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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Barry Ferguson in the paper today crying that he got less than £100k bonus for winning the treble wi Rangers.

Given you get paid very handsomely for doing your job, I wouldn't cry in a tabloid read by the working classes who earn in a year what you got in a week about how low your bonus for doing your job is

Im not Ferguson's biggest fan, but you completely miss his point.

He wasn't complaining about how small his bonuses were. He was pointing out the lunacy of the current board paying out bonuses larger than he got for winning a treble for winning the Third Division.

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People spamming whatsapp with an updated version of that old "msn will start charging you unless you message x amount of people to make your icon blue" pish.

Do people not remember these things from last time round?


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People spamming whatsapp with an updated version of that old "msn will start charging you unless you message x amount of people to make your icon blue" pish.

Do people not remember these things from last time round?


Sounds like the Facebook pish going about a while ago. Dire stuff, these people need deleting.

I'm sure it's nicely covered in the Facebook Top Fives thread, if you really want to go to town on it.

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I'd love to be smothered by someone in a tiger onesie to make my hangovers better, TBH. Pikachu can piss off. Would not help at all.

Really? Just google it post-28028-13809621869917_thumb.jpg

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Or students that sit in the disabled seats on the subway.


As long as they'd give them up when a disabled person came on and needed them, what's the big issue with that (when I presume seats are scarce)?

Loads of people walk four or three abreast along the pavement btw.

That sounds like me standing up for students too much though, so I'll add: Students that expect to get student discount at every football ground in the land, not realising that student discount exists in the cities to get more of the poor local population through the gates.

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As long as they'd give them up when a disabled person came on and needed them, what's the big issue with that (when I presume seats are scarce)?

Loads of people walk four or three abreast along the pavement btw.

That sounds like me standing up for students too much though, so I'll add: Students that expect to get student discount at every football ground in the land, not realising that student discount exists in the cities to get more of the poor local population through the gates.

If less grounds had student discount for away fans I'd go to less away games. All clubs should offer it.

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As long as they'd give them up when a disabled person came on and needed them, what's the big issue with that (when I presume seats are scarce)?

Loads of people walk four or three abreast along the pavement btw.

That sounds like me standing up for students too much though, so I'll add: Students that expect to get student discount at every football ground in the land, not realising that student discount exists in the cities to get more of the poor local population through the gates.

Student discount is great. My 6 year out of date student card has only ever failed me once!

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Nae sleep last night, little boy is sick (this is not the PTTGOYN) so was awake every half hour with him coughing and being sick. Finally we get to sleep at about 3am & the wife alarm goes off at 4:30am wtf. "Sorry" she put the wrong time in.

Never got back to sleep as at 5:30 it light outside & the fucking neighbours are up shouting as if it was hogmany party.

Edited by SlipperyP
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If less grounds had student discount for away fans I'd go to less away games. All clubs should offer it.

I'm pretty sure that if Brechin for example included students as a concession, then they'd lose money on what they would have anyway. I could imagine at a higher level then the price different would be a bit more significant though. For example, I wouldn't have gone to Pittodrie at a full adult price.

The key word in my post was 'expect' though.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Fucktards who walk along, head down, eyes glued to their smart phone or worse their tablet. Who then have the audacity to get the hump when they walk into you.

People who walk while they're staring at their phone really are bellends of the highest order. If you need to check something fucking stop and look.

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People who walk while they're staring at their phone really are bellends of the highest order. If you need to check something fucking stop and look.

Yes, agreed. It's near impossible to text and walk at the same time, I don't know how they do it.

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Plus, there's the whole issue of priorities. Whose life is that important that they have to be glued to their phone 24/7? It's true that smartphones have made global communication easier, but the downside is that every coffee shop and pub is now full of folk scrolling up and down and giggling. Just make time to relax and put your phone away.

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