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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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2 hours ago, jmothecat said:

International breaks. I used to find them really exciting whereas now it seems like an unwelcome break from the football I actually want to watch.

Combining this 1 with the super diddy cup is quite an idea.

On Sunday I'm gonnae watch Turriff play Hibs before cheering on Slovakia and Scotland

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One of my jobs when I was a student I was a waiter at a posh restaurant and got paid the minimum wage and was on a zero hours contract. Tips were poor because they pooled them and split them between everyone. Made more working for a downmarket bar/cafe the following summer. Had more fun and staff were treated better too.

I don't know if that is typical, I'm sure Michelin star places and top of the range places pay more, but I'm glad I saw sense and decided to leave service altogether and go for a supermarket by the time I was in third year. Better pay, better job, treated a lot better, actually given contracted hours etc.

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People who park big f**k off 4x4s or long vans in standard parking spaces so that the back sticks out causing an obstruction, all just because they are lazy c***s and want to park as close to the store as possible. This is particularly annoying when the car park is 3/4 empty and they could have chosen any one of over 100 empty back to back spaces.

People who decide to have a catch up with their pals at the entrance to the supermarket, between the two sets of automatic doors, right in the way of every other person who wants to come or go. I bet one of c***s drives a 4x4 and the other a long van. Arseholes. 

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1 hour ago, KnightswoodBear said:

I've just discovered that the BBC have done an "updated" version of Porridge.


Horrific. The original series was one of the finest documentaries ever produced by the State broadcaster. Any update would struggle to find an iota of humour in today's version of the Queen's Hotel chain.*


*Broadcastable, anyway.:whistle

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5 hours ago, Gaz FFC said:

Do waiters and waitresses in posh restaurants get paid more than the guys who work in an average place like Frankie and Bennys?

Always expected they wouldn't but the tips would be greater.

I work in (what is soon to be) a five-star hotel as a barman/waiter but I'm on (and will be on) the minimum wage.

There are a few bars and clubs in Glasgow which are starting to pay the living wage. That'd be nice.

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On ‎23‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 18:52, Shandon Par said:

I was looking down at a pair of my favourite loafers this morning. They are the sort of thing a sleazy Mediterranean-based people-trafficking sailor might wear and I'm very fond of them.

They came from a wee shop in Inca, Mallorca. "Maybe I can find a p&b'er who is going to the Med, who knows shows, who I could bribe to get me a pair".

Then I discovered I can just order them off  the shop's website.

*If I were to judge you, you know what I'd be thinking?

Camper Shoes, Inca.



*I'm judging you anyway.

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SJW idiot abuses driver over "Offensive" Hula girl doll he has on his dashboard. She filmed the incident and posted it online hoping it would somehow punish the driver, but instead she got dogs abuse for being a fucking idiot and had to delete her Twitter account, now shes playing the victim card.

These morons do my head in, finding offense where there isnt any.

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