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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Went to view a flat in Coatbridge ( :ph34r: ) today. I was 10 minutes late but as it's a reposession sale, I assumed it would be a block viewing and wasn't too worried.

The place was locked up when I arrived, so I phoned the estate agency who informed me that the bloke who was doing the viewings had buggered off owing to my tardiness. When I pointed out that I was only 10 minutes late and did they really expect me to be in and out within 10 mins of the appointment time anyway, the bint on the other end of the line's response was along the lines of "Well, it's only a 1 bed flat."

I was fucking apoplectic at this response but somehow resisted the oppertunity to tell the condescending midden where to go. I asked if they could arrange for the agent to come round with the keys later in the afternoon, only to be given a point blank "no" in reply. Nor did she offer to reschedule the viewing later in the week.

They can stick their fucking flat, unhelpful c'nts. :angry:

Edited by wearealldoomed
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Guest xbasslichtie

Just had to evacuate my room for a few minutes.

Went to KFC for the second time ever today (that Stirling KFC deserves a thread of its own, what with police, funny looks, awkward silences, and other assorted weirdness), and had a very very nice KFC meal.

Downside is, I just let out the worlds most chickeny fart! It was awful, my gag reflex activated! I just had to open the window wide and bugger off for a couple minutes!

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Just had to evacuate my room for a few minutes.

Went to KFC for the second time ever today (that Stirling KFC deserves a thread of its own, what with police, funny looks, awkward silences, and other assorted weirdness), and had a very very nice KFC meal.

Downside is, I just let out the worlds most chickeny fart! It was awful, my gag reflex activated! I just had to open the window wide and bugger off for a couple minutes!

You don't have a girlfriend, do you?

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Guest xbasslichtie
I want you, hairy stallion! Sweep me off my feet in your knackered Astra and together we can shop for beard trimmers.

:lol: :lol:

Most Ive laughed all day!

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Fecked my knee playing football yesterday, it's all swollen round the joint <_<

Ouch :(

I think my knees are going to fall off at some point - I can't think of a game of football I've played recently that hasn't resulted in my kees being f*cked!

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I think my knees are going to fall off at some point - I can't think of a game of football I've played recently that hasn't resulted in my kees being f*cked!

I only have myself to blame!

A guy knocked the ball past me and I just stuck my leg out in an attempt to catch the ball and he smashed his knee right into mine as he went past.

I wasn't that bad walking home last night, but it was agony this morning.

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Guest The Phoenix
Cricket Teams who should win comfortably but are making a mess of it making me nervous

You should be less nervous now - Lara's out and it looks like they are going to get beat comfortably.


Whatever made you think that Windies would have it easy against Pakistan? :o:unsure:

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