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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Cafe owners - if you have menus on the table, I expect table fucking service. Two fucking cafes this morning I've gone in, sat down and been ignored by staff gassing behind a counter twenty fucking feet away. Both of them I got up and left - the 2nd one had the waitress come running after me at the door asking to help but I told them I didn't want to interrupt.

Anybody else agree? Menu on the table, table service?

Eh, no.

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Fuxxakes. Heathens.

The alternative is walking up to the counter and having to squint at a board and make your decision within 3 seonds otherwise you look like a fanny.

Menu on table but no table service

Walk in, sit down, take your jacket off, browse menu and walk to counter to place order.

No menus and no table service

*walk into cafe*

"Hi, what would you like?"

*squints at board*

"Eh.....eh...can I get a........"

*awkward silence*

"Just gees 2 minutes mate"

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Worse still are people who stop and stand in the middle of the busy pavement.

Some stupid p***k dropped a penny (not a £2 or a £1 coin, a fucking penny!) in front of me in Central Station yesterday and stopped in his tracks and bent down to pick it up. As this was at rush hour with folk trying to get their trains home, I'm amazed that this c**t didn't start a chain of events that left hundreds dead.

I only barely contained the urge to volley the ignorant b*****d right up his fucking hoop.

Edited by KnightswoodBear
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On days like today it seems like my world is surrounded by morons. Absolute morons.

The toilet in our house has been faulty for several months. Sometimes it flushes, sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't you have to take the lid off the cistern and essentially pull the flushing mechanism from there. Last night, when I was at work, this stopped working. No matter what I do, the toilet won't flush. One of the brain dead morons I live with is on holiday, having completely failed to comprehend the possibility of this failing. They won't pass on the contact details of British Gas so I could sort it. So now it looks 99% likely that we'll have no flushing toilet over Christmas and New Year. Fucking great.

The other brain dead moron I live with has absolutely no capacity or understanding how to tidy up after themselves. I come home from work to find all my food eaten with mess everywhere, while they f**k around the house doing absolutely nothing.

Then when I get to escape the bedlam of the house I go to one of the least satisfying jobs ever. I work in retail(don't do it!). So not only do I get Christmas "jingles" when I enter work I have to deal with all the stressed out people who seem to think this is a big deal. At around 11:30pm Clyde 1 is forced on me, completely non-negotiable, because the boss wants music. I can't even escape it on my dinner break in the canteen as the music is played over the tannoy and there is nowhere to go that doesn't have it. This means I have to listen to the same 6 songs all night, with the shame shitty DJ making "jokes". Tonight I'm expected to "participate" in the Christmas spirit and wear stupid Christmas stuff despite the fact that it has absolutely nothing to do with my religion. The only food on offer from the canteen will be a Christmas Dinner and the sittings are going to coincide with one of my breaks.

Going back onto my job, I work with the most incompetent morons ever, yet somehow they get away with doing absolutely f**k all from management despite numerous complaints.

In 2014 I hope to leave my job for another one, and hopefully leave the house, and people. I live with permanently, though on nights like tonight I sometimes wish I could opt out of life temporarily.

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All of this Nelson Mandela shit at the football. I saw someone on Twitter saying that they'd had a minutes applause at his Sunday league game. Maybe I'm mistaken, but was he even a football guy? I know he had some involvement in South Africa's rugby team when they won the World Cup (him and Matt Damon were fly-halfs, I think) but the dude has been cold for a week now and they're still giving it the whole "big loss" shtick before the Champions League games.

I really don't understand this whole grief fetish that some people (and, many times multiplied, some organisations) have. It's like nobody wants to be the first one to stop clapping after one of Hitler's speeches. God forbid someone has a game of football without a minute's silence for whatever barely relevant human being(s) stopped breathing this week.

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All of this Nelson Mandela shit at the football. I saw someone on Twitter saying that they'd had a minutes applause at his Sunday league game. Maybe I'm mistaken, but was he even a football guy? I know he had some involvement in South Africa's rugby team when they won the World Cup (him and Matt Damon were fly-halfs, I think) but the dude has been cold for a week now and they're still giving it the whole "big loss" shtick before the Champions League games.

I really don't understand this whole grief fetish that some people (and, many times multiplied, some organisations) have. It's like nobody wants to be the first one to stop clapping after one of Hitler's speeches. God forbid someone has a game of football without a minute's silence for whatever barely relevant human being(s) stopped breathing this week.

I agree it's been over done, but for us old folk his release from prison and orchestrating a peaceful changeover to democracy was a massive moment, coming as it did just a few years after the fall of the Iron Curtain. No idea if he's into his football, but I'm pretty sure he's got zero interest in the egg shaped thing, despite Hollywood.

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Guest The Phoenix
People who spend their lives talking about mobile phones and phone contracts, I struggle to think of a more boring subject.

^^^ clearly not read Ad Lib on politics.

PS I would STRONGLY ADVISE you not to bother.

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 The other brain dead moron I live with has absolutely no capacity or understanding how to tidy up after themselves. I come home from work to find all my food eaten with mess everywhere, while they f**k around the house doing absolutely nothing.


I can relate to this. I don't actually mind if people eat my food, half the time I have to throw things out anyway so I'd rather it didn't go to waste but when they a) finish the food without asking first or b) completely deny taking it when I know fine well that they have, that's when it starts to get on my tits.

One of my flatmates posts on here, so this'll be the last rant on the morons* I live with in case it causes tension.

*they're actually alright and the suspected food thief has moved out so I can't complain.

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All of this Nelson Mandela shit at the football. I saw someone on Twitter saying that they'd had a minutes applause at his Sunday league game. Maybe I'm mistaken, but was he even a football guy? I know he had some involvement in South Africa's rugby team when they won the World Cup (him and Matt Damon were fly-halfs, I think) but the dude has been cold for a week now and they're still giving it the whole "big loss" shtick before the Champions League games.

I really don't understand this whole grief fetish that some people (and, many times multiplied, some organisations) have. It's like nobody wants to be the first one to stop clapping after one of Hitler's speeches. God forbid someone has a game of football without a minute's silence for whatever barely relevant human being(s) stopped breathing this week.

I was working at the Scottish Asian Business Awards last night and there was a minutes silence for Nelson Mandela. It was incredibly awkward. I didn't know if I was allowed to walk about the place and actually do my job or whether I had to stand there for a minute in silence and pay my respects again.

I ended up doing the latter but someone's phone went off during it and I laughed a little. Oops.

I agree though, it's completely needless during the football and for them all to still be fauning over it all. I'm sure pretty much every club in the world would have had a silence at the weekend there. You don't need to do it again. And again.

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