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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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It's definitely a strange sensation. I'm scared I'm going to end up getting used to it and go home on the bus wearing it one day.

I never wear pyjamas just in case I get too comfortable and stroll to work in them in the summer, half asleep as usual..

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Ignorant c***s that stand and chat in a doorway. Utterly cretinous and moronic behaviour. Do they never think to move to either side of the doorway instead of blocking it and awkwardly holding the door open?!

I have also recently seen the following, similar acts of ignorant stupudity that had be fuming;

- A woman who was walking towards an escalator then stopped right in front of, blocking access to it for eceryone else, whilst she rooted around in her purse

- A man got on the bus but then stood in the aisle, right at the front of the bus, chatting to someone whilst a large queue formed behind him. Why he didn't just sit down to chat is a mystery. He should have been banned from the bus for life for a such a display of ignorance.

- Two woman who blocked an aisle in Asda with their trollies as they stood talking. Supermarkets should ban such thundering idiots.

Sub human scum.

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Ignorant c***s that stand and chat in a doorway. Utterly cretinous and moronic behaviour. Do they never think to move to either side of the doorway instead of blocking it and awkwardly holding the door open?!

I have also recently seen the following, similar acts of ignorant stupudity that had be fuming;

- A woman who was walking towards an escalator then stopped right in front of, blocking access to it for eceryone else, whilst she rooted around in her purse

- A man got on the bus but then stood in the aisle, right at the front of the bus, chatting to someone whilst a large queue formed behind him. Why he didn't just sit down to chat is a mystery. He should have been banned from the bus for life for a such a display of ignorance.

- Two woman who blocked an aisle in Asda with their trollies as they stood talking. Supermarkets should ban such thundering idiots.

DA you seem to be in a rush all day long, not good for the heart. Anyway, never heard of the these few words 'excuse me, please' ;)

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I agree with DA Baracus, I can't stand people who seem to have no consideration for others and block aisles in Asda etc.

Started getting stuff delivered rather that go to my local Asda. It always younger mums talking to each other, you feel like you can't moan at them because they have kids etc but if two guys in their twenties thirties stood about blocking the aisle they would be quick to moan.

If you want to chat for more than a passing hello then do it outside please!

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DA you seem to be in a rush all day long, not good for the heart. Anyway, never heard of the these few words 'excuse me, please' ;)

Not at all. It's just a petty thing that gets on my nerves. And indeed I have; I am a very polite gentleman.

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Agreed to go hill climbing this morning with a bunch of folk I don't even know. Not only are we setting off at 9am, but it's pissing with rain and we're going to the only Ben I've ever climbed, Ben A'an.

And I don't even like A'an. It's just a shameful attempt to appear at the top of the list of the bens.

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Guest The Phoenix

Agreed to go hill climbing this morning with a bunch of folk I don't even know. Not only are we setting off at 9am, but it's pissing with rain and we're going to the only Ben I've ever climbed, Ben A'an.

And I don't even like A'an. It's just a shameful attempt to appear at the top of the list of the bens.

Don't go. They won't know you're not there.

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Folk that stick padlocks with their names etched into them onto bridges / fences.

Nothing but unsightly vandalism in what used to be nice places.

^^^ Can't afford a padlock.

Back on topic, that song by "clean bandit". More overplayed shite.

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Waking up at your normal time when you have a day off. I thought switching the alarm off would help, but no, I still woke up at 5.40 am

I do this every Saturday morning. It's annoying for about five seconds cos I think I've slept in for work, then I realise it's Saturday morning and go back to sleep :P

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Thought i should add some context , copied from my facebook rant :lol:

Well the Royal Mail have outdone themselves, make me wait from 7am this morning (delivered between 7am & 6pm)

Following it on track and trace & have been watching out the window for them arriving
I refresh the track and trace and their driver is claiming he has just been at my door and I didn't answer, because he has lied about being here he hasn't left me a card either so i cant go down to the sorting office.

The woman who took the complaint tried to tell me it would be re-delivered "between 7am & 6pm on Monday" (aye right)

I feel sorry for whoever is on their twitter customer service page because im moaning away at them about the driver , the woman who took the call & the fact that i cant go and collect my item (not even asking them to bring it out to me again) until monday due to something at their end

This must be how menzies customers feel
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Thought i should add some context , copied from my facebook rant :lol:

Funny you should say that. Last Saturday I had an attempted delivery through the door and the time was 1045. I was up at 1030 and he certainly didn't ring the bell and I never heard the door. The dog always barks and she never. Makes you wonder if they just fill in attempted's at the weekend rather than lug the parcels about! Arseholes.

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Funny you should say that. Last Saturday I had an attempted delivery through the door and the time was 1045. I was up at 1030 and he certainly didn't ring the bell and I never heard the door. The dog always barks and she never. Makes you wonder if they just fill in attempted's at the weekend rather than lug the parcels about! Arseholes.

yeah , our outside buzzer doesn't work , so i unlocked the close door but had to watch by the window for them arriving definately didn't , and the fact there wasn't even a card shows that

they delivered me a "something for you" card today , which i presume is different to a "sorry you weren't in" card.

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