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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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2 hours ago, Derry Alli said:

It's a tree, who gives a f**k?

"Tree of the year" :lol:

It was the lead story on the regional BBC news.  Vox pops included: devastating, bereft, angry and upset and can't comprehend. I can actually understand those kinds of reactions. However, the leader of the County Council was interviewed and suggested that it would be like the Kennedy assassination, in that everyone would remember where they were when they heard the news. I've forgotten already.

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8 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

I remember combs.


Very considerate of @Mrs Mullarkay to hide hers out of respect for your feelings.

6 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

The tree's probably hundreds of years old, a beautiful thing, then along comes a moron with a chainsaw.

Soul destroying.

Quite poignant that the post following this was from Granny Danger.

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I cut a load of branches off a tree in the garden. I started off with just cutting the grass every so often, then got into a bit of pruning. I think i can keep a lid on it but it's easy to see how the search for an  ever increasing buzz can get out of hand and lead to this sort of thing. 

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14 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:

What is it with teenagers nowadays? First the fire at Ayr Station now this tree. Whatever happened to drinking cheap cider and climbing on top of the local Primary School roof or throwing stones at windows?

I blame the parents/SNP 

It's the thought of the proposed 65p per unit for booze that's driving them to tree surgery...

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7 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:


Trees are living monuments. How would you feel if a 200 - 300 year old landmark monument / building in your town or city was mindlessly torn down overnight? You would be rightly angry, perhaps devastated.

At least a building can somewhat be rebuilt / replaced in a relatively short space of time. However once a mature tree is cut down, it is gone forever. We will not see a mature tree there again in our lifetime. And all of the life that the tree sustained and could continue to sustain for the years to come has vanished.

Matures trees will forever hold more value than famous buildings. The forests they form contain irreplaceable ecosystems that have grown over hundreds, sometimes thousands of years. People sent "thoughts and prayers", changed their facebook banners etc when the Notre-Dame went up in flames. Yet we don't see the same level of public outrage or sadness as logging and wildfires continue to destroy ancient forests worldwide.

If people viewed our ancient trees and forests as living monuments with the same fondness as they do for pieces of human architecture then the world would be a better place.

The trees urnae gonna shag you, mate.

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44 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:


Trees are living monuments. How would you feel if a 200 - 300 year old landmark monument / building in your town or city was mindlessly torn down overnight? You would be rightly angry, perhaps devastated.

At least a building can somewhat be rebuilt / replaced in a relatively short space of time. However once a mature tree is cut down, it is gone forever. We will not see a mature tree there again in our lifetime. And all of the life that the tree sustained and could continue to sustain for the years to come has vanished.

Matures trees will forever hold more value than famous buildings. The forests they form contain irreplaceable ecosystems that have grown over hundreds, sometimes thousands of years. People sent "thoughts and prayers", changed their facebook banners etc when the Notre-Dame went up in flames. Yet we don't see the same level of public outrage or sadness as logging and wildfires continue to destroy ancient forests worldwide.

If people viewed our ancient trees and forests as living monuments with the same fondness as they do for pieces of human architecture then the world would be a better place.

Am I the only one that read this in Neil from The Young Ones voice?


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