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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm pretty certain I've posted in here before about both people who stand in front of the doors before anyone gets off and people who get up and wait at the door when it's barely even left the previous station. I think the latter annoys me more mainly because I need to sit looking at them in disgust for another two minutes.

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9 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

A more annoying trait when a train stops and the doors open is these c***s who are so desperate to get on that they have failed to notice folk trying to get off.

Indeed.  This has ruined the London Underground.  "Let the passengers off the train first, ya c***s".

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I'm pretty certain I've posted in here before about both people who stand in front of the doors before anyone gets off...

...and stand pressing the door open button repeatedly before it's even lit up.

It doesn't annoy me as such, I just find it to be moronic behaviour. Even more so when they go to another door as they think that one's not working :lol:

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...and stand pressing the door open button repeatedly before it's even lit up.

It doesn't annoy me as such, I just find it to be moronic behaviour. Even more so when they go to another door as they think that one's not working[emoji38]

It is better when it is a HST which has no buttons but a handle on the outside of the door and they stand there trying to find the button. Or they are standing at the door on the opposite side from the platform. Even better when it is platform 18 in Waverley as it has a platform face on both sides but only one is used and they look out the window at the wrong side wondering why the door will not open
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3 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:

You're worried they'll find the body aren't you?

Would make more sense that i had something to actually worry about but right now its as if my mind is playing tricks on me or something, some awful things going on up there but i think its mostly down to uncertainty about my future.

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Tesco. I know where everything is and it makes shopping easy. I hate dilly dallying and like to just whizz around and get in and out as quick as possible. Lately the fuckers have re-arranged almost the entire store and it seems every day they are moving things around and when I go to pick up something it's not where it used to be and I have to hunt around for it. Why the f**k do they do this? Is it because they know people get wise to where things are and so it stops spontaneous purchasing, and they move things around to try and dupe people into buying things they don't need? I know you don't work there any more @G_Man1985 but do you know why this happens?

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13 minutes ago, Rugster said:

Tesco. I know where everything is and it makes shopping easy. I hate dilly dallying and like to just whizz around and get in and out as quick as possible. Lately the fuckers have re-arranged almost the entire store and it seems every day they are moving things around and when I go to pick up something it's not where it used to be and I have to hunt around for it. Why the f**k do they do this? Is it because they know people get wise to where things are and so it stops spontaneous purchasing, and they move things around to try and dupe people into buying things they don't need? I know you don't work there any more @G_Man1985 but do you know why this happens?

This is pretty much why they do it, so you have to walk around and end up picking up things you wouldn't have otherwise. Doesn't work on everyone but it definitely works on a lot of people. They also put essentials like bread and milk at the back so you need walk by everything to get them and tons of other sneaky tricks. To be fair it's not just Tesco, every supermarket does it. 

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Woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat absolutely terrified, not sure what it was that was scaring me exactly but it was most unpleasant.

Happens to me frequently. I've always been a sleepwalker but as I've got older that's developed into full blown night terrors.

Switching a light on or any form of light normally snaps me out of them so when I can't locate my phone during the night it's actually quite frightening. I can't just get up and switch the light on in the dark because the thing that's terrified me is obviously 'out there'.

The worst one I ever had was really freaky. I was sleeping on the couch and all of a sudden jumped up in the middle of the night and legged it outside. So there I was at around 4am outside in just my boxers panting like a dog. The worst thing about that one was that even though I had regained some form of consciousness outside, I wasn't in any hurry to go back in as there was still something scaring me. It was horrible at the time as my heart was going ten to the dozen. There always a good laugh the day after at least but at the time they're very real.

I tend to have mine when I overheat or when I'm stressing over something. I think the latter being the biggest trigger. I never really let stress get to me on a conscious level so it obviously manifests itself when I'm sleeping!
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That sounds pretty severe! It probably is mostly stress but i think i can help myself by not consuming too much caffeine during the day etc but it is horrible, i was well aware there was nothing other than my own thoughts to be afraid of but that was even more terrifying as you can't escape your own mind. Might start drinking more heavily to get rid of these awful thoughts. 

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15 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

I can't just get up and switch the light on in the dark because the thing that's terrified me is obviously 'out there'.

Hiding under the bed, waiting to grab your ankles the second your feet touch the floor.

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