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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Had the worst backshift ever tonight, an absolute waste of time. Working on a Friday night is the worst thing ever.

I am a greedy git and have 2 jobs,I start my full time job at 07.45am and then as sson as i finish that at about 5pm i head back to Falkirk to deliver chinese meals till 11pm.Still it pays for my holidays :D

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I am a greedy git and have 2 jobs,I start my full time job at 07.45am and then as sson as i finish that at about 5pm i head back to Falkirk to deliver chinese meals till 11pm.Still it pays for my holidays :D

I could not handle that at all. I would much rather go out with my mates on a Friday. Particularly wanted to go out tonight so I asked to swap my backshift for an early, boss said no. So I put in to take it as a holiday but the knob end knocked it back. We were too busy apaprently, so thats why I spent the last 3 hours of my shift reading the papers ??? Never enough work for 2 men never mind 5 :angry:

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I am a greedy git and have 2 jobs,I start my full time job at 07.45am and then as sson as i finish that at about 5pm i head back to Falkirk to deliver chinese meals till 11pm.Still it pays for my holidays :D

Are you not breaching the working time directive with respect to your driving hours?

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Conceding 2 goals in 2 minutes and being winless after a quarter. 6 points adrift... :death

Look on the bright side - at least in the second division we occasionally won games...

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My mum. I've survived perfectly well for the last 2 years on my own, she's here for 48 hours and the house is in complete uproar. She's a ticking time bomb, you can't say anything to her, because she takes it as personal criticism and we are all on eggshells...

I've only another 2 weeks to go...

Now she has lost my good camera. She borrowed it yeterday to go out for the day, and she's now blaming me for not giving her it to her. Dad's away in the huff to the garage to build ikea furniture we have brought over, the gf's trying to hide in the bedroom due to the atmosphere.

She's trying to arrange my life, my gf's life and my dad's life all in the space of 48 hours, and I'm going out of my head. The sooner the house at home is sold, the better, because she will move in with him, and then we can move back out into our own space.



Edited by kiwififer
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