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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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i think the majority would be happier with it being on this thread. Not that i'm sticking my neck out on that one.

Yes, but it means they are leaving Scotland, that is a RTBC no?

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I've just confirmed today's lunchtime running order:

12:35 Dubai - 427 pax

13:05 Alicante - 185 pax

13:10 Malaga - 180 pax

13:15 Malaga - 123 pax

13:20 Palma Mallorca - 230 pax

13:20 Faro - 183 pax

6 flights, 5 of which arrive in a 15 minute slot and a total of 1,328 passengers!

Remember that bit in the film Zulu when the African warroirs all come pouring down the hillsides en masse? Well now I know what it was like to be inside Rorke's Drift! :(

Edit: To put into greater perspective, there's only 7 of us!

I may be gone for some time.......

Edited by Kilt
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I've just confirmed today's lunchtime running order:

12:35 Dubai - 427 pax

13:05 Alicante - 185 pax

13:10 Malaga - 180 pax

13:15 Malaga - 123 pax

13:20 Palma Mallorca - 230 pax

13:20 Faro - 183 pax

6 flights, 5 of which arrive in a 15 minute slot and a total of 1,328 passengers!

Remember that bit in the film Zulu when the African warroirs all come pouring down the hillsides en masse? Well now I know what it was like to be inside Rorke's Drift! :(

Edit: To put into greater perspective, there's only 7 of us!

I may be gone for some time.......

Bit of a thicko question. But what problems are you going to have with folk coming back from their holidays?

Christ that Dubai plane must be huge.

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Bit of a thicko question. But what problems are you going to have with folk coming back from their holidays?

Christ that Dubai plane must be huge.

I'd be a bit ruder but as you don't work here you'll probably not appreciate.

To elaborate, in easy to understand, bite size pieces:

Every Passport has to be scanned.

Those coming outwith the EEA/EU have be asked a series of questions to ensure they are coming to the UK for a valid purpose. This takes time.

The Emirates Dubai plane IS huge and takes roughly 45 to 50 minutes to clear all the passengers.

Unfortunately only 30 minutes after it lands another 5 planes with around 900 passengers all arrive at once.

This leads to queues stretching right down the pier, which I have to monitor and usually end up helping to present to the Immigration Desks. So if you come back from your holidays and see a guy in a hi-vis UKBA waistcoat asking you to have your passport ready and open at the photograph page and if you're in a group go, up the Immigration Officer as a group and one person in your group should hold all the passports - that'll be me! ;) And don't you DARE use your mobile phone in the Border Control Arrivals Hall or I'll come over and tell you off! :D

Now, have you any other 'thicko' question I can help you with before I nip out for a last fag before the carnage commences? :)

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I'd be a bit ruder but as you don't work here you'll probably not appreciate.

To elaborate, in easy to understand, bite size pieces:

Every Passport has to be scanned.

Those coming outwith the EEA/EU have be asked a series of questions to ensure they are coming to the UK for a valid purpose. This takes time.

The Emirates Dubai plane IS huge and takes roughly 45 to 50 minutes to clear all the passengers.

Unfortunately only 30 minutes after it lands another 5 planes with around 900 passengers all arrive at once.

This leads to queues stretching right down the pier, which I have to monitor and usually end up helping to present to the Immigration Desks. So if you come back from your holidays and see a guy in a hi-vis UKBA waistcoat asking you to have your passport ready and open at the photograph page and if you're in a group go, up the Immigration Officer as a group and one person in your group should hold all the passports - that'll be me! ;) And don't you DARE use your mobile phone in the Border Control Arrivals Hall or I'll come over and tell you off! :D

Now, have you any other 'thicko' question I can help you with before I nip out for a last fag before the carnage commences? :)

Ahh right ok, yeah I get it now.

When was the last time you ninja'd someone?

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Ahh right ok, yeah I get it now.

When was the last time you ninja'd someone?

Thanks - I'll take that as a vote of sympathy! :D

It's just got worse as the Emirates is running 15 minutes late and has only just now landed. Pax should be on the control in about 10 minutes time - just as the other five flights begin landing! <_<

Not since about four years ago when I had to help restrain a Russian lass who went beserk as we were trying to remove her. That may change if today's queue's start getting arsey though! Wish me luck.... :(

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Guest The Phoenix

Christ, it must be a right bugger having to work a shift, rather than just sit on yer arse and pick up the wages.

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I'd be a bit ruder but as you don't work here you'll probably not appreciate.

To elaborate, in easy to understand, bite size pieces:

Every Passport has to be scanned.

Those coming outwith the EEA/EU have be asked a series of questions to ensure they are coming to the UK for a valid purpose. This takes time.

The Emirates Dubai plane IS huge and takes roughly 45 to 50 minutes to clear all the passengers.

Unfortunately only 30 minutes after it lands another 5 planes with around 900 passengers all arrive at once.

This leads to queues stretching right down the pier, which I have to monitor and usually end up helping to present to the Immigration Desks. So if you come back from your holidays and see a guy in a hi-vis UKBA waistcoat asking you to have your passport ready and open at the photograph page and if you're in a group go, up the Immigration Officer as a group and one person in your group should hold all the passports - that'll be me! ;) And don't you DARE use your mobile phone in the Border Control Arrivals Hall or I'll come over and tell you off! :D

Now, have you any other 'thicko' question I can help you with before I nip out for a last fag before the carnage commences? :)

You missed out the bit about the delays caused by you having to stop and give a running report on P&B. :rolleyes:

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Getting fit is shite.

Can i ask you a thicko question? As an old fart wanting to lose a bit of weight and get a bit fitter,where do i start? I sit at a desk all day. I was fitter when i worked as a chef,because at least i was on my feet all day.

I dint mind walking and i have a mountain bike,but i would need to build up to that ...Ta Capy..

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Can i ask you a thicko question? As an old fart wanting to lose a bit of weight and get a bit fitter,where do i start? I sit at a desk all day. I was fitter when i worked as a chef,because at least i was on my feet all day.

I dint mind walking and i have a mountain bike,but i would need to build up to that ...Ta Capy..

How old? Anything you do will have to include dieting (I speak from experience). :(

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Can i ask you a thicko question? As an old fart wanting to lose a bit of weight and get a bit fitter,where do i start? I sit at a desk all day. I was fitter when i worked as a chef,because at least i was on my feet all day.

I dint mind walking and i have a mountain bike,but i would need to build up to that ...Ta Capy..

How old? Anything you do will have to include dieting (I speak from experience). :(

That's pretty much it. You'll know about healthy eating Capy so give it another go. I go for the 3 meals a day and plenty water. Pretty simple.

Is there any sports you enjoy? Swimming could be an idea. If you're really serious about getting fit, write up a programme of what you do at night then fit exercise around it. Then you'll be able to get on that bike and go for lovely long cycles this summer!

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How old? Anything you do will have to include dieting (I speak from experience). :(


That's pretty much it. You'll know about healthy eating Capy so give it another go. I go for the 3 meals a day and plenty water. Pretty simple.

Is there any sports you enjoy? Swimming could be an idea. If you're really serious about getting fit, write up a programme of what you do at night then fit exercise around it. Then you'll be able to get on that bike and go for lovely long cycles this summer!

My diet is ok.I eat plenty of fresh stuff,fruit veg etc.And i drink loads of water at work.The only problem is what i drink after work....Im going to dust the bike down.

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