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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Relatives who every single year, force themselves into my house to "celebrate" Christmas. It stresses out my mum out something rotten and is completely unfair for us to have to continually foot the bill for "Christmas Dinner". It's a fucking joke. Everyone else has big houses so size isn't an issue for them hosting. There was plans for it to be held in Edinburgh, which seem to have been deliberately dingied in favour of coming to ours. :thumbsdown

Anyone with a contagious disease currently? If so I'll pay for your services to plague me with this illness so I can have a Christmas time where I can just have some peace and quiet and get hideously drunk throughout the day.

Christmas Day has always been round at my parents place. But usually relatives will foot the bill for different parts of the day. So one relative will supply all the wine, another will bring the spirits and mixers along, One set of grandparents would do deserts and the other all the starters leaving my parents to do the main part of the meal and not having to pay for everyone to be fed and watered on the day.

Seems the best way of doing it.

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Having watched them in action, I'm not sure it's anything more sinister than the angle they take the picture from but I do know what you mean. When I take my own pictures to post on S1Homes they never seem to turn out right!

All they do is take the picture from up in the corner of a room near the ceiling.

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Guest The Phoenix

Not exactly petty, but problems with my back again. Ligiment the bit that connects bones to other bones trouble this time according to the oesteoapth back guy.

Any fellow sufferers?


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Talking of estate agents - I'm sick of their hideously distorted pics of rooms. Desperate to make the rooms look bigger, they stretch the images so it looks like a 6ft wide washing machine in a huge kitchen. Living rooms look like tennis courts with fireplaces big enough to roast a hog in.

When you go to view mind and take along a cat for a good swing.

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Disappointed the top 50 posters thread has been locked and shifted to Gold already. Was still a fair bit of mileage in it I reckon.


Dry yer eyes ye teuchter cnut. I'm sure one of yer wee pals will be along in a minute to start a further tedious love-in.

The X-factor, Big Brother, x-box generation seem to require continual validation.

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Dry yer eyes ye teuchter cnut. I'm sure one of yer wee pals will be along in a minute to start a further tedious love-in.

The X-factor, Big Brother, x-box generation seem to require continual validation.

I'm sure there will be another one kicking about soon, they're very popular, and for good reason, they're a great source of entertainment, but that doesn't mean that the one that's just been closed wasn't entertaining and wasn't continuing to be entertaining. It was also much less of a love-in and much more of a bitchfest, which is what made it such an enjoyable read.

I'm sure the irony of that second paragraph - posted on a message board (which by it's very nature is a quest for validation of opinion by its members) likely form a laptop, tablet or smart phone - by someone your age isn't lost on anyone reading it.

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Contact lenses. I've just started wearing them and it takes ages to get them in my eyes. Infuriating.

I've been wearing them for about two and a half years now. Initially I would just wear them on nights out but now I have them in every day so I've done away with glasses. They do take a wee while to get used to and the thought of touching your eyeball can be off-putting but in a few weeks time you'll have mastered it.

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People who bid on your items on Ebay without paying straight away are utter c***s.

Sold a brand new iPhone 5 there for £380 and the guy messaged me saying he will be able to pay after midnight on Wednesday. If you don't have money to pay for the thing don't fucking bid on it.

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Dry yer eyes ye teuchter cnut. I'm sure one of yer wee pals will be along in a minute to start a further tedious love-in.

The X-factor, Big Brother, x-box generation seem to require continual validation.

Still, at least you're not bothered by it all.
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I had a £350 jacket, brand new with tags, sold for £150. Lassie says it was for her man but could she pay at the end of the month, it was about the 10th. She said please a lot, and I hoped she'd give is a gammy if we ever met so I accepted.

Emailed her at the end of the month. Her reply? - Sorry, found a different jacket cheaper. :lol: cow.

ETA : if anyone's interested in a MA Strum Torch jacket, size M (BNWT) for £150. PM me.

How long do you have to wait before bunging it back on Ebay? I thought it was instant with Paypal until I bought a nailgun recently, realised before getting to the Paypal page that I'd missed they were charging an extortionate amount for postage, so didn't pay, and emailed them to ask them to cancel the purchase, which they did. I've always had the money within a day when I've sold something though.

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Yodel. They should join with CityLink and become one mega crap delivery company. Just received an email and text message saying that the courier had been round to deliver my parcel but nobody was around to sign for it. This is despite the fact I am sitting in the living room, right beside the door and I am able to see any car/ van that drives past.


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When your duvet does that thing where it all goes to the one side so you're left with half of it just sheet. Always far too comfortable to bother fixing in but you feel a little disappointed.

My other half always gets on at me when I make the bed with the duvet sheet buttons at the pillow end.

That's not the gripe though. Mine is when you stick the 'do not disturb' sign on a hotel door and you come back to find your bed all made up. Might sound odd but I usually find it much comfier the second night. Who changes their bed sheets at home on a daily basis???

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