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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I had a rather wasted morning. I was picked for jury duty, so i showed up at court at the time stated on the letter, only to be told to come back in an another hour. I sat in the court with about 15 others for half an hour to be told that we had to come back at 10am tommorow as they couldnt find a trial for us <_<

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Painting the flat. Once it's started I don't mind it, it's the actually getting started that's the pain in the arse. Two hours a night maximum, not enough natural light to see the walls are even anyway. Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! :P

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What bugs me is the fact that E4 continue to show shitty Friends re-runs 4 years after it finished! The same episode must come round at least every 3 weeks! :thumbsdown:angry: :angry:

The burd watches them every night even though she's seen every one 10 times at least! :guns:babe2

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Since buying my xbox 360 last week and spending many hours sitting in front of the tv playing it, and browsing the net, my eyes have went a bit funny. I've a fear i may need glecks if i dont give my eyes a rest.

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What's the problem with Nestle again?

Were they feeding starving kids Milkybars instead of nutritious rice or something?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh wait... that wasn't funny. :angry:

Of course she gets my beers for me.........................but i had to promise to make her breakfast in bed.

:lol: But that was! That's a fab idea. In fact, Mr HGG will be at mine in just a few days time... Hmmmm - maybe I'll fetch all the drinks Thursday evening. My chances of breakfast in bed on Friday? I reckon so. :D

Rogan Josh!!

You must have nearly chaat yersel'.

You're bhunna end up with nan bread left at those prices.

Hope you told your mother - "Kor, Ma, do you know how much a curry Koftas now?"

You should wear a Protest Bhaji next time you go in.

Please PLEASE tell me you still have the day job?

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Something that is starting to really get on my tits is when I pop in the wee shop (co-op)after I get off the bus and pick up something from either the fridge or freezer, then make my way to the till to pay, only for there to be one till on, despite there being a huge fucking queue. When there is a queue one of the other muppets that work there are supposed to open up another till, to help folk get served quicker, but whenever I'm holding something relatively cold (or fucking freezing) in my hand, these b*****ds just never seem to do what they are meant to :angry: :angry: If I've got something that isn't cold in my hand, every single time they open up another till. <_< Its a conspiracy, I tell ye :lol:

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Something that is starting to really get on my tits is when I pop in the wee shop (co-op)after I get off the bus and pick up something from either the fridge or freezer, then make my way to the till to pay, only for there to be one till on, despite there being a huge fucking queue. When there is a queue one of the other muppets that work there are supposed to open up another till, to help folk get served quicker, but whenever I'm holding something relatively cold (or fucking freezing) in my hand, these b*****ds just never seem to do what they are meant to :angry: :angry: If I've got something that isn't cold in my hand, every single time they open up another till. <_< Its a conspiracy, I tell ye :lol:

Normaly people would take a wire basket before they start shopping for things. :P

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I had a rather wasted morning. I was picked for jury duty, so i showed up at court at the time stated on the letter, only to be told to come back in an another hour. I sat in the court with about 15 others for half an hour to be told that we had to come back at 10am tommorow as they couldnt find a trial for us <_<

Move out of Fife Neilly, there's plenty of crime outwith the Kingdom for you to do your jury duty at.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh wait... that wasn't funny. :angry:

What is the big deal about Nestle though?

You cant deny that their products are tasty.

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