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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm hanging. Decided to get blitzed for some strange reason last night. Made it to the toilet to be sick though. That's got to be a plus.

I don't think my girlfriend is best pleased. And why do children want to get up so early in the morning? :(

:lol: :lol: :lol: Serves you bloody well right.

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I have no idea where this belongs, so here will do!


US police investigating a gruesome murder near Los Angeles identified the mutilated victim by a serial number on her breast implants, prosecutors say. The naked body of Jasmine Fiore, a 28-year-old former model, was found in a suitcase a week ago.

Alright, this is a horrible story and all that, but look at the picture:


That is NOT a person. That is either a plastic toy, or a waxwork.

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I have no idea where this belongs, so here will do!


Alright, this is a horrible story and all that, but look at the picture:


That is NOT a person. That is either a plastic toy, or a waxwork.


That's terrible. Why would you want to alter your body so much?

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It seems nowadays you can't even swear at the football! A guy I sit with swore once, then some p***k goes straight to a steward and complains about it. For the next 20 minutes theres four stewards watching the area around us and one of the jobsworth p***ks in an orange jacket is standing there taking notes on a clipboard. :lol:

I really can't stand jobsworth p***ks like that, they see an opportunity to use their so called "authority" and they're left nursing a hard on. As for the guy/woman (I'm convinced it was a transexual) who complained, get a fucking grip.

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Got into a fight tonight. That's the first fight I have had since Primary School. Guy punched me because he thought I was English <_< Good to know that tolerance is alive and well. Was having a great night as well until I got sucker punched. Fucking dangerous going out these days.

welcome to the land of moogs where your not frightened,but just careful and will not enter the world again after the hours of 8pm its a hard life,but very safe in our haven where we do communicate with the outside world in fear of cants, but still struggle as we adjust to this pointless life that we now hold.

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It will not surprise you to know that I was coming back from the Palace when it happened. Why do some people feel the need to be aggressive and to start trouble for no reason at all? Arseholes <_<

i finished with that life years ago and now live in a land of moogery in a haven of moogs where we not specketh and use the hands we have to communicate and doth dirty things in the bathroom.

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I am actually dying, and i have to get up and go to edinburgh. I know, i know, old firm w**k, but we'll be pish, and all i'll want to do during the game is drink....who the f**k decided 12 45 was a good kick off time... :(:angry:<_<

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It seems nowadays you can't even swear at the football! A guy I sit with swore once, then some p***k goes straight to a steward and complains about it. For the next 20 minutes theres four stewards watching the area around us and one of the jobsworth p***ks in an orange jacket is standing there taking notes on a clipboard. :lol:

I really can't stand jobsworth p***ks like that, they see an opportunity to use their so called "authority" and they're left nursing a hard on. As for the guy/woman (I'm convinced it was a transexual) who complained, get a fucking grip.

What stand were you sitting in? Because if it's the South (Family) Stand then you can't even say so much as say jobby without being given a row. Even that though, that's nothing. In the Love St End last season I had my collar felt by a steward after shouting at Steven O'Donnell for attempting to shoot from 30 yards out, said shot sailed high into the stand. It was the last chance of the game I'm sure and wasted any chance of points.

"Steven what do you think you're doing? You can't score from there, you'll never score from there!!"

"HAWL! Stop swearing!" I was top row, made me an easy target. Big fat steward bitch standing behind me.


"Stop swearing, this is a family section."

"I didn't swear"

"Don't lie to me, you did"

"I didn't swear".

I was then proceded to be backed up by roughly 10 people or so sitting around me that I indeed hadn't swore, and in the words of one kind gentleman I've known for years, that she was a "stupid cow". :lol: She then backed down and fair enough apologised, but then told me to "watch my agression". :blink: The fact that a large proportion of the stand was looking round as the crowd had gone quiet was a bit embarassing. The following week at school I actually heard a wee guy say to his mate as he went past me "Here, that's the guy that got thrown out of Love St for swearing!". Well I wasn't thrown out, but talk about street cred. :P

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