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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I am an fully trained Equality & Diversity Advisor at work yet, despite this, I've been told that the new Home Office course through our intranet e-learning site is mandatory for all staff.

So I've just spent the last hour wading through the first four of the eight modules and realised it was time to return to my chums in Customs.


'Would you like to bookmark this course to return to it later?'



Returns to the course title page - 'Course not attempted'

It looks like I've lost the whole feckin lot! :angry: Modern frigging technology, PAH! <_<:(

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Went to see a doctor this morning.

"Nothing too serious. If it gets sore, take paracetamol, if it keeps up come back and see me. Don't lie down. Bye" was basically it. Great help that. If this is not too serious then I hope to God I don't ever suffer from "serious" back pains! It's torture!

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The one time of the day I get to use my PC and try to print some info off on the colour printer for my boss to try and impress her with my efficiency and skills and it makes a hideous grinding noise and promptly breaks down! :angry: Typical! <_<

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Going out tonight and it's "School Disco" themed.

I had to buy a shirt yesterday in Tesco, and I just picked the first one I saw, didn't have time to stand about wondering about collar sizes.

I didn't realise Tesco made Pavarotti's shirts. S'fucking huge!

You're at Uni, you'll grow into it.

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My maximum delivery count everyday is supposed to be 75.Today i had 128 on my van when i left the depot in Cumbernauld,I did manage to get someone to take some work off me but i still did 83 deliveries and 35 collections.

I can't wait for xmas to be over.

The joys of the courier business. Eh.Glad im sitting at a desk this time of year,i do miss the road though.

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It's already been stolen by my girlfriend, for sleeping in.

Well, I'll have my £3 back then, you cheeky bitch <_<

Oh, and before anyone tries to be clever, it's far far too big on her too!

£3.00 on a shirt? :o

I see you've quickly forgotten where you've come from and become a billy big time.

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My plan to wrap the Christmas presents this afternoon has faultered as when I went down the stairs I discovered the dog had used the cellotape as a toy......and I can't be arsed wrapping the bairn up and putting him in the car to go to the shops and get more!

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Our maths exam last year had higher stuff in it. That was a fucking disgrace.

There was a question in it deemed "mathematically imposible". It was a parabola and you had to find the co-orindates of where it hit the x-axis. Trouble was, though, that there were no numbers on the graph at all. :huh:

The invidulator went round to the Maths base afterwards and asked the head and another teacher to see if this was true. They both said they couldn't do it.

Our school is a farce anyway. Doing a PE evaluating with speakers that don't work and a PE teacher shouting out all of the questions. Aye, a really well-run school I go to.

EDIT: Spelling.

Edited by GypsyTillIDie
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There was a question in it deemed "mathematically imposible". It was a parabola and you had to find the co-orindates of where it hit the x-axis. Trouble was, though, that there were no numbers on the graph at all. :huh:

The invidulator went round to the Maths base afterwards and asked the head and another teacher to see if this was true. They both said they couldn't do it.

I'm intrigued by this. Wouldn't you just set y to 0 and solve?

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