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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'll hold my hand up and admit I didn't look at the photo showing the front sticking out.  Strangely though, his back end looks level with yours so maybe that's your fault as well as he probably used your positioning to park.  Anyhow, there is plenty of space in front so don't see the problem.  Good to see a driver confident enough in their parking skills to park right next to another car in an empty car park though.

My car is significantly smaller. As I don't drive a bigger car I'm not an expert, but I'd have assumed the correct etiquette would be to overlap onto the road rather than into another space.

It's not showing good skills, it's showing stupidity. Why someone would park next to someone else in an empty car park truly baffles me especially that close where there is a risk of some arsehole hitting the car with their door.
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On 20/03/2018 at 17:58, 19QOS19 said:

My normal complaint: drivers in Dumfries. This time it's more to do with the parking though. Came out the shop and actually saw this clown park next to me, he then squeezed out his own car and after I took the pictures I squeezed into mine.


I'm not precious about my car, it's hardly an Aston Martin. I just couldn't figure out why he chose to pull up next to mine when there were loads of spaces with room either side. Complete moron.

Everyone is missing the point here. Why drive into that space without carrying on into the space in front so it's facing the right way? 


What a c**t. 

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I never realised parking in that manner induced so much seethe, I'm going to start targeting the solitary car from now on, hope it's a right fat b*****d I park alongside.

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I never realised parking in that manner induced so much seethe, I'm going to start targeting the solitary car from now on, hope it's a right fat b*****d I park alongside.

Go to Dumfries, target small white cars then record and post the outcome
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11 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:


My car is significantly smaller. As I don't drive a bigger car I'm not an expert, but I'd have assumed the correct etiquette would be to overlap onto the road rather than into another space.

It's not showing good skills, it's showing stupidity. Why someone would park next to someone else in an empty car park truly baffles me especially that close where there is a risk of some arsehole hitting the car with their door.


Not sure about the etiquette but surely overlapping into the road would be an inconvenience to everyone who would have to manoeuvre through a potentially tight space.  At least protruding into the space in front only inconveniences 1 person at most, and most likely nobody.

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On 20/03/2018 at 17:58, 19QOS19 said:

My normal complaint: drivers in Dumfries. This time it's more to do with the parking though. Came out the shop and actually saw this clown park next to me, he then squeezed out his own car and after I took the pictures I squeezed into mine.


I'm not precious about my car, it's hardly an Aston Martin. I just couldn't figure out why he chose to pull up next to mine when there were loads of spaces with room either side. Complete moron.

The real issue here is atrocious composition.

no 3 is ok, but 1 and 2 focus on empty tarmac. I originally thought that you were referring to the blue car at the back. 

I think you got the parking that your photography deserves.

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12 hours ago, Lisa Cuddy said:

Everyone is missing the point here. Why drive into that space without carrying on into the space in front so it's facing the right way? 


What a c**t. 

T.B.F. he has covered that base by parking well into the space in front. 

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Personally I like the photos. 1 and 2 bring home the post war bleak wasteland that is Dumfries whilst 3 is an allegory for the lives of all Doonhamers. Thrown onto this spinning rock, too close to one another and inward looking despite a world of opportunity if they would only move.

These photos should be in the MOMA IMO.

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The real issue here is atrocious composition.
no 3 is ok, but 1 and 2 focus on empty tarmac. I originally thought that you were referring to the blue car at the back. 
I think you got the parking that your photography deserves.

One of them focussing on empty space wouldn’t be so bad as he is, after all, trying to communicate how much empty space there was.

It would be better if he’d walked over to the blue car and taken the shot from there.
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If [mention=12169]19QOS19[/mention] had just blocked out his number plate in a photo editing program of some sort he wouldn't have to take such shite pictures to try and hide it. Perhaps that, rather than parking, is the issue.

The issue was the other car. There was nothing next to me so a full photo of my car would have been utterly pointless.
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