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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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This isn't exclusive to Fiat drivers. The number of people I see taking a swing at a corner in a small car is unbelievable.

The standard of driving in general these days is appalling.

No lights when its dark and failure to indicate ever is the most common flaw.

I'm sure people indicate less than they used to. The worst is on roundabouts when they ignore the lanes as well.

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I was out in the car for about half an hour and am now in a foul mood, yes busy christmas period + bad drivers = angry widge.

Especially the fucker who blocked a whole roundabout because he just plowed straight on didn't realise there was traffic. He got some amount of abuse from me that's for sure.

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I'm sure people indicate less than they used to. The worst is on roundabouts when they ignore the lanes as well.

I hate inconsiderate fuckers that don't indicate, with a passion. I drive artics for a living so if I'm at a roundabout and a driver is coming round without indicating I pull out in front of them (if there's enough room to do it safely of course) whilst doing my best "I'm not a fucking mind reader" sign language and slowly drive away so they have to stop til I'm clear.

It gives me an enormous sense of well being.

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I hate inconsiderate fuckers that don't indicate, with a passion. I drive artics for a living so if I'm at a roundabout and a driver is coming round without indicating I pull out in front of them (if there's enough room to do it safely of course) whilst doing my best "I'm not a fucking mind reader" sign language and slowly drive away so they have to stop til I'm clear.

It gives me an enormous sense of well being.

Pisses me off when you start crossing the road and some driver comes around and gives you 'the look' all because they couldn't be arsed indicating when there weren't any cars ahead of them.

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And what the **** is up with computers these days constantly flashing up messages about restarting in an hour or four?! I get this at work as well and it especially pisses me off when they pop up mid-Powerpoint presentation. I'll restart it when I ******* want you **** of a ******* machine. **** off. mad.gif

Edit: ^^^ Seething

Edited by Hedgecutter
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I'm usually quite a sedate driver but the past few weeks have really feckin pissed me off no end, as the number of idiots behind the wheel is shockingly high, and ffs dont even start me on c***s who can't indicate or straddle 2 lanes of a motorway, wankers, and you know who you are mad.gif

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Pisses me off when you start crossing the road and some driver comes around and gives you 'the look' all because they couldn't be arsed indicating when there weren't any cars ahead of them.

You need to learn how to perfect the "I'm not a fucking mind reader" sign language. It involves pointing at their indicator, pulling your shoulders up while throwing your hands out, palms up like an angry Frenchman and then pointing to your temple (this signifies your mind).

Oh aye, have your best evil looking scowl on your coupon to show them how angry you are and not to f**k with you.

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You need to learn how to perfect the "I'm not a fucking mind reader" sign language. It involves pointing at their indicator, pulling your shoulders up while throwing your hands out, palms up like an angry Frenchman and then pointing to your temple (this signifies your mind).

I pretty much do this every time I'm in this situation, except I usually shout "Indicators, INDICATORS!" at them - regardless if they hear me or not.

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Had a classic last week at a mini roundabout.

I was approaching 1 last week and looking right, seen a car coming but wi no indicator so slowed but didn't stop.

As it became obvious he wasn't going left I stopped but by this point I was a good 2 feet over the line.

The guy gave me a look and continued on.

200 yards down the road I pull up behind him at traffic lights and he gets out to talk to me.

He's an old guy so I don't get my anger on.

He says "you weren't gonnae stop there, were you?" I said "I'm not a mind reader, try indicating" he argued he was but I pointed out in my best stern voice "you weren't"

A great moment.

Edited by Gaz FFC
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The "Wrestling Forum" in "All Other Sports"

Really pisses me off when I see new messages in "All Other Sports" and find it's in "Wrestling". Give it it's own seperate forum and stop wasting my time teasing me with possible NFL or Cricket, or Shinty, or whatever real sports I want to read/discuss.

It's not a sport, but if it floats your boat fine by me, just stick it somewhere on its own please.

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The "Wrestling Forum" in "All Other Sports"

Really pisses me off when I see new messages in "All Other Sports" and find it's in "Wrestling". Give it it's own seperate forum and stop wasting my time teasing me with possible NFL or Cricket, or Shinty, or whatever real sports I want to read/discuss.

It's not a sport, but if it floats your boat fine by me, just stick it somewhere on its own please.

Cricket's not a real sport either. It's just a daft wee game like tiddlywinks or snakes and ladders except with less effort or skill required.

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Cricket's not a real sport either. It's just a daft wee game like tiddlywinks or snakes and ladders except with less effort or skill required.

Wrestling is more suited to film and tv, since it is just shite acting.

To the person who suggested that cricket requires no skill, you clearly have never played the game. It's a terrific sport.

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Wrestling is more suited to film and tv, since it is just shite acting.

To the person who suggested that cricket requires no skill, you clearly have never played the game. It's a terrific sport.

No it's not its shit.

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