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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Self-serve is great except it can never weigh your own bags correctly.

Have to agree that self-serve is great. The amount of people who struggle through them is ridiculous when it such a simple process. Its my super-market pet hate.

Never used my own bags through them though, I can see how that would be a problem.

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Have to agree that self-serve is great. The amount of people who struggle through them is ridiculous when it such a simple process. Its my super-market pet hate.

Never used my own bags through them though, I can see how that would be a problem.

It seems to treat lightweight canvas bags for an entire raw turkey or stack of DVDs, and then you get the thinly-veiled "warning: crim checking out" alerts until the staff member comes over and tells the machine to stop being such a dick.

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I don't know what's more annoying, the machines not working or listening to half a dozen of them echoing:

Thank you for shopping at Morrisons... Do you have your own bag, Thank you for shopping at... notes are dispensed from the lower slot... welcome to Morrisons, do you have your own... please choose your payment method, welcome to Morrisons, please wait, the assistant is coming... do you have your own bag... notes are dispensed from the lower... do you have your own bag... please wait, the assistant is coming... and so so on.


Tesco ones at least weigh the stuff for a couple of seconds then allows you to remove it from the baggage area, giving you room if you've a basket full of stuff. I've tried doing that at Morrisons and Asda and the machine goes fucking tonto.

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Have to agree that self-serve is great. The amount of people who struggle through them is ridiculous when it such a simple process. Its my super-market pet hate.

The problem I have is that they seemingly take the liberty of trying it out for the first time directly in front of me, every single time.

If you don't know how to use it by now, stop trying.

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"It would have been Amy Winehouse's 29th birthday today"

Yes it would, if she hadn't drunk herself to death. Or if she had managed to survive that and not snort herself to death. Or if she had survived...etc.

Same applies to every other dead person - would have been, isn't, so shut the f*ck up.

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It's a bugger when history repeats itself.

So much for learning from History.

Set myself up for that I suppose :lol:

My new PTTGOYN is school leavers hoodies. They're ridiculously expensive and a generally shite idea IMO but I'm constantly having folk asking me which one I'm getting. Cannot understand why folk buy these, why you'd want to retain your school identity after you've left is beyond me.

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When you're challenging for a league title towards the end of the season in Football Manager and go a goal down to some hideously dreadful team with some shite no-mark scoring his first goal of the season.

I mean, going a goal down against any pish team is bad enough, but it's the first goal of the season part that really makes me want to end it all via defenestration.

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That my wife asks me "have you been drinking?" any time I have some IRN BRU or ginger beer.

She's American, she thinks it smells like booze!

Kick her in the pie.

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