the end of the queue at the counter, which can cause ill-feeling. I've seen some people almost standing outside when there is plenty of room in the shop because people are not closing up the space in the queue. If we don't queue properly the result is pandemonium.

     Also, people who don't give the full list of what they want at the one time. The couple in front of me had ordered their fish suppers or whatever and paid for them, which is how it is done in this chippy. When the fish suppers were ready and wrapped they then decided that they wanted bottles of red kola, some pickled onions, various packets of different flavour crisps (which involved them having a discussion as to what flavours) and a carrier bag. They then had to pay for these additional items. They had stood about for five minutes or so waiting on their fish suppers getting cooked and they had ample opportunity to ask for these additional items during that time but that would have been too sensible.      

I saw a vacancy for a Chipmeisterubenfuhrer.  Would that be of any interest to you?

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When picking somebody up from their hoose, hooting the horn to let them know you're there. No excuse in this day and age. Send a text or whatever.

Even worse - when people are driving away after a visit, hooting the horn when they've gone ten yards down the road even though you're standing watching them.

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The bit about the chippy queue... I do that. My local chippy isnt big enough to wait at the saucing station. Its horses for courses im afraid.

Exactly. If you stand at the counter while they're cooking your fish then you're blocking the people behind from coming forward and ordering. My chippy fries the fish to order but has the steak pies and white puddings and stuff on the hotplate (whatever that thing is called) so people buying one of those can be served and out the shop before the fish is ready.

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Exactly. If you stand at the counter while they're cooking your fish then you're blocking the people behind from coming forward and ordering. My chippy fries the fish to order but has the steak pies and white puddings and stuff on the hotplate (whatever that thing is called) so people buying one of those can be served and out the shop before the fish is ready.


Put order in at counter and pay. Get a receipt with a number on it, take a seat or stand out way if seats full.


Everything cooked to order. Number called, Salt and vinegar on everything, lots of vinegar,

take order and leave.

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Put order in at counter and pay. Get a receipt with a number on it, take a seat or stand out way if seats full.


Everything cooked to order. Number called, Salt and vinegar on everything, lots of vinegar,

take order and leave.

Too right.  Discipline in the chip shop has gone to the dogs.

I can remember when you said "Haddock and Chips, Sir."

I blame the parents, the teachers and the EU.

The sooner we take control of our own affairs the better - and that means proper behaviour and civility in the chip shop, the way it use to be in the good ole days.

Oh dear, where has my medication gone.

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Too right. Discipline in the chip shop has gone to the dogs.

I can remember when you said "Haddock and Chips, Sir."

I blame the parents, the teachers and the EU.

The sooner we take control of our own affairs the better - and that means proper behaviour and civility in the chip shop, the way it use to be in the good ole days.

Oh dear, where has my medication gone.

What "meds" you need, our chipper sells most of yer general prescription requirements.


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I saw a vacancy for a Chipmeisterubenfuhrer.  Would that be of any interest to you?

I realise that my recent complaint may not be world threatening, it is petty but it annoys me and where better to express it than on this thread.


Exactly. If you stand at the counter while they're cooking your fish then you're blocking the people behind from coming forward and ordering. My chippy fries the fish to order but has the steak pies and white puddings and stuff on the hotplate (whatever that thing is called) so people buying one of those can be served and out the shop before the fish is ready.

There is another local chippy that I use, only as a last resort, where they serve the queue in order so even if what you want is available they won't serve you 'til you are at the head of the queue. That also annoys me.

The chippy to which I originally referred isn't really busy enough to merit numbered service order but they take your order and payment as you come in. The staff then reel off the orders to the "cook" in the order they are taken. If some are ready before others then it is no great problem to let the customer in at the "sauce station" to get it.

Anyway I don't want to elevate this beyond my pettiness of the situation so I'll leave it there. 

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The wife going on a night out tonight. Five of them are meeting at one lassie's house an hour before a gig. One hour.


They currently have:


- Two pizzas(one of which the wife is taking and is the size of a fucking dinner table)


- A ONE HUNDRED PIECE Indian buffet platter


- Three share size bags of crisps


- Litres of vodka


- Prosecco


- a case of Stella


- bottles of shots


Five of them have sixty minutes for all that. Daft bints.  :lol:

Edited by Monster
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