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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Work. So badly pissed off with it right now. Only thing keeping me there is the money. If I was on a salary and putting the hours in I am just now i would be walking out.

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My Cousin, She posts pics of my Nephew onto her Facebook constantly. When she posts them tho, she tags everyone on her friends list into the posts so it comes up in thier notifications. Really fucks me off now, If i wanna see pictures of my Nephew, then ill fucking look at them myself.

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My Cousin, She posts pics of my Nephew onto her Facebook constantly. When she posts them tho, she tags everyone on her friends list into the posts so it comes up in thier notifications. Really fucks me off now, If i wanna see pictures of my Nephew, then ill fucking look at them myself.

can't you change your setting so you have to give permission before being tagged in anything?

Or just delete her. it's really that simple

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I have been off ill for 5 weeks and although I have a sick lines from the doctors my boss still phones me up at least twice a week to ask when I am coming back,If I knew that I will have told him.

A place I worked were bad for that, Managers phoning you 2 hours after you have phoned in sick to see if you will come in, then again in the afternoon, then before they leave to see if you will be tomorrow.

One burd got so fed up of her manager phoning hourly for updates she said to him "Look alright? If I could stop the shite from coming out my arse long enough to wipe it I'd fucking be in. I'm not well, I've not had a sick day in over 2 years and I'm not gonna fake one, accept that and I'll phone you to tell you when I feel better!"

She got a disciplinary for it when she did come back. Managers in that place could be properly shocking at times.

Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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A place I worked were bad for that, Managers phoning you 2 hours after you have phoned in sick to see if you will come in, then again in the afternoon, then before they leave to see if you will be tomorrow.

One burd got so fed up of her manager phoning hourly for updates she said to him "Look alright? If I could stop the shite from coming out my arse long enough to wipe it I'd fucking be in. I'm not well, I've not had a sick day in over 2 years and I'm not gonna fake one, accept that and I'll phone you to tell you when I feel better!"

She got a disciplinary for it when she did come back. Managers in that place could be properly shocking at times.

Thing is I want to go back to work as I am bored shiteless,If I am not back this week I have to go in for a meeting with the boss and HR.They are in for a shock as I finish up on holiday a week on Friday anyway :lol:

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When people complain about their tea being cold. It's not actually that cold, it's still pretty warm. Compared to a glass of water out the cold tap, i'd wager most cups of tea are still at least ten times warmer.

Yep, I really got annoyed by that...

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Anyone who washes their hands then dries them via the blower is pretty much wasting their time anyway. The amount of bacteria that come from them is unreal.

Personally don't care if people don't wash their hands. If places were encouraging it then the sensible thing to do would have the bin outside the toilets so you can use your hand towel to open the door on the way out.

Bizarrely though, why is it manky if you don't wash your hands after holding your peni? It can't be that filthy surely? I wonder how many of these clean freak guys who need to wash their hands after touching it would be supportive of their missuses if they refused to stick it in their gob any more due to unhygienic reasons ;)

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Anyone who washes their hands then dries them via the blower is pretty much wasting their time anyway. The amount of bacteria that come from them is unreal.

Personally don't care if people don't wash their hands. If places were encouraging it then the sensible thing to do would have the bin outside the toilets so you can use your hand towel to open the door on the way out.

Bizarrely though, why is it manky if you don't wash your hands after holding your peni? It can't be that filthy surely? I wonder how many of these clean freak guys who need to wash their hands after touching it would be supportive of their missuses if they refused to stick it in their gob any more due to unhygienic reasons ;)

From what I remember (not a huge amount) there's some specific form of bacteria which exists mainly around your knob and bollocks, which causes infections etc if its ingested so if you rub your cock then pick up a burger and chow down it's risky apparently. I always remembered a talk or something from primary school where they said it was a high cause of ringworm or some sorts when people eat after not washing.

In general I also do it because it's just common courtesy for other folk. If I'm shaking a guys hand I'd rather he hadn't just handled his sweaty clock and balls first tbh.

Although none of this is as bad as when you see folk leave a cubicle and not wash they're hands. You've just wiped your shitty arse ffs! Wash your hands!

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Thing is I want to go back to work as I am bored shiteless,If I am not back this week I have to go in for a meeting with the boss and HR.They are in for a shock as I finish up on holiday a week on Friday anyway :lol:

Think if you remain on the sick through your holiday you can claim back your holidays, this would get it roon them.
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In a busy pub toilet and after my pish I wash my hands as you do.

By the time I use the blow drier I notice a lot of guys have just walked rather than washed.

Upon leaving the bog I realise I touched the same door handle as them to exit and was wondering why I bothered washing.

Men in pubs are manky b*****ds.

I also noticed the amount of guys who high 5 or shake hands wi their mates upon arrival.

Bet the guys wouldn't go near them if they seen what I did.

Just what horrible diseases are you scared of? Also, do you normally pish on your hands?

Finally, you are aware of the germs that are on our hands pretty much ALL the time right? Man up.

Do you not hold your cock while you have a piss? Or do you have to sit down while you pee? Also your cock has been inside your warm pants and trousers all day!

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Do you not hold your cock while you have a piss? Or do you have to sit down while you pee? Also your cock has been inside your warm pants and trousers all day!

Argh! Warmth!

Not washing your hands is pretty vile. I've seen a lot of people do it at work, and it's just disgusting.

That said, you have a point. Our desks and hands are little germ factories. We have all sorts of bacteria living on us. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

A guy i work with doesn't touch the buttons on the coffee machine. He uses a pen instead. What a moron.

Exactly. To be honest, the main reason I wash my hands is because during the day I'll be using my keyboard, eating food etc. You wouldn't insist that someone wash their hands after using a keyboard? Well by the standards of this thread, everyone should.

Someone pointed out that blow driers are full of bacteria, germs etc. Well so are keyboards. So are wallets. So are banknotes, so is the air. To be honest, even if you did somehow actually piss on your hands, it would probably make your hands cleaner. In fact, keyboards are probably the worst thing out there.

Oh, and we've already had the hoary old line "wouldn't touch the bowls of nuts on the bar", which, as pointed out, basically never happens in this country. Oh, and to the guy who said he wants to eat crisps, so washes his hands, do you wash your hands before eating crisps if you're in the office? Gotta get that keyboard disease off them before you catch aids from yourself!

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I'd get moaned at tae f**k. "Wit ye dont want tae see yer Nephews photo's?" and so on

Tell her you think some of your mates might be a bit "dodgy" and every time she tags you in a picture of him, they get access to his photos.

Edited by Mrs M
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I'd get moaned at tae f**k. "Wit ye dont want tae see yer Nephews photo's?" and so on

Tell her you think some of your mates might be a bit "dodgy" and every time she tags you in a picture of him, they get access to his photos.
^^ I'd fully expect her to fall for this. Superb bluff. Turning Facebook paranoia on itself....

Edit: Unless some of your mates are "dodgy", in which case tell her and see how long it is till she deletes you...

Edited by Barrfields_Largs
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