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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Hate people who phone in sick who have the fecking "cold". Man the f**k up and get to work!!

I have to disagree with this. I'm obviously one of these minky b*****d who doesn't catch anything (touch wood) so have never had to do it but my PTTGOYN is people that come in and spread it all around the office / shop because they feel it doesn't stop them doing their job.

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As there is no thread entitled Major things that boil your pish, here will have to do.

My point is this useless, talentless fucking mess of a human being, if the c**t jumped out of a window he'd fucking fall upwards.


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Gavin and Stacy wasn't too bad but it was basically him just playing himself.

Not sure how his career has gone so well since?

Something about him is just so annoying, don't know what it is.

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My other half's brother who we're staying with for a few weeks has a Metallica lullaby set for his 2 year old and new on the scene baby which at first seemed pretty cool. Half a week on however and after hearing it most of the day on repeat through the baby monitor and later at night it's doing my f***ing head in already. I genuinely fear that after this I won't be able to listen to any of the songs on the following list without being seriously creeped out by the haunting xylophone / glockenspiel chimes:


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New iPhone, new iPhone, the new iPhone is here.... f**k off


Pretty much sums it up. It doesn't cover the compulsion all iPhone users appear to share which is the incessant need to brag about how fucking great their phones are compared to those used by anyone not part of the cult. I swear, some of my co-workers must be on commission.

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Sports reporters on BBC breakfast!

They talk to the hosts about what their main story is for 30 seconds saying something like 'oh didn't Wales do well last night, some goal from Bale to win it.' Then they turn to face the camera and start their spiel, 'Hello, Wales got off to a good start last night after Gareth Bale scored two goals to win the game 2-1.'

Every morning that's how they set their stories up, does my head in.

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When opening a new box of tablets (painkillers on this occassion, toothache, fucking killing me) and it always opens at the end where the wee instruction/dont kill yourself leaflet is.

You'd think that's like tossing a coin in that it's a 50% average if you did it 100 times. If I was to actually record the amount of times this happens to me though I think it would be around 90% of the time that I open it instruction side.

I have to sign in all the meds at work and it f&cking infuriates me. I just stick a bit of tape on the instruction side after I've finished signing them in. That doesn't prevent the initial opening, but it prevents further rage when it comes to dispensing. While we are on that topic; a PTTGOMN is folk putting empty strips back into packets!

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Can't see the yank warming to Corden.

Anyone know why Craig 'Creg' Ferguson is leaving that post?

The speculation is that it was due to him being passed over as David Letterman's replacement but he insists he never wanted that job anyway. The official line is simply that he was tired and just fancied doing something else. Certainly, the few times I was up late enough to check out 'The Late, Late Show' in the later years, it appeared he was just dialing it in. Painfully unfunny.

He's lined up to host some crappy looking game show soon.

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