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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Whatever you say, I'll let you have the last word on it.

I'm very, very disappointed in you Granny, backing down with such a pathetic whimper; get back in there and fight your corner.

Just because Peter Houston bails out when the going gets tough doesn't mean you have to too.

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I'm very, very disappointed in you Granny, backing down with such a pathetic whimper; get back in there and fight your corner.

Just because Peter Houston bails out when the going gets tough doesn't mean you have to too.

I'm happy to let it slide with monster, if he makes accusations then doesn't back them up fair enough. Anyway I'm used to people being disappointed in me, I warned you about this before the bus crawl. :P

Word on the street is Houstie is going to Dens, Dundee have offered him a better deal than ST and he's promised them a top six finish next season. Mind you that's easier when here's only ten in the league.

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Steve Claridge. He's a fucking dreadful pundit who seems to know almost nothing about football and always seems to be about to burst into tears on the radio. He's always seems to be arguing, even when he's agreeing.

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If I recall you were recently offered the opportunity to meet me and others in real life and passed up on it. You wanted to 'retain your mystery' or some such shit. Maybe the next time you'll take the opportunity. I'm sure it would be enlightening.

lol wut

Why would anyone want to meet a boring tosser like yourself? I think you're missing what's really in play here.

Top of the food chain...

Of an anonymous internet forum :lol:

^^^ bottom feeder

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Thing is, though, is that we're on a (relatively, anyway, in that everyone is at least distinguished by a username and avatar) anonymous forum here.

Some people will come on P&B and be pretty friendly/light-hearted, some will aim to provide information and settle misconceptions they see in the media, some people will get into a lot of heated arguments, some will come across as being incredibly weird/stalkerish - I'm genuinely not talking about any one individual here because I don't want to cause a shitstorm, just making a general point - but at the same time it's a fallacy to try to judge people in the "real world" based on the way they act here.

I mean I hate saying that because it feels like such a Captain Obvious point to be making, but it's amazing how often people will try to attribute certain characteristics to posters (usually negative for the less popular ones on here - lonely, virgin, loser etc.) with no real knowledge of that person beyond how they post on here - could well be that they do talk in a similar manner in real life, could be that they're actually very friendly and reserved but take the opportunity on P&B to say whatever they want without fear of reprisal, could be any number of things. My favourite example of this is the poster on here, Craig Burley, who regularly posts in the Tartan Army forum with several typos. Said typos usually draw the stale wit of a few P&Bers mocking him for being an idiot incapable of spelling, before someone explains that Craig is partially deaf, and types the way he signs. I think I was guilty of taking the piss out of an Ayr fan not long after I joined who posted with very poor punctuation before someone informed me that he had something similar to Craig Burley. I did, genuinely, feel a touch guilty after that.

I personally tend to agree that people should at least try to remain civil on here. It's not possible 100% of the time, younger/newer posters may get a touch more easilly wound-up by certain posters styles and some topics (I'm thinking chiefly of the whole Rangers/Sevco thing here, which is even now still causing some heated conversations on here) are going to be very emotive. But as a rule of thumb, showing a bit of self-awareness and being polite to other posters is the right way to go.

If you can't mock the afflicted, who can you mock?

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See what you've caused? I try to have a laugh with someone and XBL tries to stage an intervention :(

I know! laugh.gif To be fair you are an aggressive cunto of a man the majority of the time. Can't believe it got this bad though!

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Guest The Phoenix

And do you are you and what? :huh:

River Island has been there for as long as I can remember. Apparently they are moving elsewhere but seems like an odd thing to do.

I had to google it...

Bum Boys For Life.

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Apparently I have been since 2008 but it's only taken 5 years for someone to pull me up about it :huh:

Anyway, see River Island has closed? The St Johns Centre is about empty.

huh.gif is it? Think HMV's deed aswell, bad times


That's mental chat. Not that I care, River island is shite anyway. And are you and The Troll BBFL? Just curious.

laugh.gif It's a proper Romeo and Juliet story! I just find it funny that this time last year he was telling me to stop posting as I was a terrible poster and done nothing but insult me sad.gif Think the day we outed Granny Danger as a paedophile was a moment that brought us together though

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And do you are you and what? :huh:

River Island has been there for as long as I can remember. Apparently they are moving elsewhere but seems like an odd thing to do.

Check the edit wink.gif

Indeed it has. I used to shop there a bit, but I realised with time that it is a shit shit shop. Oh, so they are moving elsewhere in Perth? That is a bit odd. All the clothes shops in Perth are awful anyway, except Manifesto which is out of my price range...

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Aye and you were also ranting about my St Johnstone obsession ;)

The GD paedo revalation did indeed cement our relationship. That and curry.

I'd almost forgotten about your obsession! laugh.gif

And yes, the curry! Tried Balajee yet?

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I detest Manifesto, purely because the people that work there are bellends. I don't think any of them understand the whole customer service = sales = wages thing. Do you remember Kennedys or am I too old....

My mate works there...watch your tongue!

I would agree though, the atmosphere in these shops is intimidating sometimes. Never heard of Kennedy's.

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Not yet. Going out with a bird for food this Friday and had considered Balajee but not sure it's a curry occasion (if you know what I mean). Going to Sante instead. Definitely going to give Balajee a try soon though. Would you recommend the jäger sweats as an accompaniment to the meal?

I'd recommend asking the boss guy to give you shots. He makes them himself, with a mix of sambuca and ice cream, easily the best drink I've ever had.

Good luck on your date anyway, I'll be sure not to burst in that cafe and try and sabotage it, not at all. Especially since I live just along the road from it....

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