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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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See, I couldn't do that. Not because I'm a dirty shitebag (I'm a dirty shitebag), but even if someone is rude to me I don't like to be rude back... Sometimes I'm just too bloody nice.

It's not being rude back though, you're just expressing your annoyance that they were being an arsehole. :)

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This isn't really a nag, but I'm posting it here anyway.

Couples where the girl drives and the guy doesn't. It just seems odd to me.

It just ain't what wimmens are for!

It's fucking great, actually.

Tis like having an unpaid chaffeur who gives cuddles. What more could a bloke ask for?

Edited by wearealldoomed
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It's fucking great, actually.

Tis like having an unpaid chaffeur who gives cuddles. What more could a bloke ask for?

Not to mention the attending of certain obligatory functions where driving to said functions is required, meaning one gets chaffeured and is able to imbibe alcoholic refreshments. :)

Edited by Monster
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Not to mention the attending of certain obligatory functions where driving to said functions is required, meaning one gets chaffeured and is able to imbibe alcoholic refreshments. :)

Oh aye, that's fucking great that is :(

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Like I said, I'm just far too nice.

I'm bloody brilliant.

I'm quite a good guy too Toma, one of those folk that will help you out however I can if you need help but if you keep that pent up anger inside, you'll end up like Jim Carreys cop from Me, Myself and Irene.

If folk take the piss out of you then they're ripe for a piss-taking themselves.

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I'm quite a good guy too Toma, one of those folk that will help you out however I can if you need help but if you keep that pent up anger inside, you'll end up like Jim Carreys cop from Me, Myself and Irene.

If folk take the piss out of you then they're ripe for a piss-taking themselves.

I've never seen the film, but I can imagine what it may be like!

That's the thing, if I've never met you before I will probably make a good impression unless I'm having a really bad day, so I make friends easily. The problem is, once you get to know me you soon find out I'm a right p***k!

I'm never cheeky though, just an arsehole. :)

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Like I said, I'm just far too nice.

I'm bloody brilliant.

You sound great!

I think i'm a bit too nice at times myself, and i think people realise this. I think i've got a bit of a victim's face.

When i'm in town, i swear that tramps, big issue sellers and they charity guys wi the red jackets will walk the length of Buchanan St to get to me.

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